Hi Kaju,
Do not wait for your viral load to change naturally. Once you commence taking the right medication, most of the virus will die in the first week.
Some of us on this forum who are cured, had more virus than you when we commenced treatment, others of us had less to start with. In the end we became Hep C free. It doesn't matter where you start, the important thing is just to get the right drugs and start taking them, and to keep swallowing them until the virus has gone completely.
G2, infected maybe in 1971?
Diagnosed HVnon-A non-B 1980s, revised to HVC 1990's.
Treatment naive. Fibroscan & bloods all normal ranges.
Viral load 7million,
began Redemption trial4, 12-week generic Sof/Vel (Incepta) 2017. Week 4 UND, Week 12UND, SVR24
Thank-yous to my doctor for the script, to Jan at FixHepC for wrangling, and to Dr Freeman for courage.
Kia kaha e hoa ma!