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  • in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27545
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Vivcus wow awesome labs way to go! Those LFTs must have made you feel so happy. I was a keen LFT and GGT and Bili watcher during tx it was a stoke watching the numbers drop indeed yes a good feeling that I will always remember.
    I’m very happy for you and look forward to your posts
    Happy Splashes

    in reply to: Re-treating with Vosevi #27507
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    Hi there Sheila aka Songbird
    I love the name! Fantastic song takes me back to the era where all the fellas were in lust with Stevie Nicks, though that of course was Christine McVie.
    Wishing you all the best during your tx, sending you good vibes flippers and fins crossed that this nasty knicks off for good for you Songbird.
    Lots of Happies to you from Ariel

    in reply to: New here #27506
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    Hi Sunflower,
    Yep drink a gallon of water all day long because yep it sweats out all night eh? That first week I was also up a lot at night and sweating like never before I was changing my t shirt around half a dozen times a night. I just left a fresh pile of T shirts on the end of my bed so as not to have to get up and further disrupt my sleep. A couple of water bottles beside the bed helped too. Bottles don’t spill when you’re groping around in the dark for the water haha. I was HCV free so very early in tx and I am sure it mostly sweated it’s ugly self out of me during the first week or so, things were really settled down after about week three or four I can’t quite remember it’s over two years ago but it will be on my blog Ariel Takes The Plunge if you can find it amongst the pages here.
    Hoping these annoying but positive sounding sx go away soon and you’re sleeping well and not as dehydrated. I did keep my fluids up during the entire tx. I also never touch alcohol. Cut out coffee too that was another nasty whilst I was on Harvoni it also made me thirsty and I am a very light coffee drinker I treat it as a special reward lol!
    Hang in there Sunflower and I hope you keep sharing your story with us. Here to cheer you on to the finish line
    Sending you happies

    Avatar photoAriel
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    Great news JoannaHC
    So happy to be HCV free and the freedom feeling just grows and grows as you move past tx and back into this new life we’ve been given
    Congratulations on a fabulous result
    Lots of happies to you from Ariel

    in reply to: Exercise during treatment #27504
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    Bummer Tigerfan
    Hydration is the key isn’t it! I recall feeling like a camel whilst on Harvoni. Don’t know the sx of Epclusa but sounds similar. Are you getting the dehydration headache too no matter how well you live? I did. It went away after week four-ish. I kept my sport up during DAAs better than having a crash with the happy hormones from sport I figured. No competing but I did some pretty heavy stuff especially during the last part of tx. I found long walks very helpful and I have friends here who did same.
    I’m sure you’re going to be back on yer bike and fangin it better than ever when done with the virus the meds and all. They clear out of the body very quickly I think.
    Sad to hear of a disappointment but props too for getting out there amongst it I say!
    Looking forward to hearing your next updates
    Happy Splashes

    in reply to: Extra-hepatic Manifestations #27500
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    Thank you Dr J, that is well worth reading.. I am slightly cross eyed now ( an extra-long-reading-of-medicalspeak manifestation) :blink: :lol: Seriously this is good stuff to know for any of us!

    in reply to: Started treatment! #27499
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    Hi Sunflower Wow great news to be on Day four, you are certainly in the right place here to access all the good stuff, I will be waiting to hear your results with you soon too and wish you the very best for the first bit of tx, that’s pretty much the roughest bit I thought; if you could even say it was that hard! Drink heaps of water, keep active as possible…..all the information is here om this forum anyway, So a Big welcome form me and wishing you well, happy Splashes from Ariel

    in reply to: Treatment Started today #27498
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    Hey there Vedruss, Well that sure is music to my mermaid ears, what fantastic labs you have now. How good is it to be HCV free and have such a healthy set of LFT”s eh? You still have the rest of TX to go and of course it has some sx different for everyone I believe, but they are very easy considering the big picture in my humble opinion (having been through a fair few meds over my little run in with the virus). I am just so happy for you that is great news. I recall the tiredness not only lifted but the last four or so weeks were full steam engines on. Others have said the same type of thing in their blogs on tx. Whatever your next few weeks hold it is all pretty cool anyway, it is just take the meds and chug along enjoying every new part of being HCV free. here’s to catching you next post! I’ll join you in a big hydrating glass of water to that :)
    Happy Splashes

