Sunday, 23 July 2017 21:21

Crisis, What Crisis? - Practivism

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Here is a copy of the presentation, called "Practivism, it's the new black", given by Dr James Freeman at the International AIDS society meeting in Paris today.

Here is the text that went with the images.

Crisis, What Crisis?

This crisis. Look at this price comparison. I mean seriously?

We only have to look at Egypt to know these medications can be made affordably

Pricing negotiations are one sided and conducted by bandits

Our funders simply can not afford to cover the costs so…

We have rationing that sees only the sickest patients treated

And virtually nothing is being done for high burden populations like prisoners

And People Who Inject Drugs

Politicians pay lip service to the issue

Many advocacy groups are directly funded by Big Pharma*.

And in the Ukraine earlier this year generics were shot down by data exclusivity

Treatment rates are similar to infection rates

In short we are currently going nowhere fast.

Patients are stigmatized and don’t speak out so in the zeitgeist there is no crisis

But we desperately need a new balance between patent rights and patient lives


And now seven seconds of silence to remember those of us for whom treatment will come too late
One second for each patient who died during the time it's taken to give this presentation

Was it really only 50 years ago our Statesmen talked like this and the crowds came to listen?


What we call the “big picture” is really just the product of what each and every one of us chooses to do.

What we do as individuals, thinking globally but acting locally, exhibits a butterfly effect so I would like to suggest adopting this butterfly symbol and a simple slogan like "Wear if you care"

Read 2219 times Last modified on Sunday, 23 July 2017 21:35

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