Thank you for the very concise and very accurate description, Dr James. As usual, you have managed to outline the procedure in a few efficient and well written sentences.
Brain farts are back, although fewer and farther between, as are the emotional ups and downs, although less intense.
Yesterday as my wife and I were grocery shopping, and I was putting packages of blueberries in the shopping cart, a woman came up to the island where the blueberries were, and began opening the packages and pawing through the blueberries with her fingers. Normally I would say nothing - but I snapped at her "Don't paw through those blueberries, they'll get mold on them!" True, but not in character at all for me. I have decided not to post for a couple of days. I need to get some work done (actually had a dream about it), and need to let the feelings, and peevishness resolve a bit. Last night I made sure to wash the blueberries extra thoroughly!
Failed Interferon 96', G1a, VL = 9 - 5.5 Million, F3/A3, AST 111, ALT 190, Generic DAA treatment Sof/Led (Mylan - India MYHEP LVIR) - 8 June, 2016
2 Week Results 20 June, 2016 AST 19, ALT 32
4 Week Results 06 July, 2016 AST 22, ALT 30, VL = 35
6 Week Results 20, July 2016 VL only = HCV RNA Detected, Non-Quantifiable <15
8 Week Results 04 August 2016, Labs, LFTs Normal, VL = UND
12 Week Results 31 August, 2016 LFTs Normal, VL = UND
EOT + 4 Weeks, LFTs Normal, VL = UND, "SVR4"
SVR12, 21 Nov 2016. CURED!!!