    in reply to: Gaj #27470
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    Dear LG aka LG2
    Yes what a very difficult time it is. Thank you for your beautiful words.
    You’re right GAJ gave us so much and it was all unconditional and yes he was never well himself. It’s been weeks but I’m still stopping myself reaching for the phone for our catch ups and coffee and lunch or a walk on the jetty. Remember the silly liver outfit from your special scan? One fun day after GAJ knew about the cancer we actually went op shopping and dressed up in silly outfits.
    It’s impossible to even imagine how he managed to be so amazing until his last days.
    I was at his side in palliative and he was even trying for others in there it is emotionally overwhelming that any person could be so brave, so humble, so generous and so very loving to his friends and fellow humans and especially those who have experienced HCV.
    Well there are no other words because I am still grieving personal loss of a dear friend who had bad luck at every turn. For some it just came too late as Sam Sejavka said and Pat1 kindly quoted here.
    A most dignified and kind man now resting and free from the pain. We love him a lot and we miss him.
    Again thank you LG for sharing and I will pass your words on to his sister xxx

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #27469
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Thinking of you

    in reply to: Genotype 3’s info, updates corner #27468
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    Hi Vivcus
    Thanks for sharing your story please keep updating us exciting times for you. I love reading you feel better in many ways already and that you are organised for bloods soon! I was like that right onto keeping an eye on things and after all we emotionally dealt with from the virus and it’s issues I think it’s cool to keep a close eye on progress it certainly helped me through the DAAs but I was an interferon relapsed so maybe that also pushed me toward vigilance in every way on DAAs. I found the best GP the best lab and the best support (which was right here on the forum)
    When the brain fog starts to lift it’s such an awesome revelation. I think we deserve a medal for living full lives many of us working professionals and parents etc whilst actually being unwell. I did not even know I was unwell until 2011! Big shock!
    Regardless the cure is almost done for you already, just starting out and these awesome reports of good health you have felt are great I look forward to hearing your clearing the virus and finishing your tx!
    Good wishes to you for the future
    Happy Splashes

    in reply to: Started treatment! #27467
    Avatar photoAriel
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    Hi Panthyra
    Very exciting news congratulations on starting your Harvoni.
    I took the 12 week course of Harvoni when these meds pretty much first became accessible here. Also had a very low VL, although I often read it’s irrelevant all is speculation imho. I cleared very very fast. My labs are amazing. I thought it might be useful to read my signature at the bottom of this page or my blog or parts of it anyway, it’s called Ariel Takes the Plunge. I mentioned assay ranges and so on, describing any side effects and also the happiness of being UND at last.
    It will be such a momentous day when you get the UND on your labs and start to get awesome LFTs as well. The health that starts is instaneous I think it was for me despite the dehydration I experienced. That was just the nasty virus being nuked anyway in hindsight!
    With getting labs, I had a poor range reading from a lab so I sourced another lab which had a much more update assay range and offered PCR RNA immediately as I came back with a < result at Day 25 but no Real quantifiable test. I quickly had that done and was UND as I suspected. I hope this gives you a boost into this tx it’s marvellous to be on your journey to wellness and I will be waiting for your posts about the treatment and clearing the virus Congratulations again Happy Splashes Ariel

    in reply to: RNA came back positive and going to GP in 2 days #27431
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Sharmon
    I was once HCV Positive gen 1a
    My Sof/led from FHC cured me
    My signature here has the timeline and stats. Harvoni Sof/led is a miracle.
    Wishing you well for tx
    Happy Splashes

    in reply to: Quote of the day #27430
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    When tomorrow starts without me
    And I’m not there to see;
    If the sun should rise and find your eyes
    All filled with tears for me.

    I wish so much you wouldn’t cry
    The way you did today;
    While thinking of the many things
    We didn’t get to say.

    I know how much you love me
    As much as I love you;
    And each time that you think of me,
    I know you’ll miss me too.

    When tomorrow starts without me,
    Don’t think we’re far apart
    For every time you think of me,
    I’m right here in your heart.

    Alena Meadows

    in reply to: Exercise during treatment #27417
    Avatar photoAriel
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    Hi Tigerfan
    Ariel again
    Yup I stuck with heaps of sport after the first four weeks of tx (sof/led) surfed my little butt off. (Tried to stay on top of things during interferon but wound up in hospital and had a bad lymph experience.)

    On DAAs all easy once the first few weeks were over. I was clear so early in tx I think the first month was a bit tougher because I was being cured forever.
    My muscle development is going well. I’m also now Latin dancing and doing exams (typical adrenaline geek, have to set a goal) and despite being of a certain age competing in surf comps against women 20 years younger. Also, I believe that by keeping our muscles and ligaments supple and strong we support our bones, and that by doing “in the moment” sports we help keep our brain active and healthy but you would already be into that I figured. Happy sports life to you! Go for it! RIP IT UP!!!

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