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  • #21886
    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
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    This is interesting. Get ready for a targeted, EXPENSIVE waste of money selling the message that the prices are ok….. and in response to push back over hep c pricing. Keep pushing back, it is working, they are prepared to spend this much money distracting people. Be very proud Dr J, this is the impact of the people power refusal to lay down and die being led here.

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    A.L., as the kids say now: SERIOUSLY?

    Gaj summed it up, Gilead has attempted to block access from India to western “Tier 1 pricing” countries. Bangladesh does not have to honor any Pharmaceutical patents, and that is a right bestowed by WTO, so it is sanctioned by the world body. They are doing nothing criminal.

    You should give the Gilead “love” you have a rest, at least on this forum. Everyone else here despises those greedy bastards.

    Avatar photofretboard
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    ”James-Freeman-facebook” wrote:

    Thus far Gilead have made $31.5 billion from a drug that Pharmasset spent $281 million developing.

    Quite a system! It’s unfortunate that the US and other countries are being screwed by Gilead and the exorbitant prices being charged for their HepC drugs. This could break Medicare as we know it and any other State or Federally funded healthcare program!!! :evil: :evil: The US Healthcare system and private insurance companies could learn a lot from Australia if anyone would listen!!! :evil:


    G1a dx’d in 1992, Biopsy F2 VL 8mill +. Tried tx with Interferon/Riba, back in 2008 didn’t last long it felt horribly ugly!! I stopped tx, after 5 weeks!!
    Started tx 6/1/16 with Harvoni.
    12 Month Labs= UND

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    • Recovery Champion
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    Greedfighter wrote:

    A.L., as the kids say now: SERIOUSLY?

    Gaj summed it up, Gilead has attempted to block access from India to western “Tier 1 pricing” countries.

    Interesting. Do you have any links?

    You should give the Gilead “love” you have a rest, at least on this forum. Everyone else here despises those greedy bastards.

    Thanks but no thanks. For one, I haven’t mentioned any love here, but have rather spent a few posts pointing out the hypocrisy of taking a one-sided position of hate against a company who has benefited so many commentators on this forum. The sanctimonious chest beating is sickening to watch as its complete lack of self insight and rationality mirrors very closely that of more serious hate-inciting organisations that are better left unnamed.

    Second, not everyone else here despises “those greedy bastards”. Plenty others here understand that the real arguments are much more complex than your kindergarten constructions, and that words such as “despise” have no place in these discussions. It is certainly not me that needs to take a rest.

    G4, F4, cirrhosis.

    Thank you to Gilead, Michael Sofia, and the terrific folk at FixHepC for making this adventure possible.

    YEAR….. ALT….. AST….. GGT… FERRITIN………………………………….
    2009……. 210….. 215….. 953….. 1400……….. (Bad health, stupidity)
    2015……. 60……. 45……. 150….. 360…………. (Improved diet and health, FixHepC treatment)
    2016……. 20……. 24……. 25……. 156…………. (SVR 12)

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi A.L,

    Please read this – it’s informed, balanced and passed peer review:


    Pharma spends 1.3% of gross revenues on R&D and 25% on marketing. They are laying waste to the public purse (both government and insurance) while not delivering what we, as in the world, need ie more new novel antibiotics. I think I use the words “strangling the goose that lays the golden eggs” and like it or not, it is totally accurate.

    At the moment health care costs are increasing by 7% pa in most of the western world. GDP growth is 3%. That 4% annual gap means healtcare budgets DOUBLE – in real terms – within 20 years (they will on the current trajectory quadruple in actual dollar value).

    In Australia healthcare costs 9.8% of GDP. Double that and we get to 20% (what it currently is in the USA) but that 9.8% is also 28.6% of consolidated revenue – so double that and over 1/2 our budget is going on health which leads to what do we give up to fund it? Education, roads, ports, prisons? The money has to come from somewhere.

    And what is the major line item in the health budget? Pharma.

    Sofosbuvir existed for 10 years before Gilead bought it as a nearly done deal, and would have hit the market regardless, at a lower price and with the direct result that some of the 500,000 HCV patients who died last year (about the same number that got treated) would be alive and well, enjoying time with family and friends.

    Gilead are one of the worst examples, but far from the only one. I also recommend this short letter to you, and the 2 minute video from Bloomberg at the end:


    Do you want know the worst thing about SVR?

    Chances are you’re going to live long enough to see the western health system implode under the weight of the sort of greed that would make even Gordon Gecko blush.


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