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    Good to hear from you Woobia22. Glad things are going better for you!

    Woobia 22
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    Cheers All

    Well I just had my weigh in and I have put on another Kilo, it is everyone elses fault ha ha.

    Tawani makes her first ever Cheescake, Millie makes an Apple Pie and I just love food.

    I dont eat much in the mornings but find I have to have something as I get Dizzy and still very very tired.
    But really Nothing to whinge about really, hope everyone is taking the meds and all the Best to all.

    First diagnosed Nov 2012 with Hep C 1a End Liver disease
    Failed peg and Sof/dac
    Given 18 mths to live Aug 2014
    Failed sof/dac July 2015
    Sep 2015 given till March 2016 to live as nothing they can do
    Sourced a supply of sof/dac from India told I was a fool by staff at SCGH
    Been in a coma twice 2016 6 stays in Hospital
    Last 4 weeks have been unreal back into life again
    Hope No One else is treated like Shit by Med Specialists as the Nurse are UNREAL The Good Doc Freeman is genuine Barry Ashton

    Barry Ashton

    Woobia 22
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    Yeah well all good guts is sore legs are gone but weight is also still there as never stop eating but overall good. I beat Hep C and finally Cancer free still now for 5 months, but fuk this Glandular Fever has knocked me around.

    Went to olm8 Brickwall again today and had a ball as he thanked me for telling him about the Good Doc Freeman for his 2 Hep C patients, he is gunna try his connections in India to see if he can get the Ruski Drug cheaper to help as well.

    My Daughter is now being Home Schooled with me as the Tutor and Boss taking over when she has days off. She is a lot happier as she had a gutful of getting Double Banked and Mobbed by Sad Lonely Bitches. Teachers were absolutely hopeless except for one who offered to keep an eye on her for me but I felt guilty taking he away from other students and her work. She is going ok with Cooking class and Washing Dishes and Clothes. I have her reading and doing a write up on every 3 chapters and Math tests and googling what we dont know. It will get better as I want her to start a Baby Sitting gig and start Banking and learn all about establishing credit History etc. Also going to get her to Invest in Bitcoin and Eth etc for future.

    Hope all are smashing the Hep C and to you Doc Freeman all the Best and keep up the Great work.

    First diagnosed Nov 2012 with Hep C 1a End Liver disease
    Failed peg and Sof/dac
    Given 18 mths to live Aug 2014
    Failed sof/dac July 2015
    Sep 2015 given till March 2016 to live as nothing they can do
    Sourced a supply of sof/dac from India told I was a fool by staff at SCGH
    Been in a coma twice 2016 6 stays in Hospital
    Last 4 weeks have been unreal back into life again
    Hope No One else is treated like Shit by Med Specialists as the Nurse are UNREAL The Good Doc Freeman is genuine Barry Ashton

    Barry Ashton

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    Of all the people who’s stories I have read on this forum yours has got to be one of the most remarkable. I don’t know you but whenever I read about your progress, spirit and recovery it brings a smile to the dial. Life is pretty sweet isn’t it.

    Genotype 1a
    Diagnosed in 2004, had HCV for all my adult life. Until 2016!!!!
    Harvoni treatment, started 19 March 2016
    4 week results Bilirubin 12 down from 14 pre treatment,
    Gamma 25 down from 52, ALT 19 down from 63, AST 19 down from 47,
    VL <15 down from a lazy 6 million or so

    EOT Results
    Bilirubin 10, GGT 18, ALT 19, AST 21, VL UND

    12 Weeks post EOT
    Bilirubin 11, GGT 16, ALT 22, AST 20, VL UND
    Cured baby

    Woobia 22
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    Well just got back from the local Doc and Bloody Hell Still ALL GOOD

    Supposed to go to Perth again in 2 weeks for MRI and then 2 weeks later for a 2min chat with someone who couldnt give 2 f …s But I will go to first one and skip the other.

    They are Building a New Hospital in Karratha and ffs NO NEW Machines Not even getting an MRI for all the Pilbara and Kimberleys Millions and Millions wasted again. They are also finishing the Multi Million $ Arts Center for the 16 people that will attend it on a regular basis.

    My Local Doc has 2 patients with Hep C and 1 is ok now after the new treatment but the other seems to be like me and it wont clear so I have sent him the Drug name that Doc Freeman put me on. He was astounded with my results in comparison to what they were and ALL indicators were Negative. Just gotta get over the Glandular Fever and Look out World.

    Good Luck all and Thank You again to the Worlds Favourite Doctor Freeman Whafukinhoo
    Have a great Xmas and Best wishes for 2018. Never thought I would write that let alone Seeing it.

