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  • #27787
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    Hi! I’ve been lurking & reading everything I can for a few days but thought I would post today because I just started my Harvoni! First tablet this morning. I am so grateful for the help, info & support in these online groups! Thank you! ❤️

    Probably had HCV since mid-1970s, Diagnosed HCV 2/2018, ALT:124 AST:83, GT:1b, Liver Ultrasound: Normal, Fibrosure: 0.68 or high end of F3, VL: 13,896,061, Started tx 4/9/18 w/Harvoni for 12 weeks. Scared but committed

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    Congrats on getting started Cristine. Your treatment will be over before you know it.

    Good Luck!


    Diagnosed: 2001 GT1a , HCV since mid-70’s.
    Biopsy 2010 F1
    Fibroscan and Fibrosure 2018 F2

    Treated in trial 2010 with Dac/Peg/ Riba and Relapsed.

    Resistance test 2017. Have Ns5a Rav Q30r/H58d enhanced from doing Dac.

    Start Tx. Jan 18th/18 w/ Vosevi /Riba 12wks. plus 6 wks.Viekira Pak +Sof/Riba(From Dr Freeman @GP2U)

    VL start: 1.6mill.ALT 125 AST 88
    Wk. 4 Det @LLOQ <15.
    VL Wk.8 UND Alt &Ast 22
    Wk. 12 UND

    EOT+12 >>>UND (SVR12)! ALT11 AST13
    Nov6/18 SVR 24!

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Welcome to the forum Cristine, and congratulations on starting your treatment, that’s really great. In terms of what to expect at the beginning, most patients experience a mild flu like illness on starting treatment, but drinking plenty of water really helps with that. Within a week this is usually replaced by feeling better than you’ve felt in years :) . Also remember to take your pills with, or just before, food at the same time everyday. Best of luck to you.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    Thank you, Mar! I took my 1st pill this morning with toast & a bit of cheese. But I’m thinking perhaps it’s better to take it later in the day when more stomach acids are in there? I will be sure to drink plenty of H2O, 8-10 glasses a day. ❤️

    Probably had HCV since mid-1970s, Diagnosed HCV 2/2018, ALT:124 AST:83, GT:1b, Liver Ultrasound: Normal, Fibrosure: 0.68 or high end of F3, VL: 13,896,061, Started tx 4/9/18 w/Harvoni for 12 weeks. Scared but committed

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi there Cristine
    How much water does a camel need to cross the Sahara ? That’s how much I think I drank!! My blog has my tx story it’s buried here somewhere “Ariel Takes the Plunge” that was over two years ago and yep I drank sooooo much water! And sweated a lot for a week then I was cured super fast.
    I’m no doctor but I don’t think it matters when you take the pill I would check with Dr Freeman if you’re concerned
    In the meantime welcome and wishing you the best outcome
    Keep posting your updates this is the right place for support through your tx and to SVR
    Happy Splashes to you from Ariel

    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Cristine,

    Everyone has given you great advice so I’ll just say congratulations on starting your treatment and welcome.

    The main thing is to try to take the tablets about the same time every day. I used to take mine in the morning because I was in danger of forgetting to take them later at night. I’d like to blame the brain fog but I think it may just be my memory because the Hep C brain fog has well and truly gone now.

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    Thank you for your support! I’m on Day 7 now and am drinking so much water! The first few days, I sweated a lot and was uncharacteristically constipated. Weird. Now everything is good.

    Probably had HCV since mid-1970s, Diagnosed HCV 2/2018, ALT:124 AST:83, GT:1b, Liver Ultrasound: Normal, Fibrosure: 0.68 or high end of F3, VL: 13,896,061, Started tx 4/9/18 w/Harvoni for 12 weeks. Scared but committed

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    • Treatment Warrior
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    Question: I changed my diet when diagnosed about 2 months back and Now eat all very “colorful” foods. However as my Ferritin levels came back elevated: ‘352’ is it okay to continue to eat loads of spinach, kale & other high iron foods?

    Probably had HCV since mid-1970s, Diagnosed HCV 2/2018, ALT:124 AST:83, GT:1b, Liver Ultrasound: Normal, Fibrosure: 0.68 or high end of F3, VL: 13,896,061, Started tx 4/9/18 w/Harvoni for 12 weeks. Scared but committed

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Cristine
    I sweated too and was also strangely constipated a tad during the first week or so
    I was pretty sure I was clear after the first week! I did an early blood pull at Day 25 but had a Noah’s Ark Lab so redid it with a great lab and it came back PCR RNA undetected! Maybe you are also clearing very fast! Flippers and fins crossed for you here
    Sounds good to me!
    Not sure about the foods, I was a farmer for years and so lucky to grow my own food and have pure rain water to drink. Recently sold up the farming life in exchange for a Beachhouse so I can enjoy no more big machinery jobs and go surfing lots! (If it’s possible to surf more than I always did haha)
    Please keep posting your treatment notes and thoughts and experiences we will be here to help support you towards UND and SVR
    happy Splashes from Ariel

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