Hi Nadia,
I only started taking the iron 2 days ago, but yesterday and today no smell problems. When I first started the drugs 4 weeks ago I had only a few days of low grade flu symptoms, then was feeling the best I have in years, it is just the previous 4 days were terrible, but that has seemed to pass now. I only wrote this on this thread as I wanted to check if anyone else is experiencing these things or to help anyone who may be. Thanks for the reply Londongirl and wilko, that is interesting, I suspect it may be some variations on the liver re detoxing the drugs or somehow other being affected by them transiently.
I look forward to reading others experiences
Geno type 3a, infected approx 34-38 years ago. No fibrosis, treatment naive began chinese api daclatasvir/sofosbuvir 7/9/15.
17/12/15 finished treatment week 13 and virus Undetected