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  • #27318
    Avatar photoMnem
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    GAJ gave good council, his moderation maintained the right kind of tone with well-considered and cheery fairness. A real mensch.

    In retrospect it is extraordinary to read his generous responses to relatively trivial concerns when he was it turns out, staring his own death in the face. Beaches and Ariel’s posts here provide glimpses of the physical GAJ behind those forum posts. His lightness and brightness of being has been a gift to all of us, let’s maintain that great spirit and clear sightedness through any kindnesses we share here.

    G2, infected maybe in 1971?
    Diagnosed HVnon-A non-B 1980s, revised to HVC 1990’s.
    Treatment naive. Fibroscan & bloods all normal ranges.
    Viral load 7million,
    began Redemption trial4, 12-week generic Sof/Vel (Incepta) 2017. Week 4 UND, Week 12UND, SVR24
    Thank-yous to my doctor for the script, to Jan at FixHepC for wrangling, and to Dr Freeman for courage.
    Kia kaha e hoa ma!

    Avatar photofitz
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    So very saddened to learn of Guy’s passing. He was truly a good man, and absolutely dedicated to helping others, giving selflessly, providing steady guidance and an even hand with a deep and caring sense of compassion

    So glad to know that Ariel was able to be there for him in his final days and hours. I hope he knows how loved he is, and how grateful we are to him.

    So long my friend. Rest well.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    At times like these there are no words, so I must resort to borrowing those of people far more eloquent than me.

    Richard Bach wrote Jonathan Livingston seagull. He also wrote a book called Illusions which contains the quote “Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.”

    I first met Guy 3 years ago and we chatted online, via the phone and over Skype. Sadly we never met face to face, and yet, I count him as a treasured friend.

    We shared a common ideal best put by Martin Luther King who said “Life’s Most Persistent and Urgent Question Is, “What Are You Doing for Others?” – Guy was a man of substance who not only talked the talk, he walked the walk. When my time comes I hope I can muster half his quiet dignity.

    I would like to offer this epitaph from Margaret Mead “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

    Guy helped so many people who will never know his name. To do so for no pay or public acclaim speaks to his character. I will miss him greatly.


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    • Guardian Angel
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    Oh dear, sweet Gaj. I’ve just signed in to read your kind message Ariel and the posts from others who, like me, have been touched by the gentle kindness of this very good man. Throughout my first treatment, relapse and second treatment I always felt his constant, compassionate support reaching through this forum to me and it meant more than he could ever know.

    I am grateful that Ariel was able to be with Gaj and thank others for sharing their experiences with him. I know that you would have let him know in your own ways how much he meant to us all.

    It is the measure of this man that, although we never met in person, I am knocked sideways. I’ll miss him.

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Dear Coral
    Thank you for sending me your special words to include in my Tribute for our dear GAJ tomorrow.
    He was indeed a dear and sweet man you summed his character so perfectly and yes the grief is enormous, the loss of our amazing friend has had created a wave of sadness around the whole globe. I’m honoured to read on the behalf of all who have sent me their tributes. Some have a copy of the eulogy I wrote but I will resend it before tomorrow with the edit in to include Corals words.

    I feel at this time more than ever Gaj would want us all to keep the good message of the DAAs spreading and to support every person here seeking or going through tx. I am sure we can keep his light burning here by emulating his gracious and selfless presence on the forum to assist people in our own humble little ways.
    With love

    Avatar photoSven
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I am stunned about the news. GAJ helped me at times when I as in treatment, always a positive voice. He’ll be in my prayers, Rest In Peace my friend.
    May God be with you always.

    PS: I need to add to this post, Guy (GAJ) helped me many times , many more than I had remembered.

    Contracted HCV 1980’s
    Geno Type 1a
    F3 ( doc says once treated I’ll be F2 maybe F1)
    Meds shipped 6/17/2016 arrived early 7/2016

    Viral count – 3,471,080

    4 week quantitative bloods: August 17, 2016. I have been diagnosed as <15 (told undetected)

    8 week quantitative bloods: September 14th. I have been diagnosed as <15 (told undetected)

    11 week PCR RNA Qualitative bloods: September 26th 2016 – Undetected

    December 19th 2016: Cured!
    Viral count: zero!!!
    2018 viral count: still zero!

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I’m very sad to hear of Gaj’s passing. He helped so many through his great work. What a kind man.

    Rest in Peace Gaj

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Beautiful words Sven and Greedfighter so true. GAJ? He’s just gone fishing now. He was so loved, but nothing could match his unconditional love for others.
    We are all sad but he taught by example and his legacy is clear, to seek treatment now, and to support each other through even the most turbulent seas.

