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    Avatar photoLondonGirl
    • Guardian Angel
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    Couldn’t agree more Nadia – I too have withdrawn from family and friends – not really ‘living’ at all.

    GT1a Dec14 F2/8.7 VL 900000-2.5M
    Jan16 Hepcivir-L MonkMed/Redemption
    Baseline: VL 913575 Alt 76 Platelets low
    Wk2 VL1157 Alt 23
    DET Wk 8 VL 32 Alt19 ‘In the slow lane’
    June16 Fibro 5.7 F0/1 LIF 1.5
    Wk 11 VL<12 Alt 13 Det/Unq
    Extending tx 12 wks Mylan Sofo/Dac MonkMed
    Wk 14 VL <12 Det/Unq
    Wk 22 + 4 Wks Sunprevir FixHepC
    Wk 24 UNDETECTED Alt 13
    Wk 12 post tx SVR12 Wk 26 SVR24
    Thank-you Tim, Dr Debasis @ MonkMed & Dr Freeman @ Fix HepC

    Avatar photoChester
    • Guardian Angel
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    Get treated now zhuk. Doctors telling you it’s ok to wait because you’re F0 should be ashamed of themselves. Hep C is a global infectious disease epidemic. When a cure comes along regardless of the infectious disease, we used to know how to deal with it ie. Treat everyone asap. We did it with polio. We did it with smallpox. Maybe because of the effectiveness of vaccines we’ve forgotten how to address these problems.

    I think there are compelling reasons for everyone to get treatment. They just differ from individual to individual. So the decompensated cirrhotic needs to get treated so they don’t die. For me, borderline F3/4, I needed to get treated before I developed full blown cirrhosis. You, like all of us will never got the years of lost quality of life back. But your compelling reason is that you can walk away from this with virtually no lasting liver damage if you get treatment now.

    IMHO doctors like yours who are peddling false hope to people about their chance of treatment are completely irresponsible. If and when the drugs go on the PBS, I’ll be very, very surprised if you can access them. Hell, I was told ages ago I’d only have a pretty good chance of getting them.

    Avatar photoPaul-Jarman-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
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    zhuk wrote:

    Yep as I mentioned I have ‘travelling’ pain and strange sensations, buzzing etc quite often at night which keeps me from sleeping sometimes. And its hard to tease out what could be the chronic pain and what could be the Hep C. I do get that “itching” sensation in the liver quadrant, is that also a thing with some people? Sometimes some ‘stinging’ as well, however a GP told me that wasn’t likely to be my liiver…which I found hard to believe as it is spot-on in the right area lol

    I’ve had this for many years but over the last 2 years it’s progressed leading to some sleeplessness. It’s very hard to describe it to someone even my wife who has been UND since 2012 and had no liver issues so I don’t bother, just suffer in silence. It was particularly bad a few days ago but for the most part it feels better since I started treatment 2 weeks ago. I have to have regular medicals for work so I tend to keep quiet about my liver issues unless I freak out my GP.

    I think that stinging sensation which i’ve had for many years is mild occasional bleeding from the liver, I could be wrong but I have a gut feeling that i’m not.


    Two time relapser.

    SVR 4 achieved 12/16 at last
    SVR 12 achieved 22/02/2017 The Bastard has been defeated :):):)

    GT 3 – about 28 yrs with HCV

    Avatar photoPaul-Jarman-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    zhuk wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    New member to the board, hoping I can learn more about the possibilities of treatment as they arise. Have been HCV positive since 1988 with Gen 1a and treatment naive, largely due to a significant history of depression & other mental illness aspects, which my Dr sees as pretty much contraindicating 12 months of the pegintf/rib combo.

    My doc (specialist at a major Sydney hospital) put me off the whole idea of accessing overseas meds at an appointment today,

    I’f you have the cash to get the generics I would do so now Zhuk, as Dr John Freeman said in the radio national interview they are living in cuckoo land if they think the new meds will be listed in the PBS anytime soon !

    I’ve been getting the wait it’s coming for years now and just been getting sicker and sicker. There is no difference between the generics and the “genuine” meds. The generics work and you will get rid of the disease unless your very lucky and won’t have to speak to your specialist again.


    Two time relapser.

    SVR 4 achieved 12/16 at last
    SVR 12 achieved 22/02/2017 The Bastard has been defeated :):):)

    GT 3 – about 28 yrs with HCV

    Avatar photoAlsdad
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    Chester wrote:

    …..IMHO doctors like yours who are peddling false hope to people about their chance of treatment are completely irresponsible. If and when the drugs go on the PBS, I’ll be very, very surprised if you can access them. Hell, I was told ages ago I’d only have a pretty good chance of getting them.

