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    Avatar photosplitdog
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi everybody. I live in California and contracted Hep C in ’85 or ’86. I usually get my blood checked every year or so and my numbers are pretty good and my VL goes between 8,000,000 and 350,000. I let 4 years go by and in July of 2015 I asked my GP for an LFT and VL test. My VL was 37,000,000. It scared the heck out of me and I thought I was in deep trouble. I scheduled a re-test and in August it went down to 11,000,000. My AST was 37 and ALT 57. All other numbers were normal. Weird for having Hep C for 30 years. I never really drank much but have abstained for the last 5 years. And no drugs. So I schedule an appt with a liver specialist and he informs me that I’m pretty healthy (for a 55 year old), and tells me of these new treatments. Since I have no insurance he and I filled out the form for help from Gilead and they sent me a letter stating that I had to at least apply for Medicare. And if they denied me, appeal. I figure this is going to take at least 6 months, and then I would have to go to one of their Drs and might not get the right treatment still. So I go home and research it and found out about this place. Thank God!! After lurking and reading for about 5 days, I decided to get a consultation from Dr Freeman, and he wrote the appropriate prescription. (Sof/Dac, I have genotype 3). I decided to go with Kingswood Pharmacy (see ‘Pharma’s Market) because they ship to the USA and take Visa. $1201 dollars (US) and 10 days later I have the meds here now. I understand these are from Mesochem and the batch has been tested. There are others here also that have tested ‘undetected’ from Kingswood. So now I am going to see my Dr here Monday (2 days) to get a new ‘before’ baseline test. Then I will be riding the Sof/Dac train for 12-16 weeks. (I might go an extra month.) Thanks for listening and if anyone has any questions, feel free to PM me. Or even email me at splitdog@roadrunner.com. I will update with results as they come.


    Genotype 3
    VL 4,100,000
    ALT 101 AST 71
    Treatment Naive
    Started Sof/Dac Jan 12, 2016
    VL= <15 4 weeks in. AST/ALT normal.
    VL=UNDETECTED 8 weeks in.
    SVR4= Virus back. 3,300,000

    Started generic Epclusa Sep. 23, 2017

    4 weeks in <15 *Detected.
    12 weeks in <15 *Not Detected.
    16 weeks in <15 *Not Detected.
    Finished 24 weeks treatment 3-17-18
    SVR5 <15 Not Detected.
    SVR 20 <15 Not Detected.
    SVR 44 <15 Not Detected.

    Thank you Jesus.
    Thank you Dr. James

    Avatar photo2b
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Anybody in the US reading, S-Dog is telling you how to get it done, there you go, I got mine from Kingswood too, and undetected at 4 weeks, although I did the ‘hard’ way and went there personally to walk in the door and buy my meds. This is great news now that delivery to the US is so easily done. If you are getting denied or have no insurance and want to get cured, Splitdog is pointing the way for you.

    GT 2b; since 80’s, no prior tx, sofosbuvir and daclatasvir compounded from API’s at Kingswood Pharmacy in Sydney, started tx nov 6,2015, undetected at 4 wks, UND at 8 weeks, UND at 1 week after EOT, UND at 4 weeks after EOT and UND at 8 weeks after EOT. I feel GOOD!! I knew that I WOULD!””

    Avatar photoCC2B
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I am in the US also and ordered from Kingswood. They are still in transit. Hope to update that to delivered very soon. I do know that they have made it to the US but not to my door yet :( Congrats Splitdog and I wish you smooth sailing.

    GT2b diagnosed 10/2015
    since: unknown
    11/20/15 VL= 214,070
    12/4/15 ALT=18 AST= 24
    1/16/16 started sof/dac
    2/13/16 @4wks VL=UND ALT=13 AST=22
    3/12/16 @8wks VL=UND ALT=10 AST=18
    4/9/16 EOT VL=UND ALT=11 AST=19
    9/23/16 SVR24 ALT=11 AST=22

    Avatar photozhuk
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Great to know there is an easy postal route now for you guys in the US, removing the need to play tag with the admittedly charming Rachel from Mesochem heh. Good stuff :)

    Congrats too splitdog – all the best for kicking off treatment. You’re on the train now :)

    GT1a since 1988, diagnosed 1990
    F0, tx naive
    VL 262,000 ALT 40 AST 26 GGT 13 Fibroscan 04/12/15 – 2.9
    Started Mesochem sof/dac 12 weeks 01/01/2016
    11/02/2016 – 6 weeks UNDETECTED
    AST 26
    ALT 26

    Avatar photoLondonGirl
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    ,Good on ya Splitdog – My best wishes are with you all for the best possible outcome. :+1: :+1: :+1:

    GT1a Dec14 F2/8.7 VL 900000-2.5M
    Jan16 Hepcivir-L MonkMed/Redemption
    Baseline: VL 913575 Alt 76 Platelets low
    Wk2 VL1157 Alt 23
    DET Wk 8 VL 32 Alt19 ‘In the slow lane’
    June16 Fibro 5.7 F0/1 LIF 1.5
    Wk 11 VL<12 Alt 13 Det/Unq
    Extending tx 12 wks Mylan Sofo/Dac MonkMed
    Wk 14 VL <12 Det/Unq
    Wk 22 + 4 Wks Sunprevir FixHepC
    Wk 24 UNDETECTED Alt 13
    Wk 12 post tx SVR12 Wk 26 SVR24
    Thank-you Tim, Dr Debasis @ MonkMed & Dr Freeman @ Fix HepC