    First diagnosed Nov 2012 with Hep C 1a End Liver disease
    Failed peg and Sof/dac
    Given 18 mths to live Aug 2014
    Failed sof/dac July 2015
    Sep 2015 given till March 2016 to live as nothing they can do
    Sourced a supply of sof/dac from India told I was a fool by staff at SCGH
    Been in a coma twice 2016 6 stays in Hospital
    Last 4 weeks have been unreal back into life again
    Hope No One else is treated like Shit by Med Specialists as the Nurse are UNREAL The Good Doc Freeman is genuine Barry Ashton

    Barry Ashton

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Barry,

    Point that patient to me. I’ll help get them fixed.


    Woobia 22
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    Yo Doc
    I will do as I think Doc Soma Gamabhjdfhfllkt vjj??? has contacted you from Karratha Medical Center before or at least he has checked out your site.

    I sent him a pic of the reply you put in stating what the Ruski Drug actually is so no doubt he will check his suppliers in India but he may call you. As long s this guy gets to be free it will be great/

    Thanks again Doc and All the Best to you and your Family for Xmas and 2018.

    First diagnosed Nov 2012 with Hep C 1a End Liver disease
    Failed peg and Sof/dac
    Given 18 mths to live Aug 2014
    Failed sof/dac July 2015
    Sep 2015 given till March 2016 to live as nothing they can do
    Sourced a supply of sof/dac from India told I was a fool by staff at SCGH
    Been in a coma twice 2016 6 stays in Hospital
    Last 4 weeks have been unreal back into life again
    Hope No One else is treated like Shit by Med Specialists as the Nurse are UNREAL The Good Doc Freeman is genuine Barry Ashton

    Barry Ashton

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Barry,

    If they guy is Australian with a Medicare card then what we want for GT1 retreatment is Viekira + Sofosbuvir or for GT3 Zepatier + Sofosbuvir. For GT2 12 weeks Epclusa is all we can get on the PBS but for retreatment, you could add a bit of generic Sof+Dac or Sof+Vel to extend that.


    Woobia 22
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    Hi All hope everyone is good.

    I am feeling Down atm as I was going really well and then early March felt something wasnt right so talked with my Nurse at SCGH and they arranged for a MRI and they filled out ALL forms Twice for Pats and I did same here at Hospital. But PATS rejected it on the both occasions even though they sent forms to SCGH to be filled out. They arranged for a Scan done here locally and all clear but I felt there was spmething wrong again . So I went down by myself and paid $700 for MRI and $900 flights plus $ 500 accom food on top. It came back positive as Cancer had returned but SCGH said Nothing serious as it is from the Original one and got it Early and booked me in for 3 weeks time, Got it done and have struggled a lot since then but finally getting better BUT.

    Now about 4 weeks ago I was feeling stuffed but got up to get drink water and crashed through the Wall as Body was going one way and Legs the other and Son grabbed me but we both went down again and I lost all Use of legs. He got help and they carried me to van and took me to Hospital, I only remember bits of it up to now and Only other thing I remember is the Tirage Nurse and another Staring into my face and I have all this crap iv stuff etc and asking stupid questions. Anyway I Lost it and I do Remember this part as I thought the Tirage Nurse was same one when they told me that No Free trips to Perth for Xmas Shopping and my Tumor grew from 24 mm to 48mm by the time they operated in Perth, Well I did the wrong thing again and absolutely let her have it and told them to shove the hospital etc etc and ripped out the IV and blood went everywhere but i took my shirt off and wrapped it up in that then all blank after that and woke up in bed at home.

    I have been ok since most of the time then last wed night I was so so tired but every time I started to nod off it was like electric shocks going through my head shoulder areas, it was funny at first but after 3 hours I was pissed off but eventually nodded off. Next Afternoon I started getting Violent Nerve reactions all over body shaking violently and the strange thing it wasnt really Painful but I couldnt control it and it continued for about 10 hours with me screaming at times but not from pain just frustration. I must admit it has me a bit worried and been tying to search it on net but I thought it best to ask it here as someone may be able to relate to this wiered thing,. Today legs are very weak but feeling ok averall. The worst thing is my Nurse that has helped me through is on Maternity leave and now I have left messages on 6 times and No one calls back.

    Yeah I could go and ask here but I went in 3 weeks ago and I had Infection in Mouth Face area with One eye Closed and side of face all Puffed up and they couldnt fit me in even though I went there first thing morning.

    Best to all Barry
    ps I know I did wrong but I need advice on Nervous system Problem not my Angry Pigheaded Crap Attitude. Too late to change.

