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  • in reply to: Drinking alcohol #7351
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    Interesting topic. I have also mostly abstained from alcohol since diagnosis and also being pregnant and raising kids is a good reason not to drink too. It wasn’t easy, it’s a drug that’s every where and totally accepted and as we know, it does more damage to health and families than any other drug. On occasion, I have been socially excluded by past friends for not wanting to go out and get rotten with them. Some people can get very uncomfortable when you tell them you don’t drink. I tragically lost my father to drink and witnessed family and friends lives being degraded over the years.

    On successfully completing the DAAV’s on the 16/12/15. A part of me thought “great” I can drink like normal people do now. So, I’ve had a few glasses of wine on a regular basis and a bit more on Xmas. It was kind of fun and I felt kinda happy and kinda tired and kinda bored and kinda crazy and a bit nauseous.

    I remembered a Chinese proverb “A sick man lives longer than a well man”

    I know this is a strange thing to say but, I sort of miss my Hep C shackle. Today I am released from Hep C, but it has taught me a lot about myself and I’m proud of the disciplines I developed and practiced and I know that I want to continue practicing for the sake of both my mental and physical health.

    Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other.

    All the best

    in reply to: Nadia’s journey #7179
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    Great Nadia, me too It’s so so good. What a gift!

    in reply to: Australian PBS listing in March! #6776
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    Great :cheer:

    in reply to: Liver Clinics and Generic Rebels #4084
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    Yes Nonna. Their attitude towards clients is condescending and authoritien. Geelong is Victorias biggest regional City, only an hour from Melbourne. It makes you wonder. The clinic nurse is really good though.
    I hope I have made it easier. The registrar still treated me with disdain. She was very non chalaunt about my results when they showed no virus detected warning me that they still diddnt really know the long term side effects of the DAA’s.
    What a party pooper!!
    I’m into week 9 with only three more to go. I’m virus free and am feeling better than I have for ages.
    All the very best Nonna

    in reply to: Liver Clinics and Generic Rebels #3536
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    Hi Lynne
    , I’m HCV 3. No fibrosis so i’m Sof/Dac for 12 weeks. I can’t speak for Ledipasvir.
    I was very anxious when I started treatment. It was hard to believe it was real. But it is, and you will be feeling more confident as the days follow on and especially when you get your next round of test results.
    All the best.

    in reply to: How Safe Is Treatment? #3533
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    In that case, we all should continue being monitored while on the treatment to note any possible side effects.
    Drug companies store away a lot of money for pay outs of undisclosed side effects once they start treating the masses. there are records of many court cases of such events.
    At my last visit to the Geelong Liver clinic the registrar said, it was impossible to really know of any life threatening side effects until millions of people were taking these new drugs. I thought she was a bit of a kill joy, but she had a point.

    in reply to: Side effects for sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir combo. #3531
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    Hi all,
    I’m happily into my 7th week of Sof/Dac 12 week cure. It works alright! I’m virus clear and kicking.
    The past week though, I have often been woken by a little dull ache in my liver area. I don’t feel sick or nauseous but it’s enough to wake me and keep me awake for a while. I wonder what it is?
    A hippies guess tells me it’s; my body reminding me to keep on taking care of my liver even after being cured.

    in reply to: Viral Load On Treatment – What To Expect #3530
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    Exactly how I felt Jolie.

    in reply to: Liver Clinics and Generic Rebels #3304
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    That sounds like you’ve got a good handle on it Lynne. You’ve done your research and gotten as much info there is to go ahead and get cured!!!
    Who cares how any of us got it. The past is history, right now we can celebrate the wonders of modern science and each others full recovery. x

    in reply to: Liver Clinics and Generic Rebels #3283
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    As it should be. It’s oh so liberating. All the best.

    in reply to: Travel & Vaccinations #3241
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    That makes sense. Thanks. I’ll take this info back to the clinic on my next visit. :cheer:

    in reply to: Travel & Vaccinations #3237
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    Interesting and thanks Downtime. The registrar at the Liver Clinic said that you shouldn’t need a booster once you have been vaccinated against Hep B. Maybe I misunderstood something?

    in reply to: Buyers Club Scheduled To Meet Key Decision Makers #3234
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    I urge the Australian Government not to succumb to the demands of Gilead’s high price for what should be affordable drugs that cure Hep C.

    I am now HEP C virus free. After purchasing an affordable treatment through the buyers club. My confidence and energy levels are have risen beyond my expectations and I will no longer be a burden on the health system.

    Put the money into extending the opening hours of the liver clinics and negotiating a better deal for all Australians.

    in reply to: Liver Clinics and Generic Rebels #3233
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    Hi all,
    It sounds like some of the regional liver clinics are behind the eight ball. And many seem to have very long waiting lists for new patients. Knowing your genotype and weather you have any fibrosis via a fibroscan is important for getting your med combination right.

    I got my doctor to make an appointment for me at the the Liver Clinic at St Vincents in Melbourne, as a back up when Geelong Hospital were trying to pursuade me to have a biopsy, instead of another fibroscan and generally acting pretty grumpy. Hepatitis C Australia suggested I do this, to get a second opinion, also suggesting that the City hospitals were more advanced in dealing with Hep C patients than their regional cousins. It seemed their current waiting lists weren’t as long. I was able to ring the nurses there anytime for reassurance and advice. Which I’m sure you can do too.

    I aslo suggested to the Geelong clinic that they might contact their colleagues in Melbourne to seek their advice on patients using Generic meds. They have done this and are now a bit better at dealing with Generic Rebels. Though, the nurse at Geelong is wonderful.

    I cancelled my Melbourne appointment after a few more reassuring conversations with the nurses at St V’s Melbourne.

    I’m wondering, as word spreads of these new wonder drugs that “work”. More and more folks with Hep C are going to be seeking treatment to what appears to be an already overloaded system. How many fibroscan machines are actively working? When will the Liver Clinics extend their opening hours?

    It’s one thing having these drugs put on the PBS or getting them via a buys club, but it’s important that you know whether you have any fibrosis or other medical conditions that might influence treatment.

    My biggest concern was getting my med combination right for a successful outcome. So far so good/great/fantastic!

    It’s wonderful that we all have got the treatment now. We are on this journey together, advocating for each other and other peoples lives who can be saved.

    We will, keep on asking questions, keep on getting our doctors and specialists to keep up to date with treatment and monitoring.

    Take care and keep on keeping on x

    in reply to: Nadia’s journey #3047
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    Fantastic news Nadia. The layer of emotions, thoughts and physical side effects of living with HCV is abundant. As soon as you get that happy 4 week result they start to peel away. Underneath those layers is the real you. :)

    Nadia wrote:

    Today I had my 4 weeks appointment with the nurse. She congradulated me on my great response, printed another blood test form and that’s it. Easy peasy lemon squeeze.
    I’ve asked her about my baseline test results. My VL was over 1 million and ALT was 375 !
    It’s absolutely amasing that it is now within the normal range.

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