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Searched for: treatment
23 Oct 2015 06:40
Same old, same old. The government will introduce treatment gradually. They can't sit back any longer. I think Greg and the Dr have generated the necessary impetus for something to happen soon. Thanks guy's. kindly
Category: Media & News
23 Oct 2015 05:19
hi, this is good to know, thanks for sharing Umair,

Did you have any problems with importing it to your country? where do you live?
Did you need any documents or doctor script?

Testing in the Western countries is very expensive, we're talking $0000 (!).
The API's most people used here were tested by Buyer's Club, but others who don't live in Australia did not test them & still found the meds safe & effective.

Good luck with the treatment,
Category: Patient Stories
23 Oct 2015 01:49
With interferon it happened from neurotoxicity.

I actually haven't heard anybody complain about it with the new treatments. But if you're concerned I would try to eliminate the possible causes before you start treatment. Like, it can be caused by Low Vitamin B12 levels (and low B12 is common in hep c patients). low vitamin C, . zinc deficiency and low serum melatonin.

Intracranial hypertension can cause tinnitus too but usually in obese females (made better by weight loss).

And coenzyme Q 10 is protective of ears.


So I would ask your doctor if it's okay to take a multivitamin/antioxidants.
Category: Q & A
22 Oct 2015 22:12
This article discusses "Drug Eruption Medications" which along with "Fixed Drug Eruption" is secret doctor code for a rash caused by drugs:


A Google for the search term "Fixed drug eruption treatment" should turn up many more articles.
Category: Q & A
22 Oct 2015 17:05
Wow ! new to the buyers club and it with much interest I read the posts on HepC symptoms.
I have had the disease for some 30 years I suppose?
I have known about it for a long time. Under went interferon treatment in 2002 with little success. Brought my ALT to normal for about 3 months. I currently have cirrhosis with a fibroscan reading of 16 so F4 condition.
All of that aside the neurological symptoms being described in this thread I have had for years. I have had at least 2 brain MRIs - suspecting brain cancer and have had numerous other tests in an attempt to identify a cause of the dizziness, buzzing sensation, anxiety / panic attacks and general out of body detached feeling I have experienced. I first noticed these symptoms in 2004. Needless to say no particular cause was ever identified. I suppose now I have kind of just learn to live with it.

Maybe this explains it ????
Category: Q & A
22 Oct 2015 05:38
Hi Dr Freeman, here's hoping that consultants in the NHS will acknowledge this worldwide trial and will monitor treatment if a person is on it.
Also is there a limit to how many can go on the sof/led trial? Could I put my name down now?
Thanks, Deb
22 Oct 2015 04:12

Jolie wrote: are you kidding? tents? B)
soon you'll probably need to reserve your most luxurious hotels to accommodate the US med tourists paid by their insurer, according to research done in the US :



Gilead implemented a tiered global pricing strategy for SOVALDI (sofosbuvir where the price reflects a country’s ability to pay; a 12- week treatment course in the US costs $84,000 versus $840 in India, Egypt and Brazil.
SOVALDI has generated some strong payer outcry as its price combined with the large patient population (Hepatitis C) results in a substantial budget impact. 

This research aimed to evaluate how it could be money-saving for US insurers to reimburse patients for luxury holidays to Egypt where SOVALDI is available at a 99% discount.
On the 26th November 2014, prices were sourced for the Fairmont Cairo 5-star hotel alongside first-class flights on Emirates airline for trips at the following weekend (Friday 28th to Sunday 30th November) reflecting the potential need for prompt commencement of treatment following diagnosis.

The most expensive suite at the Fairmont Cairo was the 233m2 “Diplomatic Suite King,” overlooking the Nile at $10,000 a night for 2 people.
First-class flights for 2 persons leaving on the 28th November and returning on the 30th would cost $42,754.

Therefore, US insurers could afford to send hepatitis C patients along with a friend/partner on a luxury weekend break to the most expensive suite in a 5-star hotel in Cairo to collect their SOVALDI prescription for a total of $63,594.
This means that insurers could give the patient an additional $10,000 in spending money and still make cost-savings exceeding $10,000, as compared to having SOVALDI dispensed in the US.

The availability of high-cost therapeutics in other countries at a fraction of the price that it costs in the US, offers opportunities for US payers to save costs whilst simultaneously offering quality-of-life improving vacations for patients.