    I think it’s time to start reporting doctors who lie to their patients to their regulatory body.

    Avatar photozhuk
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    Chester wrote:

    Get treated now zhuk. Doctors telling you it’s ok to wait because you’re F0 should be ashamed of themselves. Hep C is a global infectious disease epidemic. When a cure comes along regardless of the infectious disease, we used to know how to deal with it ie. Treat everyone asap. We did it with polio. We did it with smallpox. Maybe because of the effectiveness of vaccines we’ve forgotten how to address these problems.

    I think there are compelling reasons for everyone to get treatment. They just differ from individual to individual. So the decompensated cirrhotic needs to get treated so they don’t die. For me, borderline F3/4, I needed to get treated before I developed full blown cirrhosis. You, like all of us will never got the years of lost quality of life back. But your compelling reason is that you can walk away from this with virtually no lasting liver damage if you get treatment now.

    IMHO doctors like yours who are peddling false hope to people about their chance of treatment are completely irresponsible. If and when the drugs go on the PBS, I’ll be very, very surprised if you can access them. Hell, I was told ages ago I’d only have a pretty good chance of getting them.

    Hi Chester, many thanks for your comments and encouragement.

    Yes it doesn’t make any sense, does it? This is what I couldn’t seem to get across to the doc yesterday – that I am unlikely to come under the criteria for treatment, if it does go through. Yet she insisted in a rather blase way that no everyone would have access to it, If we look at the two comparable countries who have certified these drugs for use, Canada & the UK, they have a triaged system of need deciding who gets treatment – its not a free for all there, so how someone can believe that it would be so here, well its a bit beyond me really lol

    I am very glad that you were able to get treated, being at that borderline fibrosis stage! Hope you are continuing to do well :)

    GT1a since 1988, diagnosed 1990
    F0, tx naive
    VL 262,000 ALT 40 AST 26 GGT 13 Fibroscan 04/12/15 – 2.9
    Started Mesochem sof/dac 12 weeks 01/01/2016
    11/02/2016 – 6 weeks UNDETECTED
    AST 26
    ALT 26

    Avatar photozhuk
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    Paul-Jarman-facebook wrote:

    I’f you have the cash to get the generics I would do so now Zhuk, as Dr John Freeman said in the radio national interview they are living in cuckoo land if they think the new meds will be listed in the PBS anytime soon !

    I’ve been getting the wait it’s coming for years now and just been getting sicker and sicker. There is no difference between the generics and the “genuine” meds. The generics work and you will get rid of the disease unless your very lucky and won’t have to speak to your specialist again.


    Hi Paul, thanks too for your reply

    It really seems to be ‘ostrich-territory’ with them on this, doesn’t it? Bury their heads in the sand against all logical argument…I wonder what my doctor would have said if I’d been facing a cirrhosis diagnosis – you can still afford to wait? I guess she would :blink:

    As far as financially accessing it goes, I am on a disability pension so those sorts of funds are beyond my reach, however my mother (who is also a pensioner) has said that maybe she could liquidate some investments she has, so it could be doable in that respect. Right at the moment I have another pressing health issue to address, hopefully it will turn out to be the best case scenario and can be dealt with asap – then I will have to start sorting out everything that is necessary to look into treatment. Which seems to be a fair bit heh. I will also run the idea past my (newly acquired) GP and see if she is favourable to the idea.

    Just as an offhand question (now my mind is turning over the options seriously!), having read that India will kick off the production of Harvoni around late Nov or December does anyone have opinions on whether it is better to source from China or India? Realising that one comes in tableted form and the other an API.

    GT1a since 1988, diagnosed 1990
    F0, tx naive
    VL 262,000 ALT 40 AST 26 GGT 13 Fibroscan 04/12/15 – 2.9
    Started Mesochem sof/dac 12 weeks 01/01/2016
    11/02/2016 – 6 weeks UNDETECTED
    AST 26
    ALT 26

    Avatar photoPaul-Jarman-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I think the Twinvr might come in cheaper than the current generics Zhuk, where do you live ?

    Two time relapser.

    SVR 4 achieved 12/16 at last
    SVR 12 achieved 22/02/2017 The Bastard has been defeated :):):)

    GT 3 – about 28 yrs with HCV

    Avatar photozhuk
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I’m in Sydney.

