The decision to go with 'generics' is far from crazy.... Really, it is the only truly sane, the only right choice.
Great allegory Greedfighter!
So, once we have danced for our dinner, and have been categorically denied our shot at life - we have a choice to confront - "TREAT OR DIE".
"TREAT or DIE". That is our choice.
Our insurance company has denied us our very existence, so now what?
Our choice.
Fucking simple.
Tired of dying? Want a chance to escape certain death?
Failed Interferon 96', G1a, VL = 9 - 5.5 Million, F3/A3, AST 111, ALT 190, Generic DAA treatment Sof/Led (Mylan - India MYHEP LVIR) - 8 June, 2016
2 Week Results 20 June, 2016 AST 19, ALT 32
4 Week Results 06 July, 2016 AST 22, ALT 30, VL = 35
6 Week Results 20, July 2016 VL only = HCV RNA Detected, Non-Quantifiable <15
8 Week Results 04 August 2016, Labs, LFTs Normal, VL = UND
12 Week Results 31 August, 2016 LFTs Normal, VL = UND
EOT + 4 Weeks, LFTs Normal, VL = UND, "SVR4"
SVR12, 21 Nov 2016. CURED!!!