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    Yep really it did !!!! I have had hep-c for about 35+ years I figure and I probably got it from a tattoo, but I didn’t discover I had it until 2005. I was running a business and I was constantly tired,but I was working 12+ hours a day 7 days a week. Blood tests were coming back OK but I still was tired. Then one doc suggested a Hep-C test and bingo ( they started running a lot of Hep-c tests on people after this) Well I gave up my after work beer and I have never drank since nor do I plan to ever drink again, I never even take asprin or cold meds ect. I was suggested to do a liver bio. but put it off as my blood test looked good. A year later I got talked into a liver bio and just some slight scarring going on but here’s the game changer, A 2 cm tumor was found on my right kidney and I had to have it removed, I would have never went to the doctor for this and it was a blood filled tumor that would have burst after time, so yea hep-c saved my life. I was scared as hell to try any new meds as interferon almost killed me ( I could have got Harvoni,but told them to stick it ) I only made it 3 week on interferon as it was like someone stuffed a lit road flare up my butt and left it there ( it took over 6 months to heal ) I know people who had the same experience, some were stage 4 and tried Harvoni and when I saw the difference and that they didn’t suffer because of meds I was ready to step up, but they changed the rules stating you need to be stage 3 or up to get the meds or come up with A Lot of money. I’m on day 7 of Sofosvel and I was wondering If I was going to even make this as day 1 and 2 were OK but started to get a little rear pain day 3. My body is adjusting to the meds now everything is regular ( I make my own juices eat good ect ) I even feel better already. I am very grateful that this web site found me and I am always telling others to either get tested or treatment, but don’t wait until you start to feel sick. More to come, Thank you again, I feel like playing me sumblues B)

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    Hang in there Sumblues,

    it’ll be worth it all when you can say you are undetected. I would like to know more about your treatment from Beacon Pharma. Post often please, and keep us updated. i’m new to this and am looking to treat with same as you.


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    Howdy Happi, I really have to look at the positive things that Hep-C has done in my life. Like I stopped smoking (2006), Lost a kidney (but never would have gone to the doctor’s,it was found at the time the liver bio was done,saved my life). I used to drink beer after work and that stopped when I found out I had Hep-C in 2005 and as I look back on that it was just a waste of time and money. I can read my body now, I eat to live. My relationship with God it just grow’s stronger and closer every day.I got to spend a lot of time with my daughter while she was growing up ( I was a work obssesed fool, now I take time to smell the roses ) I don’t react to stressful times like I used too. So lots of postive changes. I am on day 15 now and I feel pretty good ( some days better than others ) My doc wanted a blood baseline, I told him I just had one in Nov. and it’s been the same for years. So I did another and I think he thinks I need another because my AST and ALT numbers were AST 18 and ALT 15 ( 9 days into treatment) and they have been AST 55 and ALT 49 . At one time about 5 yrs ago I was almost undetected, I eat good with green superfoods ect.But after trying interferon 4 yrs ago I could feel this virus slowing me down, so now I am grateful to find a way to get rid of it and heal and move on. Peace B)

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    Doing good on the meds !!! Some days have the flu like and headaches and other’s great . I could list all the foods I eat and amount of fluids and all I take is the meds. I drink about a gallon of water through out the day and night but I have added PH up to my water ( and now Im going to jinx it lol !) and that has helped greatly with the headaches and I eat well no nausea !!!! Awesome cause I have had BAD nausea for years !!!! Good bye to that !!! another day and alot to be greatful for. If you ever feel down and out , remember you were the strongest sperm !!! :woohoo: B)

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    Hello Sumblues,

    How is the treatment going? Haven’t seen anything from you in over a week. Hope you are doing fine. I’m anxious to hear about your journey getting rid of this disease. I saw that you were coming up on or past four weeks. Hope you are undetected next blood test. Anyway, post as often as you can. It gives newbies hope and determination to treat.

