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You rock LG, and luv the Sonix quote at the bottom too, maybe the NHS is finally getting wise, we live in hope aye.
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
Yeah, I saw that on the news Tina, just sickening to see the grin on his face eh,
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
I had all the symptoms of Diabetes when I was sick with HepC, Peripheral Neuropathy, frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision etc etc, to the point my GPs suggested I was diabetic or pre-diabetic. They did fasting blood sugar tests and I got a home test kit.
Results were always normal. Since Tx those symptoms have all gone away.
I eat like a horse now, 4-5 times a day, but not much carbs, and very little sugar in any foods or drinks, but thats just because I don’t like the sweet taste at all, not because of health reasons, I still check my blood sugars regularly, its always normal,
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
Hi Sandra, I’m not on Hepincat LP, I’m on Sof/Dac from Mesochem, and everything else(any medications) usually has bad sides for me, thankfully I don’t use any other medicines now, Anti Depressants etc really mad me ill, increased the anxieties etc, I gave them away and just go for walks and eat well.
I didn’t experience many side effects at all from the Sof/Dac, a bit of weirdness on day 4 was all, so no side effects is normal, don’t worry, these meds are the real deal, either Hepincat LP or whatever they have prescribed for you.Once the trials are finished I think everyone around the world will relax a bit more and taking generics will become much more accepted.
10 days in customs hold up eh, glad to hear they got through eventually, my meds sat on doorstep under doormat for 2 days in 40 degree heat, before I noticed them, I was UND after 4 weeks into tx so don’t stress out, a lot of your anxieties should disappear once the meds start working and you get your life back, mine certainly did in the first 2 weeks of Tx, its kinda weird to feel “normal”,
Good luck for SVR24
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
Good news Debs, 3 weeks and you’ve killed em off already
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
Thanks for that Tommy, yes our western diet is far too high in chemicals like sugar, belongs in a car not in a human, dam stuff is poison in my book, the dopamine response and then the downhill run begins,, and we feed it to our kids by the bucket load,, in a hundred years we will look back and say they did what ??? they fed that to their children ??
I’ve got some of my mind back thanks to generics, goodness knows what long term damage has been done though, especially to my liver, time will tell I guess, baby steps for now,
cheers Jim
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
So the curry is on eh, (shakes head from side to side) all is good, curry at my place, any day is good
All 185,000,000 of you, please bring a plate
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
”James-Freeman-facebook” wrote:The DAAs work without assistance, and this was how they have been tested.
My advice to patients is to stop taking things like Milk Thistle, tumeric, etc because:
- They are not required to achieve the desired results
- It is possible they may make treatment results worse
I don’t use Turmeric as a supplement in capsule of tablet form but do chuck a bit into my curries,(closet Indian) found this on Pubmed regarding Turmeric stopping HCV viral replication due to cell membrane changes it induces, I’m not a molecular biologist so don’t understand the full ramifications, but err on the side of sanity and have moderated my use of all herbs and spices whilst on Tx, Doc mentions somewhere best practice is a balanced diet and take a walk in the fresh air every day, that’s what I do and try to keep everything simple, especially what I put into my body.
(from Pubmed study)CONCLUSIONS:
Turmeric curcumin inhibits HCV entry independently of the genotype and in primary human hepatocytes by affecting membrane fluidity thereby impairing virus binding and fusion
Perhaps it also stops DAAs entering the HCV cells and therefore has a dampening effect on the DAA as they can’t do their stuff on the replication enzymes if they cannot enter the HCV cell membrane, so possibly Turmeric may suppress HCV symptoms and as soon as the DAAs are stopped the virus will rear its ugly head again, regardless of the amount of Turmeric you take to suppress it.
I mention this as I have had repeated questions from people unsure about supplements(in particular Cumin and Turmeric), again I agree with others above who suggest giving all the herbs and stuff a miss until after Tx, as Doc says above, A they are not required for treatment, and B they may make results worse (due to possible suppression of DAA action.)
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
”Lynne-Francis-facebook” wrote:Hi Not sure if this is the right place to be for my question…I have five days to go before I finish treatment. The past week I have felt incredibly down and unhappy….not my usual demeanor……very teary. Very anxious about my post 12 week blood test….not sure if it is maybe being anxious about the result……
Has anyone else experienced this?
Hi Lynne, I am not far off finishing TX as you mention you are, I too have had nagging thoughts and all kinds of anxieties around stopping taking the meds. I have a slight chemical taste in my mouth and can’t wait for that to go away but part of me doesn’t want to stop taking the sof/dac ever. I wan’t to get VLs done on a weekly basis but know its pointless until 4 and 12 weeks after TX, I think my worry is irrational, and try to hang onto the science which I trust a lot more than my damaged mind, And the depression and isolation as well, the not being able to talk about this with anyone, not being able to express our hopes and fears etc, its a whole psychological burden on its own.
As for nagging symptoms I have a few, but I think I had medical stuff going on way before I was infected with HepC, some gastric and psychiatric issues, an inability to put on weight, excema, depression was probably my worst pre infection issue. So for me, a lot of the issues which I had before infection became amplified by HepC it seems, meaning just because I have cleared(hopefully) the virus I still need to watch my diet(avoid foods I was intolerant of before infection) and watch my mental state to avoid falling back into the pit of depression I lived through during childhood.