Category: Patient Stories
21 Oct 2015 17:36
Thank-you Poodle.
I already have tinnitus - (not on treatment yet)
It's more a hissing than a ringing mostly.
This could be a nuisance for my work.
I wonder what causes this?
Hope it calms down for you soon
and appreciate you posting your experience,
Category: Patient Stories
21 Oct 2015 13:41
Hi my treatment is now on day 3.
Iam geno 1a with F2 fibrosis. No prior Treatment currently taking apis of sovaldi/led in 2 separate capsules.
I thought it might be useful to record my treatment as many on the forum are reporting on sov/dac and not much going on with my choice which is basically the "harvoni" treatment.
Side effects so far are minimal. No headaches, no nausea, no phisical pains. But some bad tinitis has moved into my world. At this stage i can say the biggest challenge is to just not let the noise drive me crazy. The only other noticeable effect has been after I take the 2 capsules post dinner I feel slightly drugged for about 1 and 1/2 hours. Its not a bad feeling just a bit out it, even slightly pleasant. However the ringing in the ears is far from good and hope it go's away soon.
In Good Health Poodle
Category: Patient Stories
21 Oct 2015 08:38
Thank you Nadia and good luck for the remainder of the tx.

I also get liver discomfort sometimes and not on treatment yet. 2 days ago woke up in the middle of the night and felt like liver was squeezing.
Category: Patient Stories
21 Oct 2015 07:58
Oh yeah I'd had them before treatment too, for some years. But interestingly, they were a slightly different quality on and off treatment.

Before treatment they were a constant right sided dull ache that would last for days and made sleeping on my right side uncomfortable. On treatment, the liver discomfort was confined almost entirely to that third week. The pain came and went over a matter of hours and was more focal rather than being spread over a wide area.

I think Nadia's right. I think it has something to do with the inflammation settling. Clearly, large numbers of the virus are obliterated in those first couple of weeks. So it makes sense that then the inflammation starts to subside. Interestingly, around about week 4 - 5 the joint and muscle pains in the rest of my body started to improve markedly including some tendon problems that were due to past injuries and which had become chronic. It was as if the reduction of inflammation possibly due to an overactive immune system spread to the rest of the body.

The broken arm has made this sort of stuff harder to assess. But the mere fact I'm bored witless because of ithe arm where prior to treatment I would have been relieved to have an excuse to do exactly what I felt like doing - absolutely nothing - is a pretty good sign everything is still on track. In a really tedious sort of way. :blink:
Category: Patient Stories
21 Oct 2015 07:36
hello Doc James ,

I have a question concerning the timeline for those trials, you state:

December-January-February: 12 week treatment window

does this word "window" means one can start anytime in December, like after Xmas? or even January after New Year?
or are all participants supposed to start on the same day like 01 December 2015 ?? & be done by the end of Feb?
- assuming we're talking duration tx of 12 weeks.

I'm trying to work out the best options amongst all sorts of prior commitments already made for December, etc
21 Oct 2015 05:26

mgalbrai wrote: Nothing like that at all. I just said I was with the local university doing research, which is true, since I am with the university and I am researching the efficacy of generic HCV treatments-on myself.

Category: Patient Stories
21 Oct 2015 04:31

mgalbrai wrote: I considered testing them. An FDA accredited lab will test both for $5100.00. I thought about it, but decided if I could find ONE SINGLE reference ANYWHERE online about bogus goods coming directly from Mesochem, I would pay and have them tested. I have found absolutely nothing to refute their claim of purity and I have looked everywhere. The only thing I have read is grumbling on the Gilead share hold web site about competition from Mesochem. The tests they furnish show 99+% purity and everyone I talk to at Fixhepc says that is the case. If I am not "undetected" at 4 weeks, I will be very surprised and disappointed.
I am going for it and will keep everyone posted. My suggestion: get them now before big pharma gets their government cronies to shut down this method of getting affordable treatment.

thanks for that, good for you!
OMG $5100 that is a robbery ! :ohmy:

Did you contact Rachel? or someone else at Mesochem?
My confusion is that the last I heard was that we need the letter from a compounding chemist & the private script from the Doc - both almost impossible to obtain here in the UK where I live, which is delaying my purchase.

But if I can get it without the script & letter like you I'll do it now,
Did they put any customs documentation there or on the box?
Category: Patient Stories
21 Oct 2015 04:14
I considered testing them. An FDA accredited lab will test both for $5100.00. I thought about it, but decided if I could find ONE SINGLE reference ANYWHERE online about bogus goods coming directly from Mesochem, I would pay and have them tested. I have found absolutely nothing to refute their claim of purity and I have looked everywhere. The only thing I have read is grumbling on the Gilead share hold web site about competition from Mesochem. The tests they furnish show 99+% purity and everyone I talk to at Fixhepc says that is the case. If I am not "undetected" at 4 weeks, I will be very surprised and disappointed.
I am going for it and will keep everyone posted. My suggestion: get them now before big pharma gets their government cronies to shut down this method of getting affordable treatment.
Category: Patient Stories
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