Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories Geopolitics Gilead, Enron, what’s the difference?

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  • #19261
    Avatar photoVororo
    • Guardian Angel
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    Q. I know this is a stupid question, but how the f**k can a company be allowed to charge $84,000 for a product that costs less than $1,000 to make?

    A. Its simple. De-regulation.

    The usual argument for de-regulation goes like this: with less government interference and bureaucracy, ordinary companies can get on with the business of making better products and services for the consumer. And if the consumer likes their products then they do more business and everyone benefits. This is what the principle of a free market is all about. So less government interference and regulation should aid the free market and benefit the consumer, right?

    Well, not always… If you put de-regulation next to a legal monopoly, you get exactly the opposite result because big companies will naturally exercise their power over the market to maximise their profits in whatever legal way is possible. In the end, you get

    The Smartest Guys in The Room

    Q. What’s the difference between Gilead and Enron?

    A. If you look what Enron did for Californian electricity supply, the answer is … Not Much.


    Diagnosed Jan 2015: GT3, A0+F0/F1. Fatigue + Brain-Fog.
    Started Sof+Dac from fixHepC 10-Nov-2015. NO sides.
    Pre-Tx: AST 82, ALT 133, Viral Load 1 900 000.
    Week4: AST 47, ALT 58. VL < 15 (unquantifiable). Week12 (EOT): AST 30, ALT 26, VL UND Week16 (EOT+4): AST 32, ALT 28, GGT 24, VL UND Week28 (EOT+16): AST 26, ALT 22, GGT 24, VL UND Ever grateful to Dr James. Relapsed somewhere after all that... Bummer! Jan 2018: VL 63 000 (still GT3).

    Avatar photobeaches
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    It actually costs greediad about a dollar a tablet to make :angry: <img style=ick:' />

    Genotype 1a
    Diagnosed in 2004, had HCV for all my adult life. Until 2016!!!!
    Harvoni treatment, started 19 March 2016
    4 week results Bilirubin 12 down from 14 pre treatment,
    Gamma 25 down from 52, ALT 19 down from 63, AST 19 down from 47,
    VL <15 down from a lazy 6 million or so

    EOT Results
    Bilirubin 10, GGT 18, ALT 19, AST 21, VL UND

    12 Weeks post EOT
    Bilirubin 11, GGT 16, ALT 22, AST 20, VL UND
    Cured baby

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Because all the politicians in the first world are bought and paid for. They receive huge campaign money from these companies.

    For some strange reason, pharmaceuticals don’t get any scrutiny. Gilead had to pay $11 billion for the patents to Sovaldi and Harvoni. So, I do agree that they need to be able to recoup that investment. But 12 weeks of treatment for $35,000 is what Pharmasset (the company Gilead bought) was going to charge. And that seems reasonable. But $94,000? <img style=ick:' /> :-1:

    Avatar photoMatt-Kenney-google
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Here’s a recording from the Greedy Bastards radio program. Have a listen to this …

    Ahhh, life in a world where all too often greedy politicians and corporations “dominate man to his injury.”

    GT1a; Got it some time in the 70’s; Diagnosed @1976
    Tx naive
    METAVIR: A2-F2
    SOT May 18, 2016: CMP: AST 162 ALT 241 VL 13000000
    3 weeks after SOT: AST 27 ALT 31 VL 138
    Reached EOT Aug. 10, 2016 / Received svr4 results Sept. 20, 2016: AST 22 ALT 24

    Avatar photofitz
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    The audio link is great, Matt!

    Avatar photoMatt-Kenney-google
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Thanks fitz, the audio, though a couple of years old, speaks for itself. It identifies the entities responsible for compounding the greed, not only impacting the US, but other nations around the world, whether it’s accross government lines or corporate lines.
    As you know this country considers itself the worlds leader and touts its freedoms as a model for the rest of humanity to emulate. Those freedoms, for the majority have been sold to the highest bidder. Unfortunately, I personally feel that the changes needed will never come about on an individual national scale for any country. Nationalism only tends to separate people. It’s been the cause of the two greatest wars mankind has fought up to now and is on the rise once again.
    No, you won’t find me taking sides for any one nation. I am a fellow human, residing on the same planet as the rest of humanity. I guess you could say I’m kinda like those involved with, “Doctors Without Borders” less the “university papers” and the cash to actually travel like they do. :lol: So I do what I can, when I can, where I can. :)
    Make no mistake, I care deeply about people wherever they are, everyone deserves the opportunity to improve theirs and there families lives, and so for the past 40 years of my life I’ve done unpaid volunteer work in whatever community I’ve lived to help people see how they might do that. That’s where I, “personally” enjoy seeing any progress being made.
    On the other hand, through this site hundreds, soon maybe thousands, have been and are being helped to find, what has been denied to them elsewhere. That is, fairly cheap and comparatively easy access to these life saving meds. Add to that the education and warm support one finds here and you have a veritable treasure trove containing “pearls of great value.” I count you among those, fitz.
    That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it, as the saying goes. :cheer:


