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  • in reply to: Hard to treat Gt3 – Another stage of the journey #20981
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Gaj, thank you for being so selfless and reassuring with your response…
    Id like to take this op to thank you for alway being so giving re: this forum…& I have little doubt, once you kick this virus, there won’t be a dry eye in the house.
    You take care :)

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
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    ALP 81

    4 week test
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    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Hard to treat Gt3 – Another stage of the journey #20977
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Gaj, I’ve been off line for a bit..recently logged in…and was really surprised, albeit very saddened to read the wretched Detected word is back for you & Splitdog…

    As you can see I’m also G3. I’m almost too scared to have follow up bloods done..I’ve read a little bit and can see G3 is a tough one to shift…I’m wondering if all G3s fail Sof/Dac treatment..

    I’m really sorry if I’m sounding self indulgent or sound in any way insensitive or selfish regarding your confirmed status…

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
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    4 week test
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    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Blood tests throughout tx #17878
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Thank you Sonix & Pat1
    I was hoping it would be along the lines of what you both suggested..
    Once again, with lightening speed, the great support of the forum has come to the rescue…

    Thanks again :)

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
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    ALP 81

    4 week test
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    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Sof /Dac realised 1 day meds short #17426
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Now I come to think about it, it sounds dumb to even have worried in the first place…I guess that’s the point of forums….a way to get out of your own head/thoughts with people in the same boat.. Thanks Gaj

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
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    ALP 81

    4 week test
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    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Sof /Dac realised 1 day meds short #17425
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Thanks for your quick response Tweakmax

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
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    4 week test
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    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #15824
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Gaj, thanks so much for taking the time to explain that. (lIm hoping Im a good student, and its up loaded :)

    This song, I just keep hearing it when Im in random places…supermarket, radio etc….I like it, hope someone out there enjoys it also….
    (not sure Im that keen on the music clip…never mind, not here to critique the clip :)

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
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    4 week test
    VL UND
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    ALP 70

    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Fear of being healthy again #15819
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Hi Serb

    Really interesting points you’ve raise. Given me food for thought.

    I can’t quite recall where or what I’ve previously read but I have come across Viktor Frankl somewhere before…thanks for reminding me of I’m on a hunt to source :)

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
    ALP 81

    4 week test
    VL UND
    ALT 18
    ALP 70

    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #15793
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Don’t all laugh … :unsure:

    If it doesn’t take much time can someone please give a brief tutorial on how To upload music to this thread

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
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    4 week test
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    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Fear of being healthy again #15792
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Ps sorry I spelt Ariel wrong :whistle:

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
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    4 week test
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    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Fear of being healthy again #15790
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Hi Serb

    I too felt anxious when I first started treatment but for different reasons. I was concerned I had purchased sugar pills or worse POISON !! (I can confirm – I’m still kicking plus at the 4 week point I was undetected , just my imagination working over time:) my desire to rid myself of HCV is very high so I can’t Say I can relate to you with this. However, I do recall an interesting bit of info Dr Freeman posted on this subject. I just tried to source it for you, but couldn’t find it. For memory it was in response to a similar post to you that Arial put up (sorry Arial if I’m mixed up and it wasn’t you)

    Dr Freeman touched on Stockholm Syndrome . To give some insight into why you are feeling like you r , Basically it is a syndrome by which the captive person or victim comes to sympathise & at times fall in love with the captor (in this case HCV)…sounds odd, I know, but it’s a recognised syndrome.

    Try googling or looking back through to find Dr Freemans post..I’m sure both will explain a lot more eloquently.

    Wishing you all the best

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
    ALP 81

    4 week test
    VL UND
    ALT 18
    ALP 70

    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Prof Gane’s remarks: implications for relapse #15727
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    ”James-Freeman-facebook” wrote:

    If you were GT1 I would say don’t worry. With GT3 a few extra weeks are not a bad idea for many people, but you are really at what should be the “very easy” end of the spectrum.

    I’d expect you to SVR with 12 weeks but if you’re tortured with worry and can arrange it adding 4 weeks would not hurt and adds a little insurance.

    Dr James,
    Thanks for clarifying the above..

    If an additional 4 weeks adds a little insurance for success…I’m there!!!

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
    ALP 81

    4 week test
    VL UND
    ALT 18
    ALP 70

    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Prof Gane’s remarks: implications for relapse #15680
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Thank you for quick response.

    I’m GT3…

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
    ALP 81

    4 week test
    VL UND
    ALT 18
    ALP 70

    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Prof Gane’s remarks: implications for relapse #15664
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    ”James-Freeman-facebook” wrote:

    So enough results are in, and out of embargo so now I can say what I was dying to say at the time, well actually…..

    Generic Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir delivers damn good SVR rates and we repeated a trial Professor Gane did (26/26) with Sof+Led+Riba in GT3 and got 13/13 = 100% SVR – please don’t get excited this was in treatment naive low fibrosis GT3 only and the +Riba was essential.

    Hi Dr Freeman

    I’m currently on Sof/Dac 12 wk tx…about 7 weeks in. I’m in the process of making the decision to extend a further 4 wks..should I be
    Adding RIBA to the mix?

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
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    4 week test
    VL UND
    ALT 18
    ALP 70

    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    That’s gives a great visual on the bigger picture

    Thanks Dr James

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
    ALP 81

    4 week test
    VL UND
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    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

    in reply to: Dr. Freeman on Google News! #15658
    Avatar photoHit The Road Jack
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    Thanks for the link Greedfighter..Dr James sure is an amazing dude (understatement)…

    I feel he has done so much for us all (as has Greg Jefferys) and the many more who follow in our footsteps…

    I feel I should have donated & contribute to his & Gregs trip to the EASL….

    Tx naive. GT3a
    Diagnosed 1996

    Start 25/2/16
    VL 62700
    hb 141
    ALT 36
    ALP 81

    4 week test
    VL UND
    ALT 18
    ALP 70

    Additional 4 weeks Tx
    Start 19.5.16

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