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  • in reply to: Pre-Treatment VL and Bloodwork #29761
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    Hi joy2world,

    Congratulations on starting your treatment. It’s great to hear that you have no side effects. I have just started 14 days isolation after arriving back from Europe yesterday so I understand the worry of it all. I suspect when my 14 days is up everyone will be on tighter restrictions. I feel well and after getting rid of Hep C a few years ago (through fixHepC) I would be pretty unhappy about picking up another virus.

    I’m not sure about the increased risk factor but sounds like you are doing your best to isolate yourself and your family to keep yourself well. Good luck with the rest of your treatment.


    in reply to: New, recently completed treatment, relapse? #29760
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    Hi p711,

    I have been away so I am only just catching up with posts on the forum. I arrived back in Australia from overseas yesterday (a story in itself) and am now in 14 days isolation to make sure that I haven’t managed to pick up the other virus. I feel well so I am pretty confident but will do my confinement without complaint.

    I was also guilty of ignoring my Hep C status which I had for many years so it is not uncommon but the main thing is that you are doing everything you can to address it now. I also wanted to let you know that I also relapsed and had to be retreated. I did both courses of treatment through Dr James and fixHepC. I do understand how you feel and how disappointing it is but I did the second course of treatment and have now been cured for a couple of years and reap the benefits of it everyday.

    Good luck with your next treatment. Please let us know how you are going if you get a chance.


    in reply to: First dose today, the journey begins…. #29728
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    Hi Sven,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your beautiful Beau. It just hurts. My kelpie has been with me through all of the ups and downs – I know what you mean about the happiness that they bring. #flower

    in reply to: Posting of my treatment #29705
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    Hi Cherr1985,

    Thanks for posting an update. It’s good to hear that things are going well and you are starting to feel the benefits of the treatment which will continue long after the medication stops. I also experienced headaches and I found that drinking more water than usual was really important.

    Keep taking every single one of those pills Cherr1985. Not so long to go now.


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    Hi Barry666,

    Thanks for sharing the article about the Taranaki cemetery. It must have been a lot of work but it looks beautiful. Those results look pretty good too. #flower

    in reply to: Posting of my treatment #29688
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    Hi Cherr 1985,

    That’s such good news and by now it will be 7 weeks to go. Well done for putting your health first as it will pay lots of dividends for you and everyone in your life. Looking forward to hearing your results. #flower

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    Hi G,

    I do know from personal experience how hard it is to wait for results but today you are taking the last of your medication – so congratulations on this milestone. I used to view the waiting for results as part of the whole treatment regime. It didn’t mean that I wasn’t impatient and a bit anxious but I tried to put it into the bigger picture of the cure.

    Hep C messes with our mental and emotional selves as much as our physical health. No need to apologise on its’ behalf! It’s a rollercoaster G but I hope this next bit is a smoother ride for you.

    Coral #flower

    in reply to: Posting of my treatment #29659
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    Hi Cherr,

    It sounds as if things are going really well and you are experiencing a few of the usual mild side effects from the treatment. Looking forward to your next test results but it all sounds great so far.

    Like you I found that drinking lots of water, eating well and exercising helped along the way.


    in reply to: Customs processing #29624
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    Hi Cherr1985,

    I”m catching up on some posts and just read your messages. I also remember what it was like to wait for the medication and then to finally start treatment. It looks like you will be about one week in by now so I hope everything is going well. 2020 looks set to be a great Hep C free year for you.

    Best wishes

    Coral #flower

    in reply to: I a #29566
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    Hi Cherr1985< I put a message on your other post but can't have too many welcomes and good wishes! I also had Genotype 1a and am now cured through Dr Freeman with lots of support from this forum. I was also tired all the the time and it is quite remarkable to have energy again once you get rid of the virus. Well done for taking back control and just keep pushing forward. With Dr Freeman you couldn't be in safer or kinder hands. Coral

    in reply to: Delivery time #29565
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    Hi Cherr1985 and welcome,

    Well done on finding this site which has helped so many people cure themselves of Hep C, including me. I remember my medication arrived very quickly (within a week) but as Mar said it can be a little longer depending on where you are.

    Good luck with getting started. There’s a lot of information on this site but just ask away if you have any questions.

    Coral #flower

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #29564
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    Yes…sadly I also knew quite a lot of the originals…. :whistle:

    in reply to: Cirrhosis Stage F3 Hep C #29542
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    Hi Jerry,

    I can see you are about a week into your treatment. Some of us had side effects (especially the delightful insomnia thing) and a lot of people had minimal or none. I wish you the latter over the next weeks but either way it will all be worth it when you have vanquished the virus.

    Wishing you well. Drinks lots of water, eat well, a bit of exercise and take every single pill…… #flower


    in reply to: Running a marathon after getting rid of HCV #29519
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    Hi EC2! It’s great to hear that you are still running those marathons and enjoying your HepC free life. I’m more into climbing up things than running long distances but it feels like anything’s possible again once the virus is gone.

    Messages like yours are so important as they can reach people who might be thinking about getting treated but haven’t quite made the leap. As we know the treatment doesn’t cure all of life’s problems but it certainly makes it much easier to manage them.

    Best of luck for your next marathon.

    Coral #flower

    in reply to: Severe Brain Fog #29477
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    Hi Caravan1990,

    It’s good to hear that you are on the pathway to seeking treatment. Keep pushing forward with the aim of getting the medication and curing yourself of Hep C.

    Brain fog is very common for those of us that had/have Hep C. You will see from my profile that I had the virus for a long time and have been cured for a few years now, through Dr James and this site.

    Caravan 1990 we know exactly how you are feeling. I have experienced all that you have with the brain fog. In the few years before I finally found the treatment through fixHepc my ability to focus decreased along with my confidence in my own abilities and intellect. I had quite a high level and demanding job and found that everything, especially decision making, was starting to take longer. The fog became heavier with fatigue and what I now recognise as some depression. I hid it all pretty well but it was certainly there and it was very frustrating and confusing.

    I can guarantee that when you cure yourself of Hep C the fog will gradually start to lift and your clarity of thought will return. You can start to feel benefits as the medication kicks in but for me the improvements were gradual but continual until I finally felt like my “old self”. Or rather a “new old self” with a greater appreciation for my good fortune and my health.

    We’re with you on this so let us know how you are travelling. Looking forward to reading that you are starting your treatment.


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