    GT1a; Got it some time in the 70’s; Diagnosed @1976
    Tx naive
    METAVIR: A2-F2
    SOT May 18, 2016: CMP: AST 162 ALT 241 VL 13000000
    3 weeks after SOT: AST 27 ALT 31 VL 138
    Reached EOT Aug. 10, 2016 / Received svr4 results Sept. 20, 2016: AST 22 ALT 24

    Avatar photofitz
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★


    You’re awesome, brother. :+1:

    Avatar photoMatt-Kenney-google
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    “America bashing!” Really???
    Although, again I think you are seeing the “boogeyman” where he isn’t :lol: I have amended my post and put it on a global level for you. I only ask that you stop seeing every hint of protest against American political and corporate greed as an evil plot to drive Americans away from this site. I, for the most part, see people, including Americans as pretty capable. Able to think for themselves, draw their own conclusions, and decide for themselves the value or lack thereof of information presented to them.
    I consider myself an average person and I am able to do that. I have confidence in my fellow countrymen to use the same abilities. I needed no self appointed defender to direct my search here and protect me from what he/she thought might be offensive.
    I feel you calling me out publicly as bashing America, (though I understand your concern), does more to draw attention to the detriment of your cause than in helping it.


    P.S. Everyone! I pm’d fitz and told him I didn’t want to hash this out in the public forum … and here I go, hashing it out.
    P.P.S. fitz and I realized we were both on the same page as to who the “Greedy Bastards” are. They are definately not the general public residing in … (you know where) :lol:

    GT1a; Got it some time in the 70’s; Diagnosed @1976
    Tx naive
    METAVIR: A2-F2
    SOT May 18, 2016: CMP: AST 162 ALT 241 VL 13000000
    3 weeks after SOT: AST 27 ALT 31 VL 138
    Reached EOT Aug. 10, 2016 / Received svr4 results Sept. 20, 2016: AST 22 ALT 24

    Avatar photofitz
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Check your PMs Matt, you were messaging me as I was writing the last post. I was messaging you just as you were reading the post I had just written.

    Avatar photomgalbrai
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Who wants less government when it comes to airline safety, highways and national defense.
    Government regulates utility prices and the health of the economy through the Federal Reserve.
    Why is human health less important?
    If a person is sick, there is an effective cure and he or she want to get well, money should not be a factor. Especially when the disease is cripplng and potentially life threatening.


    G 1a F-1
    Started tx 10/23/15 (Meso sof & led) ALT 48 AST 28 v/l 1.6 mil
    11/17/15 4 wk lab ALT 17 AST 16 <15
    11/18/15 Started Harvoni
    12/16/15 8 wk lab ALT: 15 AST: 13 V/l UND
    1/14/16 Fin. Tx
    7/07/16 UND SVR 24

    Avatar photoMatt-Kenney-google
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Thanks fitz, I just checked my pm’s, and yep, that’s zactly what happened. Like I’ve said before mosta the time, when our passions get in front of us, they just get in the way of being able to see clearly. That’s happened to me too. Thanks for your willingness to take a closer look buddy and thanks for helping me to watch a little closer what I say. :+1: :+1:


    GT1a; Got it some time in the 70’s; Diagnosed @1976
    Tx naive
    METAVIR: A2-F2
    SOT May 18, 2016: CMP: AST 162 ALT 241 VL 13000000
    3 weeks after SOT: AST 27 ALT 31 VL 138
    Reached EOT Aug. 10, 2016 / Received svr4 results Sept. 20, 2016: AST 22 ALT 24

    Avatar photoGT2
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Don’t worry about it guys.

