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Searched for: treatment
31 Jul 2019 00:22
Thank you for reply dear Dr James.
Maybe this will be stupid question but , there is no chance to get hepatit b from booster shot right ?
Category: New to Forum
30 Jul 2019 22:58
Hello kaju,

Congratulations on your SVR52.

It will not matter if you have 3rd dose for Hep B at 5,6 or 7 months.
Category: New to Forum
30 Jul 2019 17:30
Hi Guys,
Few days ago I received my last hcv rna result and after 1 year still UNDEDECTED.

I am very happy for share this with you guys :cheer:

If anybody experince with hepatit b booster shot could you please help me abut my concerns.

I decided to get booster shot for hepatit B .

I already got my second dose.

Normall procedure is ; total 3 dose. 1 month, 2dn month and 6th month

But doctor told me they want to give me last dose on 7th month. They think it will be more succesfull.
Also I am wondering is it not possible to got hepatitb from booster shot right? After hepatit c I become paranoid.

Again, thank you very much to everybody to support me in my journey. Thank you guys.
Category: New to Forum
28 Jul 2019 15:17
Hi, I'd like to share some of the media and stuff we have been doing for World Hepatitis Day, today, July 28.
First, this great clip from our local celebrity, raising awareness and thanking Dr James

Then we had some media articles www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/treatment-ful...380WQVUWmubBAvIu0VpY
And I got an amazing donation of digital billboards all over the country for the weekend

And best of all, we had Dr James here in person, giving a talk at a conference, meeting our Minister of Health, and making the 6 pm news!

Category: FixHepC Admin
25 Jul 2019 17:48
Dear Coral,
thank you so much for your nice words, it means so much, specially from people who have been through so much themselves... I'm often appreciating the possibility of the net and hearing other people's stories with this, and the possibility to try to cure this... it's what has kept me, for years,while there was still a lot of fog, stigma and not even an option for treatment.

It' s been going smooth so far, day 35 today:) counting the days to end and see the result, of course, hoping for the best...

Wishing you all the best.
24 Jul 2019 12:55
Hi Karen,

Well done on those results one month into treatment. It's good to hear that you haven't had any side effects. From personal experience I do know the temptation of the viral load check but as Dr James and Mar said your LFTs are telling you that things are going well.

8 weeks to go Karen!!!


23 Jul 2019 00:39
Hi Karen, congratulations on these excellent LFTs results at the 1 month mark, as Dr James mentioned, they pretty much guarantee that you're undetected now. As you said, you need to continue treatment until the very last pill to finish off the virus, but you're definitely on the right track of falling in the big % of people who can call themselves CURED :)
22 Jul 2019 19:52
Hello Frank,

Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell.

The old Interferon/Ribavirin was very harsh. You noted it took 9 years to recover from the 2001 treatment and treated again in 2013 with it before the Harvoni treatment in 2017.

While it may be leftover effects from the Interferon, or, less likely, the Harvoni what must be remembered is that Hep C treatment provides 0% protection from all other diseases.

Do you have blood results for full blood count, iron studies, creatinine, urea and electrolytes, vitamin b12, thyroid function, ESR, CRP and HbA1c?

This group of tests looks for a range of other things that make people feel sick.
Category: DAA Side Effects
22 Jul 2019 19:27
Hi there,
Wanted to just share a short update a month into the Harvoni treatment.
I have been taking it regularly for 32 days, 9am each day:) No side effects whatsoever.
Did a blood test today (no viral load test, just LFTs)
Liver functions within normal & improved versus what I started with:
January 2019 AST 48 ALT 64
June 2019 (just before starting the pills) AST 53 ALT 103
July 2019 (32 into treatment) AST 21 ALT 25

I am scheduled to do a viral load just after finishing the treatment, but thinking to perhaps check it out earlier, after week 8, as my curiosity is starting to take its toll.......

I hope that the improved LFTs are a good sign that the Harvoni is doing its job and praying, end of treatment, to fall in the big % of people who can call themselves CURED.

Keeping fingers crossed & sticking to Harvoni for 2 more months:) ..... Have a lovely summer guys!
22 Jul 2019 17:46

Tanks for a good internet site.
My English is not so good.but i wil try to get it rigth.

I am a 55 years old male.

I goth hep c in 1998.And i had geno type 1a.

I had my first treatment in 2001 with 48 weeks of interferon and ribavirin.But it was not successful.
Afther treatment i feel wery sick of long term side effects.This last in 9 years so in 2010 i started to feel better from the medication.

And then in 2013 i had a new treatment for 48 weeks of interferon,ribavirin and victrelis.And it was still not successful.And i was feeling wery sick afther treatment again.

And last i have a treatment in 2017 with harvoni and ribavirin in 12 weeks.And this time it was successful.

And it is no 2 years and 3 month since last treatment and i have not hep c.

I had a liver test no 18.07.19 and it was: alat 19,asat 23,alp 92,ld 157,ggt 16.

But my big problem no is that i feeling sicker than ever of side effects.I can not take vitamins,it feels like poisen,and i get even sicker.I am not drinking any alkohol or take any drugs.

And no my question is.Are there any ting i can do to get better of this long term side effecks.Can i use any medication to get better.
Category: DAA Side Effects
09 Jul 2019 10:25
Hello Nerv02,

What we don't have here is the screening test for Hep C which is the Hep C antibody test. You should get that done.

What we do have is a whole lot of normal tests showing you have normal liver function with a normal ALT and AST - these are liver enzymes that go up when anything (including Hep C) is damaging your liver. The fact that you have normal values suggest you don't have anything damaging your liver.

I have seen about 1 patient in 1000 who does have Hep C and also has normal liver function, so that's roughly the chances of you having Hep C. A simple $10 antibody test for Hep C will put your mind at rest, let you know you don't have it, and therefore don't need any treatment.

So, looks like you don't actually have the problem you're worrying about.

Your kidneys and blood all look good too.
Category: New to Forum
06 Jul 2019 14:17
Here is a great article about NZ's leading hep C doctor Ed Gane, out today, and look Hopeful425, has the butterfly being tattooed in it. NB it needed to be that big or would be blobby, if you are planning one- I'd planned smaller! But didn't hurt at all, and I'm a sook.

Category: FixHepC Admin
05 Jul 2019 15:20
Hello Hopeful425,

It takes a week of so for the drugs to wash out of your system. There is quite a lot that goes on during treatment and some people do take a while to come good after.

That said, the average age of a patient is 55-60 and at this stage in life all sorts of other things begin to happen. Thyroid problems and diabetes are common at this age and 3 x more common in patients with Hep C so it's worth having a "routine physical" type appointment, maybe with a doctor to whom you don't mention the Hep C so they can look at you with an unbiased eye.
Category: FixHepC Admin
05 Jul 2019 02:04
Update! 8 week test show virus is UNDETECTED!!!
I have another follow up test in 3 months.
I have still felt symptoms of the drug now for two weeks post treatment. Is this reported by other people? How long until I will feel back to normal?
Category: FixHepC Admin
05 Jul 2019 01:57
Hi Brooklyn!
I used about 2 tablespoons of kratom . I did however quit using it the last two weeks of treatment, and found that I felt significantly better without it.
My test reported unidentifiable !!
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