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  • in reply to: Need generic Harvoni to USA – advice appreciated #17975
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Apparently ABC journos won’t speak to us. I’ve tried Louise Maher who I went to high school with but she won’t reply.

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    • Guardian Angel
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    I’d been thinking what a stretch it is to call talking about Sofosbuvir advertising when, ATM, there is no competition.

    Well other than having HepC.

    How come I never see any ads telling me why chronic HepC is so much better than Sofosbuvir?

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    • Guardian Angel
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    Online. You’re in the US aren’t you GF? Yeah, make no mistake about it. This is pure censorship.

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    • Guardian Angel
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    So if I write to the TGA they’re going to have to geoblock all Gilead’s ads like the above aren’t they?

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    • Guardian Angel
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    Clearly the TGA have had their heads up Big Pharma’s arse for too long and now they’ve got shit for brains.

    This isn’t advertising TGA.

    THIS is advertising!

    [video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]fCAa4bs0OoY[/video]

    So is Greg being hassled too or are they just directing their energies at easy targets? I want to fight this.

    Not because of hep c.

    Just because I’m over being told what to think.

    Seriously, fuck off!

    I didn’t go to all this effort to be told what to think.

    in reply to: Fear of being healthy again #15804
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    • Guardian Angel
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    I think there are at least two threads about this. I’ll have to keep looking for the other one. But here is one.

    FWIW, experiencing a speedy feeling on the meds is a quite common (positive) side effect. I had it. Don’t get too excited. It probably won’t last. :lol:

    I didn’t have any hesitation with taking the drugs either. But I’ve been a little let down by the level of improvement once the drugs were well and truly out of my system. But after tests for other causes by the doc which were all ok, and given I’d had the virus for close to 30 years, it seems it’s most likely just me getting old. Which is a bit of a bummer.

    Anyway, I think you have to look at this by saying to yourself that you know you have to get well – and it’s clear from your post that, rationally, you do know that’s what you have to do. So you’ve got to get on with it and seek out the support as your anxieties arise along the way. As you’ve found this place, you no longer need be worried about being alone and isolated when and if that situation arises. :)

    in reply to: Prescribing GP’s in NZ #14383
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    OT but I’m lovin’ the cross legged goat reading a book. I want one of them.

    in reply to: EOT Viral Load result #14064
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    Aww that’s brilliant. Really, really, really good news.

    in reply to: PBS Pricing – Take a deep breath… #13940
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    I had the doc lined up to prescribe to me under the PBS in the case of relapse. Figured it’d be a lot quicker and easier than going through a liver clinic. And he posted this.

    And he’s going to do another PCR for me at the 6 month SVR mark. The liver clinic wanted to wait another year. :unsure: I don’t think so. I’m confident but I’m not that confident.

    in reply to: X-post BMS Looking for people to go public #13403
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    Yes em and I have been in contact some time back. And I’m grateful he was happy to do it. The aim is to get the word out there so people seek Tx, after all.

    in reply to: What’s your personality type? #13239
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    Freud and Jung were talking one day when Freud suddenly said to Jung, “Dammit man, did you just fart?”

    To which Jung replied, “Of course I did. Do you think I always smell like this?”

    in reply to: PBS Pricing – Take a deep breath… #13101
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    That’s fantastic news, FF.

    I really want to believe they’re going to do this right. And having worked in the upper echelons of the PS, sometimes they do if they’ve got good public servants advising them who aren’t too politicised.

    Anyway, great to be able to say I’m delighted for you that you’ll be starting Tx soon and all the best with it.

    in reply to: Viekira RBV Failure – Retreatment #12734
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    A.L. wrote:

    Price wrote:

    You can lower your viral load before starting your next treatment by eliminating carbohydrates from your diet. Hep C is sugar dependent so taking its sugar source lowers viral load (Carbs turn into sugar).

    This study proves it….

    Your advice is based on a profoundly ignorant understanding of the paper you quote. You have no idea of what you are saying and you are being reckless publishing such recommendations.

    The paper you quote proves nothing of what you claim.[/quote]

    Just stop it A.L. Subjectively, I find your language on this forum unacceptable. Objectively, it is completely unnecessary.

    In order to challenge someone’s interpretation of the research, you do not have to adopt such a confrontational approach. You continually project emotions onto people. I’ve been subjected to your personal attacks and had you subscribe emotional responses to me on several occasions that simply were not the case. And as I suffer from PTSD I really don’t appreciate it. But I recognise it for what it is.


    Well, sorry but I’m not copping your shit. Here’s a tutorial on how to communicate on the internets. Your response could have gone something like this.

    “Thanks for your contribution Price but I have to disagree with your interpretation for reasons x, y and z.”

    Come on, it’s not that fucking hard. I don’t post on this forum as much anymore partly because of you.

    If I’m feeling generous I might…..and I do mean might….contribute what I can to your request for information about how long to get over the FX of Tx.

    But at the moment, I don’t feel so inclined.

    in reply to: Strange Thread Behaviour #12323
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Or instead of deleting the post you can use disemvoweling to retain some context to the subsequent replies.

    in reply to: Need some help #12315
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    ”Rene wrote:

    I have no doctor to supervise the treatment, so I am looking for some help in this group.

    I am HCV Genotype 1A. Treatment naive. VL 1.3 million IU/ml. CT scans and Echo scans don’t show any cirrhosis.

    Will start on Monday the 22nd with My HEP-LVIR from Mylan. (Sofosbuvir 400mg + Ledipasvir 90mg)

    Intent to do 12 weeks even though:

    “HARVONI for 8 weeks can be considered in treatment-naïve genotype 1 patients without cirrhosis who have pre-treatment HCV RNA less than 6 million IU/mL”

    Should I do a blood test before, during or after the treatment?

    Should I take the meds before or after meals?

    I eat loads of fruit every day, will that affect treatment?

    Hi Rene and welcome,

    As far as supervision goes, it would help to know what country you are in.

    If those test results are recent you don’t need any others before starting treatment.

    You can take the meds whenever you want. AFAIK any theories about the best time to take meds are just that, theories. As some people experience insomnia it may be better to take them in the morning so the levels are lower by the time you go to bed.

    Certain fruits are out – grapefruit, Seville oranges, paw paw, star fruit, pomegranate. See here. Also certain supplements.

    If you eat a lot of any one thing or take supplements it’s maybe a good idea to check for interactions. Drug interactions can be found here. With foods and supplements it may be worth googling the item and CYP3A4 or asking. Personally, I don’t take supplements but my approach in general was to just eat a well balanced diet with all things (excluding the known problem foods of course) in moderation. These drugs are so new, there may well be interactions that are as yet unknown.

    Good to hear you’ve got the cure and are ready to start. The very best of luck.

    Bet you’re glad your folks didn’t call you Rémy. :lol:

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