    First diagnosed Nov 2012 with Hep C 1a End Liver disease
    Failed peg and Sof/dac
    Given 18 mths to live Aug 2014
    Failed sof/dac July 2015
    Sep 2015 given till March 2016 to live as nothing they can do
    Sourced a supply of sof/dac from India told I was a fool by staff at SCGH
    Been in a coma twice 2016 6 stays in Hospital
    Last 4 weeks have been unreal back into life again
    Hope No One else is treated like Shit by Med Specialists as the Nurse are UNREAL The Good Doc Freeman is genuine Barry Ashton

    Barry Ashton

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    You are that sick and they won’t look after you what is wrong with our medical system?
    Beyond disgusted :angry:

    Genotype 1a
    Diagnosed in 2004, had HCV for all my adult life. Until 2016!!!!
    Harvoni treatment, started 19 March 2016
    4 week results Bilirubin 12 down from 14 pre treatment,
    Gamma 25 down from 52, ALT 19 down from 63, AST 19 down from 47,
    VL <15 down from a lazy 6 million or so

    EOT Results
    Bilirubin 10, GGT 18, ALT 19, AST 21, VL UND

    12 Weeks post EOT
    Bilirubin 11, GGT 16, ALT 22, AST 20, VL UND
    Cured baby

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    Well I am still Alive. I lost my login details and Life isn’t that great atm but Sun Came up again so I am ok.
    Wow So so Much has happened since I last updated.
    My Brick Wall Doc Somar in Karratha left went to Melbourne but last I heard is he has Lost his Licence to Practice. Ah well I have No Doc for last 12 months as I had Gut Full of Having to explain myself then they Look at me and say well you certainly have a Vivid imagination well that Sends me over the Top
    I can’t handle being Called or Thought of as a Liar.
    Anyway my Old Friend & Nurse at SCGH is back now so I am Happy with that But Life is Not where I want it to be. But mostly my Fault as I deserve Nada. My attitude Sucks and Pats won’t help me. I Came to Perth Last October for Visit to Specialist & Nurse At SCGH outpatients.
    Really great of Pats again as I had to again go to another Doc In Ktown and she said I don’t know You So get these Tests done first Ffs I just Flew down went to Appointment all good New Spec & Nurse interview together and Ask me if I want to go onto Liver Transplant Again as they Reviewed my Case and IF Dec MRI is Cancer Free all Good.
    I said YES YES.
    Ah one Question Barry is their Any Specialist Doc you havnt told to Get F…..d ah yes You but if you treat me Like a Piece of Shit You Next.
    Great but I stayed down as No Money to fly back. MRI comes back positive so another Quick Op before Xmas Clear MRI in March.
    Guts Still Sore Pains as it similar to when The wrong size Stent they put in Blocked last time. Sorry Barry you will have to see another Area for that as we only Liver here.
    Yeah Great so Now Had a few Dramas and still in Perth living Rough but last 2 Nights Good as housed in Shelter Now.
    So Onward Upward My Life is Great as can be but I won’t give in and Sick of having to Rely on Others so I want So Much to Forget the Past Crap the Hospital has Done to me and Move On. Hard as Every time They ask and Want Answers. Becomes Too Much at times.
    But if that is only Dramas I got Nada Dramas. Thank You So so Much Doc Freeman.
    I am So Sad to hear Gag is No longer here as He Inspired me Encouraged Treated me With Respect Gag My Friend
    To You Your Family and Friends Thanks Mate for Being You. Respect.

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    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    You still have your sense of humour. Glad you’re still alive

    Genotype 1a
    Diagnosed in 2004, had HCV for all my adult life. Until 2016!!!!
    Harvoni treatment, started 19 March 2016
    4 week results Bilirubin 12 down from 14 pre treatment,
    Gamma 25 down from 52, ALT 19 down from 63, AST 19 down from 47,
    VL <15 down from a lazy 6 million or so

    EOT Results
    Bilirubin 10, GGT 18, ALT 19, AST 21, VL UND

    12 Weeks post EOT
    Bilirubin 11, GGT 16, ALT 22, AST 20, VL UND
    Cured baby

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    • Novice

    Hi All
    Hope you all well.
    I am Woobia 22 as cannot logon under Woobia 23???

    Anyway I am still battling myself and the Useless Absolute Circus that is the F..king health system.

    For 6 years I Refused Pain Relief even after Surgery I would have Max allowed overnight if I stayed that long as I leave 3 hours after as prefer to not catch more crap from in hospitals.

    2018 I had to change and started taking painkillers to have Any Quality of Life. I sourced one from China to help as it was Cheaper than what I normally use. But it did have few unwelcome side effects so I stopped taking it.

    Funnily enough my Bloods in August were BEST since I began yet I was / Am in Pain 24/7 it feels like I am carrying around something I can’t control in My Guts. At times I collapsed in pain once in Perth CBD and that day I started with Pain killers control. After young DOC at emergency laid it out sensibly to me.

