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  • in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #9091
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Debs wrote:

    Morning LG ! :) :) #love #duck #flower

    Glad it’s going well – :) :) :) Same here!
    But am going ask a couple of Qs somewhere else shortly,

    Just wondering, did you have the tinnitus before?

    Hi Debs Hi LG my ears have been screaming since peg/inf so I am interested in this topic ty ladies xx :+1:

    in reply to: Why am I afraid to take the medications? #9089
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    Your writing touched me too Archer I am sorry for your loss and relate to some of your feelings.
    I must admit I was scared of any tx after my last experience too. Thankyou for saying it out loud. Yes Pat1 I agree it’s good to take a break sometimes to just chill this is overwhelming I think for us all at times.
    Given this feeling, I have deactivated my Facebook for the duration of this tx and golly gosh what a release thats been l was sick to death of people liking pictures of waves and surf and even me with stuck on hair (I lost 2/3rds of my hair to peg/inf) and really just needed to chill away from the mad world of social media.
    I like this forum. It’s real. Aren’t we fortunate to be able to share not just the quantitative and qualitative stuff but also some of our feelings in good company #love

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #9085
    Avatar photoAriel
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    Love her Joni is divine an angel of song
    Too many tunes to number off
    Here’s a gentle Bernard Fanning number that’s helped me a lot since diagnosis

    in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #9082
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    PS I also do not know what the term ‘hepascore’ means

    in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #9081
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    Indeed! Haha see I am still working out how to peel that dang banana
    Meanwhile my playlist is stuck on repeat :P

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #9075
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    This is for the great team who have helped us all get to this place

    Old but Gold

    in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #9074
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    I am so behind with the banana peel tech it’s cracking me up! But I can do the duck and the flower #duck #flower and of course the lurve #love
    Here’s to few sx and a great tx
    Children of the Revolution
    I’m posting that one on our psuedo radio station
    Good to hear all going well Debs Chester LG 2b And all :)
    That banana has me mashed

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #9043
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    Changing speed here…here’s to an ol Hepper, Mr Tyler :) this was my personal “theme song” while on peg/inf/riba….we all probs know Steve cleared this little nasty a few tears back on the old tx….very fortunate but I bet he made sure he had some pretty hot round the clock nurses to get through that roller coaster ;)

    The words of this are just so damned fine…even if you are not an Aerosmith fan I just love the lyric, and this time, with this brilliant tx I relate to this even more. Very uplifting.

    in reply to: psavic started TWINVIR treatment #9042
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    All the best Psavic for your tx, here is to a smooth ride and for better health to you, wishing you good luck from a fellow tx-er Day 3 sof/led here,, lots of new friends :)

    in reply to: Ariel takes the Plunge #9040
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    Hi Chejai, I am on sof/led 12 weeks, how about you? I feel really good today, just took my medicine with my gallon glasses of H2O
    Went to see my GP this morning he happy and we both had a big grin slapped on our faces…five years is way tooo long to be basically in bed half the week ergh! It is too long to not be able to work full time too! Cannot wait to regain my independence…I mentioned my little goals to him, the first one about staying awake for a whole week, the next about going out at night…with my ultimate being able to run my business. No timeline…not setting myself up for failure but just looking forward now.
    London Girl and Zhuk will enjoy these skinny experiences from my morning, so here a couple of anecdotes: I was greeted by the local service station lady loudly “OMG YOU have lost SO MUCH WEIGHT” (followed by lots of complains about her supposed ‘overweightness’;) lol I suggested she could be my lipo donor…run a line from her so called ‘problem areas’ straight into my skinny butt. Then in the Supermarket I was freeeeeeezing, and casually mentioned whilst grazing the fresh produce to another customer how cold it was in the supermarket ..haha yes the reply “well you are a bag of bones no wonder”

    I feel like singing a lot.
    On a serious note my GP is really pleased I have taken this step. Tomorrow I visit the big Public Hospital where I have been bench sitting like so many people waiting for a trial that never came…That could be interesting because I have already started tx without them and had my bloods done without them etc…and my script, well it came from another State and another Specialist. It doesn’t really matter anyway how they take this tx decision because I already have my path requests for the 4 week checks etc.
    Well that is big rave on from this happy little mermaid…I had a crash last night but generally smelling the roses.

    in reply to: My parcel of Magic Pills has arrived!! #8898
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    Have a great Day one Chejai, from little missy day 2 here :) Thanks for sharing your story :+1:

    in reply to: Hep C and Me #8891
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    All the best Stew, wishing you a great result and a smooth treatment I am Day 2 here :) Lots of us just starting out there is so much great support here have a good day :)

    in reply to: Dan’s Twinvir story #8841
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    Hi Dan I have just been reading your blog thanks for your information about your tx so far I started yesterday on sof/led and am as skinny as too like LG and Zhuk
    Re the BP are people in general getting this checked regularly and why? Mine has been all over the place since peg/inf and I take a low dose of coversyl to keep it kinda okay
    Just wondering what the general advice is to us on these DAAs
    My heart is feeling a tad excited but that’s probably general excitement because I just started or is this also something people watch?
    Sorry for all the questions trying to do this the very best I can and learning from other people helps us all I guess x
    Thanks and wishing you well

    in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #8827
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi LG hope you’re going well I am already hungry on waking this stuff is potent! So it’s only Day 2 here a few days behind you babe :)
    I have had ringing screeching since peg/inf the GP even referred me to an Ear specialist but I haven’t bothered I figured surfing and playing strings well my left ear is surely going to be whacked out one day anyhow!! There’s always a lot of fluid behind my eardrum apparently, maybe getting well overall will also sort this little thing out
    Ve Vill See Mwahahaaaha!
    Sending love looking forward to your updates

    in reply to: So, the battle is joined! #8824
    Avatar photoAriel
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    Hi there Zhuk how are you going? You must be nearing the end of week one, awesome. We will be ticking off the next few months together
    Have a great day cheers hoping you’re traveling well, Ariel

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