    Avatar photomgalbrai
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I never met Gaj, but I know him well. A more unselfish person would be hard to find. Gaj helped many, many people through a very difficult time in their lives with his knowledge, advice and compassionate words, all the while fighting an illness that would eventually take this fine man from this existence and into the next.
    No more 3 hour phone conversations buddy…
    Relax and fish for eternity, my friend.

    G 1a F-1
    Started tx 10/23/15 (Meso sof & led) ALT 48 AST 28 v/l 1.6 mil
    11/17/15 4 wk lab ALT 17 AST 16 <15
    11/18/15 Started Harvoni
    12/16/15 8 wk lab ALT: 15 AST: 13 V/l UND
    1/14/16 Fin. Tx
    7/07/16 UND SVR 24

    Avatar photosabrecat
    • Guardian Angel
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    I met Gaj via a few personal message’s, emails and a telephone call before I started the re-treatment that cured me of Hep C.

    Minus the detail – Gaj’s suggestion to double check re-treatment with Dr Freeman I think helped me along my way.

    Over the time I have been virus free I have drifted away from this forum and only drop in every now and then to re-affirm a new found belief in the better side of humanity.

    Not much more I can think of to say, the DAA’s cured my disease and much of what Gaj had to say in this forum cured my spirit.

    Many thanks. Your kindness stays with me and in that way you will never be missed.


    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I didn’t know Gaj but reading about him here, it’s obvious that he made a very positive impact on the lives of so many. He sounds like a truly amazing person, and will be greatly missed, much respect.

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

    Avatar photorightsaidfred
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello all,

    No longer being a regular contributor to this excellent forum, I have just seen that Guy (Gaj) has died. I didn’t know him personally but we exchanged a few PM’s which just confirmed what I knew anyway from his posts.

    That was that he was a truly special man. Soon after learning that I was finally free of the virus I messaged him to let him know of my intention to continue monitoring the forum until he was too. I did this because I had come to love him and you all know why.

    I thought he was in the clear until a few moments ago so this is a real blow, not only to me but to everyone here. I am selfishly relieved that in my last PM to him I told him what a good man he was, very directly, but perhaps that will be of little comfort to his family and friends who must be feeling their loss keenly?

    I hope that they will find some solace in the understanding that his life and work meant so much to so many.

    Of course his contributions to this space will continue to help people for quite a while, which is a lovely thought and the one I’ll leave with you.


    PS I hereby give permission to anyone who knew him personally to reprint this post and to give it to Guy’s family and friends with my warm greetings. R.

    G3a. Probably infected 40 years ago.
    Diagnosed July 2015
    7/7/2015: ALP 69, ALT 209, WBC 5.8, VL 40,000. Fibroscan 9.5 Kpa.
    Commenced treatment Sof/Dac (Natco Pharma) 24 wks in Feb 16
    VL UND @ 4 wks, 12 wks

    EOT 6/7/16
    SVR 12
    SVR 24

    PHEW! Thank you so much Dr James, Monkmeds and all at Fixhepc

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi RSF
    I will pass your exact message onto the family and closest friends.
    I’m putting together a little booklet for Guys sister and will include all these lovely messages and memories and use the Forum names apart from the people who Guy knew personally here. I’m also compliling a “GAJ” supportive quotes for his lovely sister so I would love any help with that it all means so much to all here.
    It was a very beautiful farewell and his last days were very peaceful
    Condolences to you too on your shared grieving for our mentor and friend here. Always in our hearts and his mark left in thousands of lives set free you and I included
    Big Hug

    Avatar photorightsaidfred
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Thank you for that Ariel,

    I’m glad Guy’s last days were peaceful and that you were with him. The compilation of his supportive quotes for his sister is a really good idea. I’m sure it will help her.

    Big hugs to you too,


    G3a. Probably infected 40 years ago.
    Diagnosed July 2015
    7/7/2015: ALP 69, ALT 209, WBC 5.8, VL 40,000. Fibroscan 9.5 Kpa.
    Commenced treatment Sof/Dac (Natco Pharma) 24 wks in Feb 16
    VL UND @ 4 wks, 12 wks

    EOT 6/7/16
    SVR 12
    SVR 24

    PHEW! Thank you so much Dr James, Monkmeds and all at Fixhepc

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    Dear friends, This is LG (forgot password, but new start anyway).
    I am shocked and very sad to read this awful news of Gaj passing. I had no idea he was so ill.

    Here from the start for me and so many others like a rock Gaj offered sound, caring advise with kindness, patience and good humour, He was always there for all and I cannot imagine this space without him.

    I know dear Gaj will be so very missed by so many in this amazing community and even more in his local community of friends and family. Dr F, Ariel, Coral and all here who knew Gaj, I send love and best wishes and deepest condolences from afar.

    Gaj was part of something great and exceptional in this world and he contributed so very much.

    Love to all LG

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