    I still feel my Tips / shunt? Stent maybe is blocked partially but similar horrific pain same as last time. SCGH liver mob said oh that’s not our department you need to get your own Doc to refer bla bla Shit. I said hey You Pricks shoved this wrong size in originally and through heptology dept.
    They forget they just Fuck ing pass me by each time by doing a half job oh he gunna die soon just patch him bye.

    Emergency DOC said oh when was your last Colonoscopy I said last time it blocked?
    He said Oh You are supposed to have them at regular 3 month intervals. He shook his head as he knows what is happening and My Attitude these last 3 years Sucks as I have Zero Respect for the F.. At some S specialists that have Butchered me so much with Stupid half jobs.
    Oh sorry Barry we can’t operate as you will bleed to death
    Oh Sorry Barry we can’t fix your Crumbling teeth that cut your mouth everyday as you MSY bleed to death. Ffs.

    I ended up through experience finding the Combination that Allows me to Actually participate in Life
    BUT even Now yesterday I went to my 8th DOC this year for scripts for Pantaprozol (reflux) and Rifaximan ?? But prick puts on script Private?? I was asked to pay
    $466.97. Like I can’t even get pain killers as Now after I told SCGH get Fucked I have No Specialists hahaha .

    Australian Med mob have said No more Pain killers as Now I have to see a Pain Specialist ffs.
    So I said Okilly Dokilly can I see his/her ex p evidence as too what Pain etc they have had to endure.
    Oh of course just from a book ok gotcha ya.

    I asked for my Pension to be transferred O/s so I can get Quality Drugs to Live some kind of life. Oh yes phone this # in Tasmania??. Oh why can’t I apply online then interview etc.
    Nah so I get setup ready.
    Like I am a Pig headed arrogant prick of a person Angry at incompetence etc. But try hard sometimes

    I waited waited weeks go by and Presto yesterday success Whafukinhoo
    They actually do Answer.
    I said my name spelt it 3rd time
    Gave my Centre # 5 times after Spelling the Numbers 2 people walked by laughing and said they are just playing with you calm down. So I calmed down they listened all good then just as they laugh and walk away she repeats ## back F…….Wrong Again.

    Fuck this World I want to die in Peace DOC Nitchke Fuck Yeah.

    My biggest mistakes have been

    1/ not standing up to them when I had a chance for liver transplant

    2/ Not Finding Da Man Doc Freeman Earlier.

    3/ Not leaving earlier while I had better health for O/S where Quality drugs are Available at fair prices.

    4/Having to let My Private insurances go as We couldn’t afford anymore. It’s funny but I went to see ins mob in Perth they were great extended for me but I couldn’t make it happen.

    567… Who cares get me out of here hahaha
    Have Great Year may All your Thoughts be Positive.
    My Life is bearable when I have access and always think Positive keep refusing to look back.
    Then I go to see a Doc after 4 visits and they say Oh look Barry what do you really want me to do ?????
    You do realise you are Very complicated ……….
    In Other words Fuck Off as We only have 7 min for consultation sorry.

    I will share the Slider of Life to the Great man himself before I leave.
    I must say that If anyone had told me the Combination I have been using allows me to Function in Normal state for days at a time.
    I would laugh but One has to Look outside the Box.

    Take Care All Best if Luck to All
    We are All here to
    Eat Shit &:Die. Whahoo

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Barry,

    Sounds like you’ve been having a bit of a rough time.

    I tried to give you a call but your old mobile number does not work.

    I’ve sent you an email.

    I’m happy to sort out the rifaximin for you as a PBS script.

    Best Regards



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    • Novice

    Hi All
    I am staying in perth have tried so hard to update but very hard as only have cheap phone.

    I was told 3 weeks ago that my cancer if it was a tumor it hasnt moved changed in 12 months
    So Pain is from other complications.

    had shit time last xmas as i paid rent but guy drank it so given notice 4 days prior.
    worse followed as stayed with young mate of my son and i have knoen him & family for 20 yrs.
    He drank vodka lemonade all day night
    then i lend him $$ pay 3 weeks rent advanve
    yep i am a mug.
    His ex comes back and fight every dsy night.
    she smashed TV guitar over his head etc
    TRG cops enter 2 nights in row.
    2nd night they wanted him even though he did sfa so i text him tell him probably bedt to stay away.
    He comes back accuses me of lying and reckins i was after his ex.
    Great so I get evicted at 3 am sat at railway ststion back on the streets.
    i only heard a month ago he was jailed for 12 months. Wow unreal now i do feel sorry for him.
    Now drum roll as reason i am posting is that I found a drug that gives me Quality if Life
    Unreal as I have experimented and 100% State it wirks for Me. tbc.

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