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    Avatar photoNadia
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Emilio,
    How do you store your meds? Just noticed in the report that it should be stored at 4° or below. Do you keep it in the fridge?

    Virus not detected from 14.10.2015

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    Thanks emilio for your kind words, yes my dad have started the treatment and so far he is looking good. Hope soon he will attain the VL 0 like many others on this forum :-)

    This forum is really of great help.


    Avatar photoemilio
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Nadia

    Yeah but on the bottle it says 25 Celsius? I did see that and thought it was just clinical over-reach but could someone please clarify that room temperature is okay? Em

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    Everyone, this is copied and pasted from the Solvadi/Daklinza usage guidelines supplied by the respective pharma companies though it is for tablets so not sure if capsules/powder would have different guidelines.

    Store DAKLINZA tablets in a cool
    dry place where the temperature
    stays below 30°C.

    Keep SOVALDI tablets in a cool, dry place
    where it stays below 30°C.

    Avatar photoLife
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Emilio!

    I’m reading all your posts, and now I’m also wandering where the powder should be stored, it is just in my kitchen closet

    Thanks for replying!


    Avatar photo2b
    • Guardian Angel
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    hey emilio, great post on that other ridiculous forum where you offered some much needed enlightenment. However as is customary there anything offering that kind of truth gets removed really fast. your post lasted about an hour before they wiped it. well written though. somebody on there realllllllyy doesn’t want that kind of truth out there.

    Hopefully those who really need help will find their way here like I did. The rest of that place seems to be all about people who have already been given trade name medicine for free and are all congratulating themselves for having been given free medicine. the censorship of news of alternatives for those who have been shut out of treatment is repulsive though. that place must be run by shills for pharma companies.

    GT 2b; since 80’s, no prior tx, sofosbuvir and daclatasvir compounded from API’s at Kingswood Pharmacy in Sydney, started tx nov 6,2015, undetected at 4 wks, UND at 8 weeks, UND at 1 week after EOT, UND at 4 weeks after EOT and UND at 8 weeks after EOT. I feel GOOD!! I knew that I WOULD!””

    wilko johnson
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    Hi Life,ime not a chemist,but i think storing gelatin caps in fridge could be a condensation risk,thats not good for gelatin.cool dry closet probably best.

    gt3 started sof dac jan 2016 now 48 wks svr. not the real wilko johnson just have the same real name. shropshire uk

    Avatar photoemilio
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hey 2b,

    Well it was a one off visit and couldn’t resist after reading both berrinice and your comments. You’ve gotta wonder what the moderators are invested in? Praise to Gilead for saving my life, really lol? I know that some people in US can access via insurance and people need to know this is not free access and is costing the US and its people plenty, at a time when they can ill afford to be printing any more money. Imagine the total cost of all US hepers accessing tx? Ours is 10 billion so the US cost would be 100 fold perhaps. Anyway I just couldn’t resist those foolish people perpetuating greed and injustice. Anyway I suspect the site is not well visited due to the views held there. Em

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    The 4 °C (fridge temp) is only required for a few medications. Thyroxine is an example. Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir and Daclatasvir are, according to the manufacturers, fine at room temperature.

    The original manufacturers of Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir, Daclatasvir say this in their CMI:

    Keep HARVONI tablets in a cool, dry place where it stays below 30°C

    Store DAKLINZA tablets in a cool dry place where the temperature stays below 30°C.

    More or less all medications say something like this.

    For reference:

    Sofosbuvir: Melting point. 95-100 ºC
    Ledipasvir: Melting Point: 186 – 190ºC
    Daclatasvir: Melting Point: 166-172°C

    So you could almost certainly store them at > 30 °C but if you follow the < 30 °C recommendations everything should be fine.


    Avatar photoemilio
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Everyone and thanks Dr Freeman for the storage information, many have been asking the question.

    Well day 6 for me and no sides to speak of however I find it difficult to discern between this my ‘hay-fever’ and ‘asthma’ season which generally messes me up from mid October to mid November. I’ve put my hay-fever medications into the contraindications tool and found that Claratyne/Loratadine is ok to use on sof/dac but nothing is known about my nasal spray which is Zytec so I’ve ditched it for the time being. I also suffer from seasonal asthma at this time and can advise that ventilon/subutomal (spelling) is ok according to the tool, thankfully. I need to move from this region and head to the coast as I’ve been advised that this region is the worst in Australia for my allergy. Em

    Avatar photoAlsdad
    • Guardian Angel
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    Good news with the sides Em.

    Avatar photoChester
    • Guardian Angel
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    You probably get hit by the rye grass pollen in Orange, emilio. I have a vague memory of them having asthma outbreaks from it up round Tamworth that were so bad they pushed the local hospitals to breaking point.

    I’ve had the sniffles occasionally too. Initially put it down to a side effect until a neighbor said he had exactly the same thing on the same day. I only get mild hay fever. But as the wind was up that day, that side got pushed into the hay fever column.

    I think James is going to put something else up about drug interactions when he gets the chance. For anyone who hasn’t realised (like me), when you get the result from that drug interactions site, you can then click on the little symbol for more info. But it seems the DAAs are so new that site errs on the side of caution. It indicated oxycodeine might be a problem but I let them give it to me on the basis I knew Greg had codeine on the drugs and because I knew opiates are generally pretty benign. James rang the next day and said it was fine.

    I can tell everyone not to expect doctors who don’t normally treat hep c patient to have any clue whatsoever about treatment with the DAAs. Pretty funny having the emergency doctors waiting around for me to tell them what they could or couldn’t give me.

    I may have my first bona fide side though. I’ve got a bit of a rash on my abdomen. Now I do get heat rashes in this area but it’s much more pronounced than usual. Weird thing is though, the heat rashes normally itch like hell but this isn’t the least bit itchy. Haven’t inspected it today yet cause I’ve got to get out of the sling to do so. But I figure if it’s not in any way debilitating why be bothered by it.

    Avatar photoNadia
    • Guardian Angel
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    Chester wrote:

    I may have my first bona fide side though. I’ve got a bit of a rash on my abdomen. Now I do get heat rashes in this area but it’s much more pronounced than usual. Weird thing is though, the heat rashes normally itch like hell but this isn’t the least bit itchy. Haven’t inspected it today yet cause I’ve got to get out of the sling to do so. But I figure if it’s not in any way debilitating why be bothered by it.

    Hi Chester,
    I’ve got a small area of rush in my abdomen too. I usually get it from the citrus fruit.

    Virus not detected from 14.10.2015

    Avatar photoemilio
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Chester

    Yeah I heard about your arm from Klhilde hope it’s okay and given that you’re also taking ribavirin there is a good chance of getting some skin rash. Okay I didn’t realise I could drill further into the tool, so will have a look at this. Did K get his meds okay? Em

    Avatar photoemilio
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    HI Everyone

    I got some of my baseline results back today being my VL 123,000 and my haematology which was unremarkable, everything in range except for my neutraphils which was 1.7 and slightly under range. I’m thinking a recent chest infection and flue may have been the cause of this as I was really unwell as they were drawing the sample. All my other WCC indicators were in range?? I haven’t seen a copy of my liver function test but did hear the gentleman state that my GGT was 67.

    Prior to my tx in 2008 on several occasions perhaps 6 my viral load typically tracked at 3 and 4 million and seeing the 123,000 baseline today really shocked me, given my previous numbers. I’m wondering did my previous tx provide me with a new immune response which was different to my pre tx response?? Very curious and so excited by VL though. Em

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