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    Howdy Happi

    I’m doing well thanks. I am going in for a blood test tomorrow. No real bad side effects. I am going to take a trip here shortly as my mom is not well so I might not post for a month ( no internet there ) I am really digging no nausea !!! I like waking up and feeling hungry, instead of an ache in the belly.It could get stressful down at my mom’s so keep me in your prayer’s Thank you all !!! B)

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    Almost forgot, My levels have always been on the low side, but that last blood test ( I was 9 days into treatment ) My viral load was a million something and in 9 days it went to 500 so should be undetected now :woohoo: I will try to post this I should know tomorrow. B)

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    Hi Sumblues,
    your story is quite amazing! Delighted for you that you found your way here and wishing you well on your journey.
    hugs and love
    Nadia xx

    Diagnosed Hep C genotype 1b early 1990’s. Treated 1998 peg Interferon/Riba non responder :-(( Meds stopped after 4 or 5 months.
    Fibroscan April 2013- 7.3kPa repeated May 2015- 5.8kPa mild scaring
    May 2015 ALT 59 AST 56
    21/7/2016 ALT 36 AST 44 BIL14
    VL 939000
    thanks FixhepC +Monkmed started Sof/Led 16/8/2016. :-))
    OCT 3 AST33 VL UND
    OCT 11 ALT 29 AST 36 VL UND
    NOV 10 ALT 27 AST 37 VL UND
    JAN 30 2017 ALT 23 AST 29 VL UND
    SVR12 ALT 23 AST 27 VL UND!!

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    Well I had to go for a visit to my moms and could not post but I’m just a little over half way done with treatment and the last blood work up was end of January and it’s not there anymore all my blood levels are great , very few joint pains NO Nausea any more at all, so food and eating is fun and enjoyable :) B)

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    Hey Sumblues. Congratulations on those good results. :+1:
    You’re already over halfway so I’m wishing you smooth sailing to your EOT. Coral #flower #flower

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    Thanks everyone !!! :) Latest blood test in and BAM !!!!!! Nada , Gone :woohoo: My doctor is very excited, but sad thing is I know he can’t say anything to other people he treats about how to get the meds they need and not waiting around to get sick then get treated because of cost. I speak up and out ALL the time about Hep-C especially when people are say 50 yrs + I ask hey you ever been tested for Hep-C and it usually starts a good conversation or ends quick, but I know I need to speak out , even more so now so others will know . The Best is yet to come !!! B)

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    Congrats Sumblues,

    On to the other side now. I hope you feel better and better. You’ll have a different outlook on everything now.

    Spread the word about the generics yourself. I talk to anyone who’ll listen, especially, like you say people over 50.
    Change is coming and everyone needs to do all they can to eradicate this terrible disease.

    Good luck,

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    Thanks happi . Today is the last pill :woohoo: I have been trying to get back into the swing of things , I haven’t worked in months and just need to ease back into it as my mind is rearing to go but physically , well just need to ease into. I have been 160 lbs since well forever and now I got to watch it as I can gain weight very easy now I was at 180 but now at 175 and I’m always hungry. We will see as time goes on but it is great to wake up and feel hungry and not nausea or all the joint pain I used to wake up to daily . B)

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    I have been getting a little more energy all the time ( can work almost 4 hrs at a time , was down to 1 hr then needed rest ) only thing I have going on is BAD ringing in the ears still ( never had it before ,hearing very sensitive ) and man I have never had allergies like this , but that’s ( for me ) a small price to pay to be rid of Hep-C !!!! Hopefully time will make those symptoms less. I had to go to the doctors to get a blood test because my daughter got mono , poor girl , she told me I know what you were going through now dad , she had to go to the hospital for 3 days . anyway my blood test looks great only thing high still is Bilirubin at 1.5 ( I’ll take it ) AST 16 Alt 7 and I was feeling pretty bad some virus or maybe these allergies , I still won’t take any medicine for headaches or allergies because for over ten years , you know my thinking Oh those will hurt my liver , funny how we get locked in to that huh !!! next month will be that 12 week test and I will talk to the doctor about the ringing in the ears and the allergies and I will take some medicine if so needed. OH 1 thing good about this ( for my wife ) I play guitar and I can’t turn it up cause it hurts my ears now LOL !!! :lol: B)

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
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    Did you take Sofosbuvir + Velpatasvir or was it something else?


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