Welcome Rob, this is a great place to get info and support.
Glad Gaj has directed you to some info, the question of adding Riba or not comes up a bit.
At the top of the site's page the 'Search' section if you type in "add ribs" or something similar you will find lots of posts about this topic and the references to the latest studies suggesting no benefit to + Riba.
Look for section Genotype Specific - genotype 3 - lots of discussion more specific to treating each genotype.
I suppose since all this is still pretty new using DAA's, you could print out some of the research papers and show your Specialist and discuss the pros and cons of adding Riba to your Tx. it's your body, your health and wellbeing and you ultimately should be the one making an 'informed' decision.
Wish You all the best with your journey