    Corporate greed is entrenched in the western world. It’s taught religiously in all business schools in every university in every country. The two party political system that has evolved in most western countries makes a mockery of democracy. Whoever wins power quickly forgets what they promised the voters to get that power, but never forgets their obligations to those who funded their campaigns. Unfortunately, that’s what our democracy has become. The USA is no different to Australia, the UK or any other European country in general terms. No country is either better or worse.

    I fully agree with Greedfighter. You can’t shame them, because they have no shame, and you can’t change them, because they’ve spent their whole corporate lives striving to get to where they are and they are not going to give that up overnight. The best thing to do is to increase awareness that there are easily accessible generic DAAs that will cure HCV at an affordable price. Anyone in the western world who has suffered HCV for decades will find a way to get the US1,500. Hopefully, competition amongst generic manufacturers will reduce the price of generic DAAs over time for HCV sufferers in third world countries. Let’s focus on helping others access an affordable HCV cure by working around the system that has been set up against them.



    1983: Hospitalised with Acute non-A, non-B Hepatitis after ICU blood transfusion 3mths earlier => HCV GT2
    22/02/16: (pre-tmt) ALT 61, VL 2.48 IU/ml Hepascore 0.32 (F1/2), fatigue, brain fog, bloating (Treatment Naïve)
    10/04/16: (Start tmt) Sofovir +DaclaHep (SOF + DCV) by Hetero Labs in India
    09/05/16: ALT 34, VL: NOT Detected :cheer: 🙂 , FBG 11.9 :huh:
    17/6/16 FBG 5.7; PPBG (@14.22) 6.9 (@ 20.45) 7.1; BP 124/72
    🙂 (Accu-Chek Mobile & Omron Auto BP Monitor) 🙂

    Avatar photore_roll
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    mgalbrai wrote:

    Who wants less government when it comes to airline safety, highways and national defense.
    Government regulates utility prices and the health of the economy through the Federal Reserve.
    Why is human health less important?
    If a person is sick, there is an effective cure and he or she want to get well, money should not be a factor. Especially when the disease is cripplng and potentially life threatening.

    Good one, M.
    And EDUCATION. The dumbing of certain regions of America is an abomination.
    US is not alone. There are other countries in the world that are trying to pull off
    this same stunt….e.

    contracted Gen 1a in the 70’s, dx in 2007…ast 27 to 35…alt 43 to 96…vl 1.2 mil to 8.6 mil.
    biopsy F-2 (2012)..pre tx results 1/23/16 ast 32, alt 46, vl 3.1 mil
    tx started 2/11/16…. lab results 2/24/16 ast 18, alt 18, vl <15 IU/ml
    28 days later………….lab results 3/9/16 ast 21, alt 21, vl UND
    56 days later………….lab results 4/6/16 ast 20, alt 22, vl UND
    139 days later………..lab results 6/29/16 ast 28, alt 30, vl UND…EOT

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Let’s all just say it and admit it.

    America is fucked up. 99.8% of the people are great, will help their neighbors and care for them.

    But we are governed and dominated by the .2% who fuck it all up. They want to abuse us. They live like kings.

    You see it everywhere; most people are barely existing. Meanwhile, someone else buys an existing house and levels it and builds a stone palace worth millions. Sadly, America has become a place of every man for himself.

    Buy your own medication, or wait for the rich man to declare you sick enough for treatment, so he can keep living like a king.

    Avatar photofitz
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I understand your anger Greedfighter. I do. But, I think you’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater, brother.

    The 99.8% deserve better. If you really want to make a difference, there IS a way. With all of that rage you’re feeling you need an outlet, and I’ve got one.

    Using the same computer you are posting from now, you can saw the legs out from under these pricks by joining me in posting PSA’s across the country.

    You would be absolutely amazed at how many people we can reach with just a few well placed announcements. Last night I posted a few PSA’s and this morning a few more. Last I checked, of the twelve I posted, five are still up. Each of those five PSA’s will be seen by hundreds if not thousands of people over the next month.

    I am just one person. If there were ten more Americans doing the same thing, we could post hundreds of PSA’s across the entire United States every day. A hundred of us could move the needle nationally, and even internationally.

    So get mad. Get real mad, and then come and help me out. I can use another pair of hands.

    PM me and we’ll get to work on this.


    P.S. This offer is open to Aussies, Kiwis, Brits, Canadians, Brazilians and anyone else who wants to do some guerilla marketing. If you want to help, let me hear from you.

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