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    Hi everyone,

    I come from Belgium and I discovered I had the virus almost a year ago.

    The prices for the treatment being astronomically high, I first thought that I would just live with it while doing regular checkups.

    This was till I discovered an ad with Lionel Messi which spoke about an affordable treatment in Egypt while enjoying a week in Cairo.

    I was about to start gathering funds and asking my doctor what he thinks about it when I discovered this website.

    The difference in treatment price is notable, 5900€ for Tour N’ Cure and approximately 1500€ for MonkMed.

    Has anyone heard of Tour N’ Cure? There are not many sources on Internet talking about it. I found a topic on this website but no one who went there and had a treatment. A testimony would be very intersting.

    Also, how does it happen for MonkMed? Do you just establish what you need, order the medication, follow the treatment and 3 months later it’s as if you never had the virus?

    Thank you a lot for your help :)

    ps: I found an intersting table with different treatments. How can you know which one is better?

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Kansuke and welcome to the forum :) . You’ve come to the right place for Hep C treatment information, there are many great and very experienced people here who love to help.

    I’m from Egypt so I’m a bit familiar with Tour N’ Cure which is a Hep C treatment program offered by the Egyptian pharmaceutical company ‘Pharco’. It’s a good endeavor and Pharco’s medications are of good quality (they were proven to be bio-equivalent to Gilead’s very expensive medications in medical trials), however the program didn’t take off due to its relatively high cost. As you mentioned, good quality generics can be ordered online from the comfort of your home and delivered to your door step for much less. Dr James Freeman and FixHepC have been doing just that for over 3 years now. If you look around the ‘Patients Stories’ section of the forum, you will be able to read dozens of stories from patients who were successfully cured by medications supplied by FixHepC. ‘MonkMed’ was a supplier in the past for FixHepC from India, but I believe that right now, FixHepC sources its medications directly from a reputable Indian manufacturer, ‘Hetero Drugs’, which produces its Hepatitis C medications under license from Gilead Sciences® (the originator), which guarantees that they are bio-equivalent.

    To order medications online through FixHepC, you only need a doctor’s prescription. Once you have it, you can go to the order page and place your order, it’s pretty simple. They also offer money back delivery guarantee for complete peace of mind.

    The cure rate with modern medications (called DAAs) has been proven to be about 95%, so yes, after 3 months of treatment, you have a 95% chance of being completely cured. For the remaining 5%, re-treatment is entirely possible with extremely high success rates as well.

    Regarding the best treatment option from the table you attached, the cure rate of 95% that I mentioned has been proven with the following medications : Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir (Harvoni) which treats genotypes 1,4,5,6 ; Sofosbuvir + Velpatasvir (Epclusa) which treats all genotypes ; and Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir (Sovaldi + Daklinza) which treats all genotypes. More importantly, these medications also have generics available (not all originator medications have generics available).

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    Kansuke, You do not have to leave the comforts of your home. This was my procedure; Once I found the website, I inquired through the clinic what Dr. Freeman would need from me to make the correct choice of meds. After seeing a Gastroenterologist and getting my lab reports, I scanned and sent them off to the clinic. I installed Skype and set up an appointment, online for 75USD, and we discussed what meds he would recommend, the cost, the delivery method, the guarantee of delivery and payment. I used a credit card and DHL delivered the Epclusa within 7 days. I had a blood draw after 9 pills and from 16million it went to 2300. I was detected clean after 43 pills. The Epclusa was 1509.00USD with delivery costs. Dr.
    Freeman took care of the prescription. I also had no problem with customs, but few do. I had HepC for 50 years, pretty damned amazing. Good luck my friend⚽️ Sorry about Belgium, but just watched the England
    Croatia game: Croatia 2—England 1


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    • Guardian Angel
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    Welcome Kansuku. Well done – you’ve found the right place to achieve your goal to get rid of the Hep C virus in a cost effective way.

    Mar and mrcleanrt have given you great advice on how to organise your treatment. It can all seem a bit overwhelming at first but it is surprisingly straightforward.

    I had Hep C for decades and was one of the earlier recipients of treatment through FixHepC. It started with my blood test results, a Skype consultation with Dr Freeman, a prescription, the transfer of money to FixhepC and a few weeks later I received my treatment through the post. Dr Freeman was my doctor throughout my treatment.

    I was one of those 5% of people who relapse after the first treatment. That was tough but the process started again through Dr Freeman with a different treatment regime and now I am well and truly cured.

    You will find lots of information and support on this forum. Best of luck – I look forward to hearing about your progress.


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Kansuku,

    The treatment you need depends on your genotype, stage of fibrosis, and other factors like other medications you are taking.

    Do you have any of your medical records about this?


    Avatar photosabrecat
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Quoting Mar:

    The cure rate with modern medications (called DAAs) has been proven to be about 95%, so yes, after 3 months of treatment, you have a 95% chance of being completely cured. For the remaining 5%, re-treatment is entirely possible with extremely high success rates as well.

    I was also one of the 5% and have been clear since June 2017. The costs here in Australia are different as the DAAs are now basically free, but first time round I went through GP2U (Dr Freeman) and the price was very affordable and very reasonable given the way this virus can mess up your liver – see my signature below.

    Yours and hope you can start treatment,


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    Thank you a lot for your answers. I didn’t thing there would be that many and fast ones.
    Your stories and experiences are very helpful and I start being more confident about the cure.

    I still would like to ask some questions.
    Is a prescription easy to get? If I go to see my doctor and ask him for one, do you think that he will provide it to me?

    I was also wondering, if Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir (Sovaldi + Daklinza) treats all genotypes, why doesn’t everyone use this one? Is it because other are cheaper? Or are they more efficient?

    ”DrJames” wrote:

    Hello Kansuku,

    The treatment you need depends on your genotype, stage of fibrosis, and other factors like other medications you are taking.