I found the best guide to my health is the Bristol Stool Chart, when I am in the middle, I am happy and have energy, as Hippocrates said I think all disease begins in the gut, which goes on to effect the mind and the rest of the body,
A subject no one likes to talk about but its been mentioned by inference in a few posts here, my gut is happy my skin tone improves, I start to sweat again, my BO stinks like it should, and most anxieties go away, but yes I too am quite anxious about the end result, and I am not the best patient. No wonder so many doctors told me I was untreatable, being born with so many allergies did not make early life easy, my poor mom was at a wits end trying to feed me at all. When tested for allergies I was apparently showing reactions to the “control” test, so they gave up trying to figure out what I was allergic to,, just gave me a long list of foods and substances to avoid, almost impossible to adhere to in this world.
So long as I eat right, my gut is happy and so generally is my head. In my case I think I have food intolerance totally unrelated to HepC and so watch my diet very carefully. I can apparently eat a lot of the foods I used to avoid, but choose not to rock the boat so to speak, always my guts are my guide, literally.
As for Tx itself I had virtually no sides apart from disturbed sleep punctuated by lurid and weird dreams, but I guess I normally dream like this and just don’t recall the dreams when I sleep more deeply,
Hope this helps somewhat,
good luck and regards
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
Hi Josie, you can get the generics in Melbourne ok, they can be posted to your home address, you don’t have to wait for the Australian clinics to come on line if you want to jump their que so to speak. Not much monitoring is required on these drugs, I have not seen a doctor since I started tx or felt the need to do so. People in Sydney I know are going the generic route via the club despite the Governments announcement on PBS listing, They want to get cured now is all.
Get a script through if your doctor won’t give you one. if you use gp2u or monkmed get pathology referrals for 2 viral load tests at the same time, one for the start of treatment and one for a month after starting,
Look at to see if you can get into the Redemption Trial 3 or 2, there are no placebos in these trials.
See a Doctor, either on, or use if your GP won’t give you a script,
You can be feeling better within a month or so, your LFTs don’t look too bad,
You will need skype to set it up, but its not that difficult, you sign an import document, scan it and send it through to the club, once they receive the money, the medicines will be posted to you.
Takes a couple of weeks usually in Australia.
The gastric issues you are having sound rather bad and I would get them investigated by a gastro specialist or GP at the very least, if possible, you can’t keep dropping weight like that. My observation of Hepc is that those issues don’t usually show up for some time if for years after initial infection, there is often just an initial jaundice after infection which most people don’t even notice and then no symptoms for years until the bloody thing starts its nagging destruction of your liver and brain,, depression is very common with this virus.
Tx(treatment) takes 3 months or 6 months treatment depending on the Doctors recommendation, if you have a recent viral load test or a fibroscan that will help the doctor to choose the correct medications,
Its all very doable, I have not missed a day off work during treatment, I started feeling better in 7 days after starting the medications, my guts were terrible also, couldn’t eat anything almost. Now I can eat anything again.
And keep posting if you still need more information, many here will help out, its like some big weird family where no one cares about anything but getting you well again, just like Lynne an CC2B above, we all want you to get your life back again,
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
“Don’t it always seem to go, you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone”
So glad to be rid of hepc, never knew what it was doing until I got it out of my body, shoot for the stars, hopefully SVR24 and onward lol
Love Joni aye Magpie thanks for that memory
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
Hi Magpie, they are just extremely busy is all , they have a stack of email queries from around the world to respond to, and they will get to your inquiry when they can. Not sure how many emails they are receiving daily currently but it was somewhat of a mountain last time I spoke to them.
I got a bit edgy myself when I was waiting for mine, and a couple of days later they turned up,,,
Keep posting if you get no response and they will sort it out eventually. Sorry for the delays but I believe the numbers are quite beyond expectations, regards,
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
isaing4 wrote:I’m happy for all people with hepatitis C who live in a country as big as a continent, Australia.
And I think they rushed because of the work of special people like dr. James Freeman and Greg Jefferys.
I hope that the example of Australia will be taken over by other countries.
Success in getting treatment to all, in the coming year!Yes isaing4 we are lucky in that sense in Australia, but a very expensive waste of money which could be going elsewhere if we chose to use generics. Politics ARGH,,,, I hope also some governments overseas will decide to open the back door also and let in the the generics from the Beacons, Inceptas and Natcos etc, we can dream perhaps,,,
South Africa showed the way with HIV, I hope some people in power can see the logic of a population that is cured of hepc and can once again contribute instead of drowning in this miserable viral curse for years on end.
Speaking to various liver clinics in Sydney they have 2-3 month waiting lists already for the DAAs from Greeead, they also do not intend to ramp (put on more staff) up as on the DAAs we need little management, people I know are still logging into gp2u to get scripts, a month or two or three or four of new life is worth every penny, one person actually said to me “why should the taxpayer foot the bill for my stupid mistake 30 years ago, I can afford it so I am going ahead with gp2u and getting cured long before the liver clinics in Sydney can see me”
And yes I agree without Dr James intervention and Greg Jefferies ground breaking work we would not be where we are now, Australians of the year votes for the pair of em, the bloody UN and WHO should be thanking them for goodness sakes.
Subvert the dominant paradigm ! Always ask “WHY?” and always ask WHY NOT?
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl
I managed to contact bullpharmachem and it turns out they are a distributor only. They do no manufacturing.
Only took a few emails, several unsucessful phone calls, and the installation of whatsapp which was also unsucessful.
Be careful
3 years cured, Sof/Dac, thanks Doc Freeman, hepc only a distant memory, go for it ppl