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  • in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #30019
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Been a while since I swam on by
    So here’s a song for a couple of friends who have my heart
    And the rest of us?
    Watching and feeling all the feels.
    Knowing about the fear…
    knowing about waiting…
    and knowing about living our best lives.

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Fantastic news Joanna
    Now I don’t remember how to make the dancing banana and the discorama is dear GAJ’s trademark happy dance indeed but I am pretty good at HAPPY SPLASHES :)
    sending a tidal wave of happiness and freedom vibes to you thank you for sharing this absolutely wonderful life Changing result for us all to enjoy.
    Wishing you all the best for your HCV free life and the wonderful lightness of being that it brings
    Love from Ariel

    in reply to: Started Harvoni Today #27869
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Cristine
    I sweated too and was also strangely constipated a tad during the first week or so
    I was pretty sure I was clear after the first week! I did an early blood pull at Day 25 but had a Noah’s Ark Lab so redid it with a great lab and it came back PCR RNA undetected! Maybe you are also clearing very fast! Flippers and fins crossed for you here
    Sounds good to me!
    Not sure about the foods, I was a farmer for years and so lucky to grow my own food and have pure rain water to drink. Recently sold up the farming life in exchange for a Beachhouse so I can enjoy no more big machinery jobs and go surfing lots! (If it’s possible to surf more than I always did haha)
    Please keep posting your treatment notes and thoughts and experiences we will be here to help support you towards UND and SVR
    happy Splashes from Ariel

    in reply to: Worried about treatment #27868
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    ”DrJames” wrote:

    A significant problem with online forums is selection bias. If you look at this forum and search for posts before 2016 what you will see is hundreds of names of people you don’t see here now. They have been cured of their Hep C and moved on so their voices are lost.


    Yes so true! Apart from a few of we first group of patients of FHC who just keep swimming on by and checking in on this school of fish, cos it’s cool as a dish, and I have no wish to forget this ‘mish’, to free all peeps from the tidal wave and encourage all their lives to save.

    Rest In Peace my dear dear GAJ in your honour I will always swim by the FHC ocean and always follow your impeccable example to the best of my mermaid ability.

    The time to treat is NOW it’s important and FHC is the place you can save your life. I did. You can too.

    Happy Splashes

    in reply to: Worried about treatment #27867
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Dear Beahaven
    I’m sporting very beautiful expensive chompers a bridge on one side post tx and yep a couple of root canals that were emergency and some other fix up stuff. After all the meds, peginf, riba, corticosteroids, Sof/led I had mouth thrush treated for ages and then bam! Abscesses times two! I paid for my smile and no falseys I am younger than you but I don’t think it matters about age. I’m very proud of my beautiful smile back and every time I smile it’s a reminder of how lucky I am! Yes it cost about $10,000 AUS but I have health insurance which covered half and I am just happy to be HCV free. I haven’t had any further teeth issues since this happened shortly after SVR 24.
    I’m sure others have had teeth issues well actually I know they have!
    Good luck paying for the dentists next overseas five star holiday haha we all know that feeling huh!
    Sending goodvibes from Ariel

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #27866
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    in reply to: Hello new guy here #27865
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Nick
    We are all looking forward to you starting tx obviously!
    I hope you get your meds soon and start your journey to success!
    With your labs you can create a “signature” by going into your own profile and popping up the basic info about your labs and history if relevant.
    It’s a terrific way of creating a snapshot of the awesome progress made on tx and beyond. I put my milestones in mine like achieving undetected and SVR as well as my liver functions which were always okay but just got ridiculously good!
    You can see all our signatures under our posts to you and on the forum.
    With your labs I am sure you’ll be dancing in the sun really soon when you’re on tx and getting your first HCV PCR RNA UND!
    Sending you happy vibes

    in reply to: Treatment Started today #27845
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Congratulations on finishing your tx Vedruss.
    I wish you the best outcome of course! I will be cheering on to SVR for you
    Please post your updates and of course any worries we are all here to support each other along all of the way to cure. Undetected is awesome! Great stuff
    Happy Splashes from Ariel

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #27843
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    in reply to: Liver Enzymes Did Not Elevate For 4 Decades #27842
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Thank you Doc

    in reply to: Liver Enzymes Did Not Elevate For 4 Decades #27825
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    ”DrJames” wrote:

    When we look at the patient demographics we can see lots of people in their 40s 50s and 60s but very few who make it past 70 – this is because Hep C tends to chop the last 10 years or so off the expected ~80 years of age average when we tend to expire of natural causes.

    Hi Doc
    Are these stats related to any person treated or not treated who has lived with HCV?

    If my mean life expectancy from all people who have been infected by HCV is 70 then I better change a lot of things!

    I’m in my fifties and cured of HCV via DAAs and had hoped that would make my life expectancy in range with all people with a healthy lifestyle. Could you please clarify the precise cohort of the quoted stat? I’m sure a lot of people would be interested to know!


    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #27798
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    A friend sent me this ripper this morning
    Dance party time

    in reply to: Started Harvoni Today #27797
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi there Cristine
    How much water does a camel need to cross the Sahara ? That’s how much I think I drank!! My blog has my tx story it’s buried here somewhere “Ariel Takes the Plunge” that was over two years ago and yep I drank sooooo much water! And sweated a lot for a week then I was cured super fast.
    I’m no doctor but I don’t think it matters when you take the pill I would check with Dr Freeman if you’re concerned
    In the meantime welcome and wishing you the best outcome
    Keep posting your updates this is the right place for support through your tx and to SVR
    Happy Splashes to you from Ariel

    in reply to: Starting tx tomorrow night #27796
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I’ll be waiting for your results too
    Hang in there and I hope like Songbird says you get good medical assistance with obtaining your PCR RNA asap
    Love from Ariel

    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27795
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Balance
    Thanks for the cool message I actually have been away at the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach and enjoyed watching Mick Fannings last ever Pro comp. So you’re on the money there my tail has been flipping around a lot!
    I would like to thank you for your candid and illuminating description of peginf riba I was exactly the same. It almost took my life I had emergency potassium to stop my heart going into hypokalemia. I was pulled off because of that at 43 weeks. Severe neutropenia, moderate thrombocytopenia, abnormal morphology lymph cells yes it was vile. I’m never sure what to blame now for anything that pops up! Peginf is my go to punching bag for anything haha! Aren’t we lucky the DAAs came along phew!! I’m in Oz but despite our country being one of the first to give access I got in early and got cured here via FHC no waiting around for this lil Duckie! I’m so happy I chose the generic route and I didn’t have to go to India, which I was in the midst of planning when I was told about here. The rest is history and I am cured for over two years!
    Little things still pop up occasionally but I deal. We certainly get tough facing the challenges of the whole HCV experience no matter what how where why when etc along the way I believe we are all tougher because of the experience.
    I’ll be looking forward to your posts
    Happy Splashes from Ariel

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