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    Avatar photoNick-Campfield-facebook
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    Considered “preferred” when there is no generic, and because of their value and effectiveness.
    This is what it said for epsula.
    Vosevi is nonpreffered.
    Both epsula and harvoni are tier 2???

    Contracted 2011
    Gen 3
    VL 13000
    Treatment Start Date: SOON

    Avatar photoNick-Campfield-facebook
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    Also what could I do to treat my liver as nicely as possibly through this process before treatment? I have stopped drinking coffee and quit smoking my ecig, I’m trying to cut down on pop and I have been take 1000-2000mg of vitamin c daily. What else is beneficial? Thank you.

    Contracted 2011
    Gen 3
    VL 13000
    Treatment Start Date: SOON

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Nick,

    Drinking is an additive insult to the liver. Not drinking is a good option but low level (social type) drinking in somebody young is unlikely to have any major impact, particularly given you will get treatment at some stage in the reasonably near future.

    If your e-cig was planned as a stepping stone to quitting all power to you.

    Milk thistle is a herbal supplement that definitely helps. It contains silymarin and is widely used for liver conditions in the old USSR.

    Coffee is actually good for your liver and has been shown to delay the onset of fibrosis so feel free to have a cup of two of Joe – there is probably a benefit in quitting this quitting!

    This article from the National Library of Medicine is called “Coffee: the magical bean for liver diseases”



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    A February, 2007 article from the Mayo Clinic touts Lactoferrin and Phosphatidylcholine as supplements which protect the liver. I am convinced that my use of these and other widely recognized supplements (Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Artichoke) protected my liver from damage that would otherwise be caused by HCV.

    1970’s-Bad behavior as a teenager.
    2001- Insurance Company denies coverage due to HCV positive
    2002- Another HCV positive reading and referral to liver doctor.
    2003-Commence Interferon Combination treatment. VL 205,088 after 3 months. Doctor says stop.
    2007-VL 1,045,320.
    2017-VL 3,121,174.
    2.5.18-Commenced generic Epclusa.
    3.7.18- VL Undetected!
    3.13.18-US Abdomen Complete scan reflects Normal echogenicity with no mass detected. No dilated intrahepatic biliary ducts”.

    Avatar photoNick-Campfield-facebook
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    Thank you I’m going to look into this milk thistle, I have never been a drinker so I have nothing to worry there and I guess I’m going to continue my Morning Joe haha.

    Contracted 2011
    Gen 3
    VL 13000
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    Best of luck Nick on obtaining your meds. Dr Freeman has been a tremendous help to me on obtainining what I need for my last 4 weeks. The staff at GP2U is great.


    Diagnosed: 2001 GT1a , HCV since mid-70’s.
    Biopsy 2010 F1
    Fibroscan and Fibrosure 2018 F2

    Treated in trial 2010 with Dac/Peg/ Riba and Relapsed.

    Resistance test 2017. Have Ns5a Rav Q30r/H58d enhanced from doing Dac.

    Start Tx. Jan 18th/18 w/ Vosevi /Riba 12wks. plus 6 wks.Viekira Pak +Sof/Riba(From Dr Freeman @GP2U)

    VL start: 1.6mill.ALT 125 AST 88
    Wk. 4 Det @LLOQ <15.
    VL Wk.8 UND Alt &Ast 22
    Wk. 12 UND

    EOT+12 >>>UND (SVR12)! ALT11 AST13
    Nov6/18 SVR 24!

    Avatar photosabrecat
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Nick,

    I had Genotype 3 which is harder to treat and made worse by cirrhosis which occurred over twenty plus years. Far as I know I am still clear of the virus after DAA treatment.

    Using GP2U (Skype) was pretty okay here in Australia and the generic medications easy to obtain, though at that time they were not free, but still affordable. In Australia we have something called the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and now the DAA’s are subsidised (read only need a token payment and the government pays the rest).

    Read lots of posts on this forum from people in America, and people who cannot get the DAA’s through your insurance schemes there, appear to manage to get them anyway at an affordable cost.

    The “Not for me but for my kids, they need a father” resonated with me as my own General Practitioner said similar to me when I told him I was going the generic DAA route through GP2U.

    I think getting DAA’s in America is not as simple as it is here, but from what I have read in the forum it is doable, and there is lots of advice here how to manage this.

    Hep C ain’t anybody’s friend and take it from me, life is that much better without it.

    Best wishes


    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
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    I thought milk thistle should be avoided on treatment? Perhaps there has been a change to this info?


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello GF,

    Nick is not on treatment yet and has no defined starting date so reaching for the good herbs and supplements beats doing nothing.

    On treatment you are already on the best liver supplements ever invented for Hep C patients. Any useful supplement must have 1 or more active ingredients for which the drug-drug interactions are unknown.

    Thus the advice about stopping them during treatment.


    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello Dr. James!

    I’m sorry, my mistake, I thought Nick was going to start treatment.

    Nick, you should really focus on getting this treatment. Unless you are pretty ill, your insurance will likely not cover this treatment. Even if they do, it will probably cost you more than going through the redemption trials.

    Milk Thistle is something people use to “sustain” themselves because they have no other option. Brother, get on this treatment as soon as you can, it’s an almost guaranteed cure!

    Avatar photoNick-Campfield-facebook
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    Hello Dr. Freeman,
    Could you briefly explain how obtaining a prescription through yourself works with the gp2u website? Do i book an appointment and upload my viral load results and then you can prescribe me the same day? And once that is done i can buy my medications through the fixhepc website?
    Sorry for being so simplistic i am just trying to get a full understanding for when the time comes.
    Also is the full treatment sent in one package or would i need to refill every month?
    the 17th is coming soon and i cannot wait to get this bloodwork over with so i can get this show on the road.
    Thank you so much.

    Contracted 2011
    Gen 3
    VL 13000
    Treatment Start Date: SOON

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello Nick, let me clarify the process. Once you receive your test results, you should register at gp2u.com.au , or download the GP2U app and register. Following that, you should book an appointment date with Dr James. Then you should upload your test results to your file area for Dr Freeman to examine before the appointment date. When the appointment time comes, you should login into your GP2U account and talk to Dr James by video conference (appointments duration are usually 20 minutes). Soon after finishing, you will find your prescription in your GP2U account files. You can then use the prescription to purchase your medications from the FixHepC website. After completing your order, all your medications will arrive together in one package at your doorstep 2 to 3 weeks later (you will be able to track them through the DHL website).

    If you have any inquiries about GP2U services, you can contact them directly, the email is : admin@gp2u.com.au Best of luck to you.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    Avatar photoNick-Campfield-facebook
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    Thank you Mar you are extremely helpful. i understand getting a prescription from Dr. Freeman cost some money where would i go to pay this?

    Contracted 2011
    Gen 3
    VL 13000
    Treatment Start Date: SOON

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Nick, it’s my pleasure :). You would pay for it while booking the appointment right on the GP2U website (if using a PC/Laptop), or on the GP2U app (if using a smart phone).

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    Avatar photoNick-Campfield-facebook
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    Finally tomorrows the 17th. I hope ill be able to get blood work done same day. Not sure about the fibrosis scan.
    Those are the two things i need done before i make an appointment with Dr. Freeman for a prescription right?

    Contracted 2011
    Gen 3
    VL 13000
    Treatment Start Date: SOON

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