    Yes I’d read that the Bangladesh meds are a little more cost-effective, wonder if the Indian ones will be comparable. I had a look at Greg Jeffreys site; it seems that exporting from Bangladesh has more difficulties, maybe why people are hanging out for Harvoni from India instead.

    GT1a since 1988, diagnosed 1990
    F0, tx naive
    VL 262,000 ALT 40 AST 26 GGT 13 Fibroscan 04/12/15 – 2.9
    Started Mesochem sof/dac 12 weeks 01/01/2016
    11/02/2016 – 6 weeks UNDETECTED
    AST 26
    ALT 26

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    • Novice

    Hi zhuk, your disease pattern (genotype, vl,f3 etc). I am sick of feeling crap and its just getting worse. I agree that free meds aren’t close enough and anyway I would be a low priority
    For all these reasonsI am just going to go for it with the buyers club. Have my script and just need to arrange payment . onwards and upwards!

    Avatar photozhuk
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Good for you lizziechan. Agree with you, why wait until you continue to feel worse, and end up with a less favourable prognosis for treatment? After lying pretty dormant for so long, my symptoms seem to have ramped up a bit in the last 2-3 years. The only other option if they eventually get onto the PBS is wait for your disease progression to worsen sufficiently to the point of being eligible for treatment. I can’t see how anyone could believe this was tenable when there is an alternative.

    Definitely onward and upward…all the best with your treatment lizzie.

    GT1a since 1988, diagnosed 1990
    F0, tx naive
    VL 262,000 ALT 40 AST 26 GGT 13 Fibroscan 04/12/15 – 2.9
    Started Mesochem sof/dac 12 weeks 01/01/2016
    11/02/2016 – 6 weeks UNDETECTED
    AST 26
    ALT 26

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    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I think it’s time to start reporting doctors who lie to their patients to their regulatory body.

    I couldn’t agree more Alsdad ,although just naming them might be suffiecient.The regulatory body would side with them.
    But in essence they are” well meaning killers”,slaves to the propaganda line put out by HepC Aust ,and doctors receiving research grants from Big Pharma etc.or whatever else overseas.
    It appears more and more doctors that were once reticent are changing their views,and all encouragement should be accorded them.

    Re symptoms which is the essence of this thread.
    I did not really take them seriously until 3 days into the sof when they dissappeared like magic.Muscle aches,sleep disturbances,a nightime pain in the chest once or twice,which I thought was a heart attack and wasn’t .Bouts of tiredness, a chronic toothache once that my dentist could find no reason for and wrote me off as neurotic.I just thought they were all part of the ageing process and to cut the crap and live with it.
    I have overall never felt so good since starting tx although the riba drags me back a little.
    I had the” wait wait “from my GP,and had to bully him into writing some scripts.He now freely writes them out for others and is a convert.
    If you can afford it,there is absolutley no sense in waiting.If they were put on the PBS tomorrow there would still be a long queue,form filling and more waiting.

    Gen 1b 40yrs,tx naive, f3/f4.VL too high to quantify.
    Started tx 12Oct.sof and riba India via greg.Dac from Mesochem.
    4wk result virus not detected,all liver functions in normal ranges.
    Only SE intermittent insomnia.Feel great and grateful otherwise

    Avatar phototweakmax
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    dont wait anymore :)

    Avatar photoEnkel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Miko I have tooth aches too without any reason

    Male, Fibro F1. Geno 1b. ALT 67 before treatment Viral load 5 million. My huge viral load replicates in my nervous system as I suffer anxiety.
    Started Twinvir 12/12/15.
    Two weeks
    ALT 17 at 2 weeks
    Viral Load UND at 2 weeks
    ALT 13.5 at 7 weeks EOT
    ALT 10.5 at 15 weeks EOT
    ALT 13 at 27 weeks EOT, VL UND, Cured

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    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    There is one symptom I forgot to mention,and I note no-one else has.My sex drive over the last few
    years plummeted from normal plus to zero minus.I note it is listed amongst the known symptoms in the book..
    I wonder if others have experienced it,or if it just a topic that is taboo.

    Gen 1b 40yrs,tx naive, f3/f4.VL too high to quantify.
    Started tx 12Oct.sof and riba India via greg.Dac from Mesochem.
    4wk result virus not detected,all liver functions in normal ranges.
    Only SE intermittent insomnia.Feel great and grateful otherwise

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