    Do you have any of your medical records about this?

    I see! So the doctor determines which treatment I need?

    I have those at my doctor’s

    Thank you guys for your support :)

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    • Guardian Angel
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    I considered Tour N’Cure especially because I am G4. However, I chose Monk Med because the price was reasonable and I didn’t have to leave my home. I obtained my prescription through Mon Med so they took care of everything. I give this website the highest recommendation. It saved my life.

    diagnosed in 2006
    Tx naive
    Treatment started 8/12/16, Ledipasvir/ Sofosbuvir (Harvoni) supplied by Monkmed
    8/1/16 ALT 36 AST 40
    1/4/17 ALT 17 AST 21
    7/13/17 ALT 17 AST 25
    12/28/17 ALT 22 AST26
    2/22/18 ALT 19 AST 25
    7/10/18 ALT 26 AST 32
    1/8/19 ALT 16 AST 28
    7/2/19 ALT 16 AST 26
    Hcv Rna, Quantitative Real Time Pcr <15 NOT DETECTED (IU/mL) NOT DETECTED

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Kansuke, some people love to help, and this forum has quite a few of them.
    I’m not sure how easy it is to get a copy of your prescription from a doctor in Belgium, and you should try your best, however, if you’re not able to get it, you can get a new prescription from Dr James Freeman, who is a world renowned Hep C expert, through GP2U https://gp2u.com.au/, the online doctor service based in Australia. You would simply create an account there, upload your test results to the account, and book an appointment time that is suitable for you. The actual appointment takes place by video and lasts about 20 minutes after which your prescription will be ready in your account files, and the cost is about 70 USD. Jan at GP2U will be happy to help with any inquiries regarding the service, her email is Jan@gp2u.com.au

    The brand name (non-generic) medications Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir (Sovaldi + Daklinza) is the most expensive Hepatitis C treatment, the price is about 100,000 USD for 3 months of treatment because they are made by two different companies (Gilead and Bristol-Myers Squibb). So even though it’s a very effective treatment for all genotypes, it’s not prescribed by doctors due to the cost. Doctors instead prescribe Epclusa to patients who need a pan-genotypic HCV treatment because Epclusa is less than half the cost and just as effective. However, since FixHepC supplies licensed generic medications (not brand name medications), the astronomical high cost of the medications doesn’t come into play. So if a patient needs to be treated with Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir, he/she can easily get this treatment.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    Thank you very much.

    It’s very clear now.
    I’ll go to see my doctor as soo as possible.

    Have a nice day all of you!

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    Hi Everyone!

    I did all needed tests and I’d like to get the prescription to order the medicine now.

    I’m doing the test to see which one I should order but it’s not very clear to me.

    Is there a guide to fill the decision tool (https://fixhepc.com/hcv), or could someone explain me the fields?

    I know that my fibrosis is F1 and my Genotype either 2a or 2c.

    Thank you

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Kansuke, your test results are quite encouraging, your liver fibrosis is low and Genotype 2 is one of the easiest genotypes to treat. Regarding the needed prescription, of course you know that the decision tool is just for general guidance and that the doctor is the one who will ultimately decide which medication is right for you. However, in terms of generic medications, if you take a look at the international treatment guidelines https://fixhepc.com/genotype-specific-hepc-treaments.html they indicate that treatment naive Genotype 2 patients with low fibrosis (such as yourself) should be treated for 12 weeks without Ribavirin with either one of the following medications (both of them are extremely effective with about 95% cure rates) :

    1. Sofosbuvir 400 mg + Daclatasvir 60 mg (Sovaldi® + Daklinza®), which is REDEMPTION-2 on the FixHepC website https://fixhepc.com/redemption-etrials

    2. Sofosbuvir 400 mg / Velpatasvir 100 mg (Epclusa®), which is REDEMPTION-4 on the FixHepC website https://fixhepc.com/redemption-etrials

    Best of luck to you.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    Hi Mar, thank you for your answer!

    I will ask my doctor, but I’m not sure that he will be familiar with those medications (it’s my family doctor. My hepatologist who follows me didnt want to prescribe me the medications).

    Is there a difference between both? Except the price I couldn’t find any (they both seem to treat at more than 95%)

    Thank you.

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Kansuke, you’re very welcome. I’m not a doctor, but I think that in your case, for all practical purposes, there is no difference between the two options except that Epclusa® is 1 pill per day, while Sovaldi® + Daklinza® is 2 pills per day. If your doctor is not familiar with DAAs, you may want to get your prescription from Dr. Freeman via GP2U as I mentioned earlier in the thread.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Kansuke,

    For genotype 2 there is very little difference between Sofosbuvir+Daclatasvir or Sofosbuvir+Velpatasvir.

    The Sofosbuvir+Daclatasvir is less expensive and has been around for longer so you might think the more expensive Sofosbuvir+Velpatasvir is better but the reality is there is really not much practical difference.

    There are a few reasons to choose one over the other.

    For example you can take antacids and Daclatasvir, but you can’t mix antacids and Velpatasvir. For patients with HIV Daclatasvir typically mixes better with the HIV medications, but it depends on the regimen.

    Sofosbuvir+Daclatasvir has seem less use in Europe because the $84,000 price for the Sovaldi gets added to the $50,000 for Daklinza making it about twice as expensive as the $74,000 list price for Epclusa. As a generic it’s cheaper, but in originator form it’s more expensive. What this means is that most European doctors will be more familiar with Sof+Vel (Epclusa) so may be happier to prescribe it.

    Do you take any other tablets or medications, or have any other health issues?

    I’m happy to have a chat with you by video conference and give you a suitable prescription that takes into account price, other medications, etc, etc. You can book at https://gp2u.com.au/


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