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    I have started this topic as being a geno 3 in what appears to be the minority on this fourm I have found info specific to my geno being lost in the bulk of the messages. As geno 3 is the more difficult, complicated & time consuming to treat with the lowest SVR outcomes. I encourage all geno 3 people to share there chosen treatments, it’s outcomes & side affects. THANKS

    Geno 3, 24yrs positive, fibroscan 14.5 f4, elevated lfts, V/L 7000. Started sof/dac 20/11. Tested N/D Viral load after 1 week lfts normal. Will be undertaking minium 16 weeks no riba.

    Avatar photoChejai
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Sharkyoo, I’m G3a and in mind-numbing process of getting Specialist or my GP to give me a script. Curious as to why you are doing 24 weeks of tx. My Specialist had suggested I would need 24 weeks when he sent me away to research tx via this site. But Dr James has commented previously on my query that I would only need 12 weeks. Is it to do with your fibrosis level?
    Good luck and I will be joining the journey soon I hope :pinch:

    QLD Australia ☀️
    G3a HCV 35 yrs Tx naive
    Started Sof/Dac 13/01/16

    Dec ’15
    AST 70
    ALT 89
    GGT 124
    Fibroscore 8.5
    13 Feb’16 VL UND #woohoo!
    AST 24
    ALT 26
    GGT 50H

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Here’s something I prepared earlier :-)

    It is the latest update on GT3 treatment with the biggest n to date and was recently presented as AASLD 2015



    Avatar photosabrecat
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    Hi Sharky00,

    I am Genotype 3a and started sof/dac on 27 Oct 2015, so guess I am in this minority as well. I started this treatment 25 years to the month after contracting Hep C. High viral load and failed interferon and interferon riba treatment fifteen odd years ago. HCC in there too.

    Recent blood test 20th November 2015 show marked improvement, though trying to get an idea of current scarring of liver is a bit here and there – half the thing after a HCC operation is missing so to speak. I managed to find a discharge summary from 2012 where it said F3. I knew it was in this ball park and was worried that it will rapidly get worse given my 60 years of age. Hence seeking out treatment rather than waiting – funny thing is that I was not that familiar with what I was supposed to be waiting for!

    Generally found my support and treatment over the years okay – but somewhat difficult to rationalise with the fascination of waiting for something. The only thing that will happen if I did this is that my liver would get worse.

    I like this visiting this site following others as they are open and honest and their aspirations to be rid of Hep C resonate with me. I notice that many will talk about the reaction they get telling specialists and the like about treatment (generics) in terms of getting negative vibes. Heavens; when I went on Interferon and that other combination it was all “go for it!”. When it did not work it was me not coping.

    This DAA stuff appears to work though there are side effects (indeed if they are side effects and me not having a bad day) that I notice people talk about that seem familiar to me. People appear to get support with their liver improving from this site more than the medical profession in general.

    Doing what I am doing has been empowering for me and I am somewhat in awe of others and their frankness about their lives. I expect most here are living between a rock and a hard place and have made a decision to do something. I think we place too much onus on the medical profession in making decisions about our health. In the case of this virus, this manner of managing our health does not look was though it will work – blame Gilead if you like, but it is still me between the granite. I did what I had to do so to speak and appear to be along for the ride.


    Avatar photoPaul-Jarman-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
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    ”James-Freeman-facebook” wrote:

    Here’s something I prepared earlier :-)

    It is the latest update on GT3 treatment with the biggest n to date and was recently presented as AASLD 2015


    That looks interesting but we can’t draw any concrete conclusions either way due to the selection of who gets Riba or not. The 12 week Sof + Dac + riba was 100% but small sample size vs 81% however this figure was pushed down by the number over cirrhotics who didn’t achieve SVR on the Sof+ Dac 12 weeks SVR was only 69.7%.

    I’m staying on the Riba Doc Given I had the Dac with Peg and Rib before and failed in 2011, I don’t want to do this again. :)

    Two time relapser.

    SVR 4 achieved 12/16 at last
    SVR 12 achieved 22/02/2017 The Bastard has been defeated :):):)

    GT 3 – about 28 yrs with HCV

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    Sharky00, great idea starting the GT3 topic. Hopefully it will be much easier getting info specific to GT3 in one place. I am GT3B, which seems to be rather rare in N.A., Europe, etc., and seems to be more prevalent in Asia, particularly around the Philippines area. I started tx on Oct 26 and some numbers are: AST down from 74 to 23, ALT down from 140 to 21, and viral load down from 5.6 L.IU/mL to 2.2 L.IU/mL as of tests after 16 days tx. I am doing 12 weeks of the Mesochem Sof/Dac but bought it and encapsulated it myself. I actually rounded up the order so have extra and will probably do the entire 14 weeks of meds that I have. Sides have been minimal, sleeping 5 or 6 hours nightly but not tired upon waking, much, much more energy – almost too much so was/have been a bit wary as to whether it is “real”, much better mentally and physically, much more patience with everyone/everything and a return of an appetite, which I need to start controlling. I feel so good that I have started exercising on a more regular basis. I had been considering adding Riba depending on the results of my next blood tests but after reading the study that Dr Freeman posted I will definitely not be adding it and will do 24 weeks, if needed, of Sof/Dac only. Anyway, good luck to everyone with their tx!