    Avatar photoDebs
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Thankyou for sharing your story Splitdog, wishing you all the best :)

    Avatar photomgalbrai
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Way to go SD!!
    Every story like this helps big time!!!
    Putting an email address promotes the legitimacy of generics and the people who supply them. If 5 people contact you and successfully import an affordable cure and each of them help 5 more, and so on, we can get Gilead’s attention like they did Down Under.

    ps: put you email at the top of you signature and it will always be there


    G 1a F-1
    Started tx 10/23/15 (Meso sof & led) ALT 48 AST 28 v/l 1.6 mil
    11/17/15 4 wk lab ALT 17 AST 16 <15
    11/18/15 Started Harvoni
    12/16/15 8 wk lab ALT: 15 AST: 13 V/l UND
    1/14/16 Fin. Tx
    7/07/16 UND SVR 24

    Avatar photore_roll
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Congrats, man. Thx for your post. I’m waiting for my delivery from overseas as we speak. My overall situation is
    somewhat similar to yours. I might have to try your route if things go south.

    contracted Gen 1a in the 70’s, dx in 2007…ast 27 to 35…alt 43 to 96…vl 1.2 mil to 8.6 mil.
    biopsy F-2 (2012)..pre tx results 1/23/16 ast 32, alt 46, vl 3.1 mil
    tx started 2/11/16…. lab results 2/24/16 ast 18, alt 18, vl <15 IU/ml
    28 days later………….lab results 3/9/16 ast 21, alt 21, vl UND
    56 days later………….lab results 4/6/16 ast 20, alt 22, vl UND
    139 days later………..lab results 6/29/16 ast 28, alt 30, vl UND…EOT

    Avatar photomgalbrai
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi RR,
    Let me know if things go “south”. I am trying to put together data on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to importing tx into the U.S.


    G 1a F-1
    Started tx 10/23/15 (Meso sof & led) ALT 48 AST 28 v/l 1.6 mil
    11/17/15 4 wk lab ALT 17 AST 16 <15
    11/18/15 Started Harvoni
    12/16/15 8 wk lab ALT: 15 AST: 13 V/l UND
    1/14/16 Fin. Tx
    7/07/16 UND SVR 24

    Avatar photore_roll
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Will do Mike. Either way, success or failure, I will try to get the facts and circumstances, if available…e.

    contracted Gen 1a in the 70’s, dx in 2007…ast 27 to 35…alt 43 to 96…vl 1.2 mil to 8.6 mil.
    biopsy F-2 (2012)..pre tx results 1/23/16 ast 32, alt 46, vl 3.1 mil
    tx started 2/11/16…. lab results 2/24/16 ast 18, alt 18, vl <15 IU/ml
    28 days later………….lab results 3/9/16 ast 21, alt 21, vl UND
    56 days later………….lab results 4/6/16 ast 20, alt 22, vl UND
    139 days later………..lab results 6/29/16 ast 28, alt 30, vl UND…EOT

    Avatar photoPaul-Jarman-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    re_roll wrote:

    Will do Mike. Either way, success or failure, I will try to get the facts and circumstances, if available…e.

    Any info regarding this issue is a big help mate .


    Two time relapser.

    SVR 4 achieved 12/16 at last
    SVR 12 achieved 22/02/2017 The Bastard has been defeated :):):)

    GT 3 – about 28 yrs with HCV

    Avatar photosabrecat
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★


    I have been reading about the ‘tooing and froing’ getting treatment with forum members living outside AUS and it reminds me that we here are living in the “Lucky Country”, and how some good people have gone out of their way to make it so for us with Hep C.

    My efforts to get meds included a teleconference appointment, then I picked up meds in Sydney not long after. I was actually in Sydney anyway for other reasons. All too easy.

    Hope others in other parts of the world get some of the same and we don’t see them left behind. I suspect these ‘others’ will be those with governments that don’t stick up for their constituents, and those without the surplus finances to to fund corporate greed.


    Avatar photomgalbrai
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Yes, Australians are “lucky”. That is if you consider it lucky to have a James Freeman or a Greg Jefferys. I guess it is lucky, because you have BOTH!!!
    They, I my humble opinion, combined to make what happened in Australia happen. Greediad saw the hand writing on the wall. Take a billion or lose a billion. That’s the only way they view anything: Bottom line, all the way.
    We are not talking about lives here.
    We are talking about money.
    Damn shame.


    G 1a F-1
    Started tx 10/23/15 (Meso sof & led) ALT 48 AST 28 v/l 1.6 mil
    11/17/15 4 wk lab ALT 17 AST 16 <15
    11/18/15 Started Harvoni
    12/16/15 8 wk lab ALT: 15 AST: 13 V/l UND
    1/14/16 Fin. Tx
    7/07/16 UND SVR 24

    Avatar photosabrecat
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Splitdog,

    forgot to mention in my post my good wishes for you in treatment. I got my sof/dac from the same place and you can see from my signature below things are travelling well. I am Gen 3a Hep C.

    Hope/know you will be in a good place in a few weeks.

    This forum is a good place for information – particularly for all the stuff we never ask our doctors or don’t get to ask until the next appointment in three months. In that way it is probably a good safety net as well.



    Avatar photosabrecat
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Mike,

    “Yes, Australians are “lucky”. That is if you consider it lucky to have a James Freeman or a Greg Jefferys. I guess it is lucky, because you have BOTH!!!
    They, I my humble opinion, combined to make what happened in Australia happen”

    Does appear that way, doesn’t it.

    Hope things work out in the USA as you lot deserve better too.



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