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Searched for: treatment
21 Dec 2018 06:37
Hello Jessica, thank you for this emotional post, and for your kind words. I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with taking delivery of your medications package, this happens on rare occasions and US customs end up releasing the package most of the time. I know that it must be hard to know that your cure is almost in your hands but you can't access it yet. The good news is that even if customs ends up returning the package, FixHepC offers delivery guarantee, and will send you another one and will not rest until you take delivery of the treatment you need. So please don't feel super anxious, everything will work out at the end.
21 Dec 2018 04:34
My dental infection was a bacterial infection and I think that contributed to the slight increase in my ALT and AST in my last blood work. Sounds like you have a lot going on including your exercise routine. I am confident that your results will be good. I know it is hard but try and relax. Hopefully you will not have to wait long for your results. Remember that Genotype 4 is very sensitive to DDA's.
Category: New to Forum
20 Dec 2018 21:55
Hi Mar,
Thank you for your positive reply. I feel more good .. I hope result will be undedected. I really need this result I am not sure about to go with another 6 months treatment. Sure I can but mentally it will smash me. I has to finish it in 1 shot and hope already finished. waiting for test result.
Category: New to Forum
20 Dec 2018 21:20
Hi Kaju, please don't stress, the chances of you relapsing at 24 weeks post treatment after reaching SVR 12 are extremely tiny (3 in 1000), and your AST/ALT small fluctuations are most probably due to your exercising routine and nothing else as Dr James informed you before. Looking forward to your SVR 24 and final cure confirmation announcement :+1:
Category: New to Forum
20 Dec 2018 19:50
Hi guys
Today I did my final lab test for svr24 hcv rna
my alt and ast is little higher than normal range
ast before 48 (svr12) but now 57
alt before 46 (svr12) but now 78
*I had undedected results during treatment even alt and ast was higher then references values.

I use protein powder and doing fitness. Is these can be reason or hcv came back ?
Also I used antibiotic for 5 day and 2 pills in day . It finished 5 days ago but I am not sure if its reason.
I will wait hcv rna result hope it will be ok...very stresfull :(
Category: New to Forum
20 Dec 2018 17:07
I couldnt agree with u more Nitro!!! Im In the USA and I have went to doctor after doctor and constantly been lead to false hope. Everytime I felt like this Is It, "Im going to get approved and I may be given a chance to get the cure to kill this horrific virus I always got let down. Its 84000 for the medicine here and you have to basically be dying before they will even think about you being a candidate for It!!! Its just BS!!!! Im new to this amazing trial and Im so grateful I have a chance to live a healthier life and get cured for a generous price!! But seriously the hoops Ive gad to jump through to just get the meds delivered Is beyond me!!! Like wtffff. They have the most outrageous questions they ask and even after I give them all the paperwork they request, Its still not approved yet. I just kept telling the women that my life Is In your hands so please please please take that Into consideration because In a few years this could turn deadly!! I told her Dr. Freeman and all of his team are the most compassionate AND caring people that Ive came across that just want to help us get the treatment at affortable prices so we can LIVE and they offer us support, knowledge, and truth with no additional cost!!! Its just a waiting game now and Im so anxious but excited all at the same time because I have an amazing 2 yr old boy that needs a healthy mommy so I will continue to pray and I know that everything will fall Into place when Its suppose to. But all these ridiculous laws are just INSANE!!
20 Dec 2018 09:15
Hi Paul,

You have GT3 and cirrhosis (fibroscan > 12.5kPa)

There are no guidelines anywhere in the world that say 8 weeks of Sof+Dac is appropriate for ANYBODY.

The 8 weeks guideline for Harvoni for treatment naive, GT1, Viral load < 6 million, LOW FIBROSIS patients are well known to produce inferior SVR12 to 12 weeks and do not apply to you anyway.

You need 24 weeks treatment and would have a high probability of relapse if you do only 8 weeks treatment - nobody knows how high because nobody gives that short a treatment.

You should be having ribavirin.
  1. What country are you in?
  2. How much longer do you have before you finish the 8 weeks?
  3. When you do find see your doctor about more treatment?

Here are the EASL guidelines for treatment of cirrhotic patients

Category: Genotype 3 (37%)
20 Dec 2018 06:54
Hi Paul

Thats great about your being UND. @week4, that is certainly what you want to see,however I would say yes it is worrisome for SVR to stop this regime at 8 weeks.

As Dr. freeman pointed out earlier the optimum regime for GT 3 W/ cirrhosis is SOF/VEL for 12 weeks (preferably with Riba added for some insurance.)

However the guidelines do say, and as Dr. Freeman also mentioned if doing SOF/DAC then 24 wks . is recommended also with RIBA.

I would imagine the DR. will chime in and possibly you can chat with him about adding whatever regime he suggests through him to supplement being only given 8 weeks treatment.

If you are only at wk. 4 currently ,hopfully there should still be time to work something out with Dr. Freeman if in fact they will not extend this regime you are on.

Good luck

Category: Genotype 3 (37%)
20 Dec 2018 02:28
Hello everyone, after 4 weeks of sof/dac regime my VL is undetected. The doc never prescribed riba. He has said that he may discontinue meds after 8 weeks. I am worried. Is there a possibility of a relapse in future if the recommended 12 weeks is not adhered to?

As I go to a government facility where the meds are given free, I do not have a say in the treatment.
Category: Genotype 3 (37%)
19 Dec 2018 09:17
Hi Jessica, please don't worry, even if this package is not delivered (I doubt it as this happens very rarely) , FixHepC will send you another one and WILL get the treatment delivered to you.
Category: FixHepC Admin
19 Dec 2018 05:53
We have got there at last, free treatment for NZ from 1 February.
Category: FixHepC Admin
18 Dec 2018 17:19
Hello Everyone,
I am two days short of finishing my 8 weeks with Mavyret.
I am concerned with the treatment outcome because of my eight week only prescription ,even though I was undetected at week 5 or even earlier (my first BW was done at 2weeks and a half) and back then I was <15 detected.
Sometimes my skin itches and I get a red large blotch (?) it happened yesterday...
Also has anyone experienced a very bloated stomach?
For the last two weeks my stomach gets extremely bloated especially in the evening.
Has anyone experience the same during treatment?
Category: DAA Side Effects
16 Dec 2018 15:09
Hi Jessica and welcome,

Congratulations on organising your treatment. For myself and others on this forum it has been life changing .

I can remember being a little anxious (but impatient too) when I started the medication. Everyone seems to react just a little differently with some people experiencing no side effects at all. I had the very common headaches and insomnia (wide awake at 2 a.m.) for quite a few weeks but it does eventually pass. I had to take Ribavirin during another round of treatment and that was less kind but still doable.

I hope you don't get nausea but it's great that you are prepared and know what is safe to take as it is really important that all of those little tablets stay inside to do their job.

Good luck - looking forward to hearing how you are going on treatment.
Category: Genotype 3 (37%)
15 Dec 2018 20:38
Welcome to the forum Jessica :) You made an excellent decision by taking matters in to your own hands and accessing the generic treatment from overseas. As long as the generics are of high quality (you're assured of that with FixHepC), you have the same 95% chance of reaching cure. Please update us on your progress once you receive the medications, best of luck :+1:
Category: FixHepC Admin
14 Dec 2018 11:58
Dr James helping make noise for us here . Still unequal treatment, only vpak for geno 1 !'s

If it wasn't for FixhepC, I don't know what this country would have done. So many of us have been saved this way.
Category: FixHepC Admin
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