    • Guardian Angel
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    While not GT3 I would like to say “Thank you Sabrecat, for expressing so well what I am sure many here have felt about waiting.”

    (Turns out I was gt3, just deaf when my specialist told me :S )

    G3a since ’78 – Dx ’12 – F4 (2xHCC)
    24wk Tx – PEG/Riba/Dac 2013 relapsed
    24wk Tx – Generic Sof/Dac/Riba 2015/16 relapsed
    16wk Tx – 12/01/17 -> 03/05/17 NS3/NS5a + Generic Sof
    SVR7 – 22/06/17 UND
    SRV12 – 27/07/17 UND
    SVR24 – 26/10/17 UND
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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    Howdy folks …

    Haven’t commented previously but thought it’s a good time. I’m a 54 year old G3a non-cirrhotic, contracted hepc a loooong time ago, started tx on the 14/10/15 with Sof/Dac … 1 month VL test came back undetected …

    I was a Int/Rib reject in 2005 … it seems previous treatment has little bearing on the outcome as far as the research I’ve seen, and personal experience … even the chirrhotic’s seem to do well with this combination and I see 1b folk are using this as well?

    Anyhow goodluck everyone …

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Paul,

    As you say you can’t read too much into it but in every case Sof+Dac 24 weeks over performed Sof+Dac+Riba for 24


    Avatar photoPaul-Jarman-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
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    Interesting which ever way you look at it Doc, a sample size 2/3rds less would produce a greater margin of error but I wonder if something else is going on with GT3’s ?

    Two time relapser.

    SVR 4 achieved 12/16 at last
    SVR 12 achieved 22/02/2017 The Bastard has been defeated :):):)

    GT 3 – about 28 yrs with HCV

    Avatar photoLife
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi, Sharky, I’m Geno 3 aswell, and into dac plus sof, mesochem! 6 weeks! Thanks!

    sharky00 wrote:

    I have started this topic as being a geno 3 in what appears to be the minority on this fourm I have found info specific to my geno being lost in the bulk of the messages. As geno 3 is the more difficult, complicated & time consuming to treat with the lowest SVR outcomes. I encourage all geno 3 people to share there chosen treatments, it’s outcomes & side affects. THANKS

    Avatar photoJolie
    • Guardian Angel
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    Thanks Sharky for starting this thread about Geno 3 & everyone else for contributing your experiences.
    It’s something I was thinking was a good idea to do but decided to wait until I actually receive the rest of my meds ( Dac) & start to treat. I can see Fedex has my Mesochem meds on Stansted airport UK, so almost here, it has taken like 4 days from China to the UK, love Fedex! I ordered the scales & my vegetarian capsules from Amazon & hopefully will start tx some time next week.

    Experts say that Geno 3 is more difficult to treat as compared to other genos…I say lets prove them wrong !

    I reed that Geno 3a it is the second most common genotype worldwide after Geno 1a & 1b, it is common in the UK & apparently AU as well.
    jolie xxx

    Geno 3, Fibro 8.7 pKA, tx experinced in 2005 – Peg/Riba, relapsed.
    Started tx 1/12/2015 with Indian Sofo & Chinese Dac.
    5 weeks result all normal, ALT 18 – down from ALT 73 at the start of tx.
    5 weeks HCV PCR RNA – UND. – down from 2 ML
    9 weeks HCV PCR RNA – UND.

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    Hi I’m g3a and have started sof/dac 4 weeks in . After two weeks alt went from 168 to 45, just been checked week 4 and down to 33. Viral load not back yet but encouraging to say the least. I’m on 12 week course.

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    I’m a G3, on day 5 of Tx (12 weeks of Sof/Dac/Riba). I spent months getting my generics (via GregJ) so that I could:
    1 – get treated at all, I was on an indefinite NHS waiting list
    2 – avoid Interferon & Riba, and take the 21stC drugs rather than the 20thC ones.
    In the end, like a good boy, I decided to add Riba to the Sof/Dac, because everybody was telling me that it gave you a slight but significant edge in getting a cure. After all, why spoil the ship for a ha’porth of side effects?
    Well, I’ve had a day of poisonous anger, depression and now crawling skin, and I’m beginning to regret adding the Ribavirin to the cocktail.
    In fact, I’m thinking of binning it. Or setting fire to it. Can I put up with 12 weeks of this for some notional edge? (elsewhere on the Forum Dr F. has posted some trial results from France that indicate that there is little difference between Sof/Dac, and Sof/Dac/Riba for G3s). Hell, I don’t even have cirrhosis, and my fibrosis has regressed from F3 to borderline normal.
    Any thoughts?

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    Forgot my HepC profile:

    Born 1954, male
    Genotype: 3a
    Infected: early 80s
    Diagnosed: 2013
    Treatment: 24 weeks Int/Riba 2014 relapsed
    10.3/F3 in 2/2014
    6.9/Normal in 11/2015
    Latest Viral Load: 52000 in 6/2015
    ALT, ALP & AFP all in normal range 6/2015

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