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    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
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    :cheer: :+1: This site, Fix Hep C guarantees delivery of the top quality medications available, or a complete refund of your money. What more can you ask for? I bet you were denied treatment by your health insurance, or you would not be here. You need to recognize the opportunity being offered to you here. You could be cured by trusting and following this verified provider of treatment. Or you can continue to beg and grovel at the feet of your insurer. Don’t beg and grovel! $1500 or less for a cure! Say, FUCK YOU! I am cured by Dr. James at Fix Hep C and you, my insurance company, are a greedy piece of shit!

    Lol, but you don’t need to bother saying that, just get your cure here. Live long and prosper. This is the smart and dignified way to go.

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    Yeah, not sure if I had put on the bottom of my insurance application for meds,FUCK YOU, you greedy piece of shit” if my app would have garnered the same consideration LOL!

    Good point though,if someone pays good money into premiums and then the insurance company denies ,stalls,wants one to jump through hoops etc. I can attest also to this site and Dr. Freeman being a viable alternative.

    I was personally covered by my insur. co. for the std.12 weeks,however my Hepatologist and I were looking to extend treatment an additional 4 weeks ,which they denied and Dr. Freeman was able to facilitate those meds.


    Diagnosed: 2001 GT1a , HCV since mid-70’s.
    Biopsy 2010 F1
    Fibroscan and Fibrosure 2018 F2

    Treated in trial 2010 with Dac/Peg/ Riba and Relapsed.

    Resistance test 2017. Have Ns5a Rav Q30r/H58d enhanced from doing Dac.

    Start Tx. Jan 18th/18 w/ Vosevi /Riba 12wks. plus 6 wks.Viekira Pak +Sof/Riba(From Dr Freeman @GP2U)

    VL start: 1.6mill.ALT 125 AST 88
    Wk. 4 Det @LLOQ <15.
    VL Wk.8 UND Alt &Ast 22
    Wk. 12 UND

    EOT+12 >>>UND (SVR12)! ALT11 AST13
    Nov6/18 SVR 24!

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Glad to hear your insurance company helped you Songbird I don’t know if you are in USA, but many companies here are making it very difficult to qualify for treatment. I was told by Blue Cross/ Blue Shield I had to be F4 on transplant waiting list for treatment.

    Fix Hep C will help anyone, even someone like me who was F0 on fibrosure score and has a healthy liver

    So I am cured and still have a healthy liver! :cheer: :+1:

    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Ha, great post Greedfighter.

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

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    I am also cured and still have a healthy liver. It was 2 years ago that I started the process. I had been spending $35 a month on single use eye drops because of eye inflammation. So since then I have saved $840 on eye drops. Also, I was spending $60 a year on ear guards because of skin outbreaks on my ears. Total saved on ear guards for 2 years $120. That comes to $960. Net cost of treatment was around $500. Oh yes, and I have a healthy liver.

    diagnosed in 2006
    Tx naive
    Treatment started 8/12/16, Ledipasvir/ Sofosbuvir (Harvoni) supplied by Monkmed
    8/1/16 ALT 36 AST 40
    1/4/17 ALT 17 AST 21
    7/13/17 ALT 17 AST 25
    12/28/17 ALT 22 AST26
    2/22/18 ALT 19 AST 25
    7/10/18 ALT 26 AST 32
    1/8/19 ALT 16 AST 28
    7/2/19 ALT 16 AST 26
    Hcv Rna, Quantitative Real Time Pcr <15 NOT DETECTED (IU/mL) NOT DETECTED

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello beahavan,

    That’s a good way to look at it.

    For a patient with Hep C the single most cost-effective health intervention is to treat the Hep C.

    The Gilead price was based (to a degree) on how costly Hep C and associated things are to treat (on average).

    While it is common for all sorts of weird medical conditions to simply go away with treatment the usual benefits are:

    1. More energy and mental clarity
    2. The psychological release of knowing you don’t have it and are not infectious
    3. 1/3 the rate of all cause mortality (compared to having Hep C)

    So the results of treatment are live longer with a better quality of life.


    Avatar photoSven
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Thinking about what you said “say Fuck You”. Then you said well you don’t need to bother saying that just get you cure here.

    Well…..I must say “you can” say that because big pharmaceutical is saying “fuck you” when you ask them for help curing your HCV. Then they’ll tell you, like they told me, “ok we’ll help” you can pay us $90,000.00 USD instead of the $110,000.000. “Fuck you” is appropriate. :)

    Here I paid under $2000 USD for the full treatment with doctors included and I am cured. This is the 1 and only place where transparency is true and pricing is just.
    Treat now and be cured by summer’s end.

    Contracted HCV 1980’s
    Geno Type 1a
    F3 ( doc says once treated I’ll be F2 maybe F1)
    Meds shipped 6/17/2016 arrived early 7/2016

    Viral count – 3,471,080

    4 week quantitative bloods: August 17, 2016. I have been diagnosed as <15 (told undetected)

    8 week quantitative bloods: September 14th. I have been diagnosed as <15 (told undetected)

    11 week PCR RNA Qualitative bloods: September 26th 2016 – Undetected

    December 19th 2016: Cured!
    Viral count: zero!!!
    2018 viral count: still zero!

    Avatar photobeaches
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Love your guts, Greedfighter. What you say is spot on.

    I’m in Australia, and the way the dice fell for me is that the Australian government did an enlightened thing and put HCV treatments on the Public Benefits System just about when I was seriously looking at generics (my specialist at the public hospital told me to wait a few month because she knew it was coming even though I didn’t believe her. Thanks Dr P.)

    If you have gone through the nightmare that is interferon/ribavirin and are feeling nervous, well while I refused those I can still tell you the DAA treatment I had (Harvoni) was a very very easy treatment and I started feeling better within days.

    I have my life back. That’s all I can say.

    Genotype 1a
    Diagnosed in 2004, had HCV for all my adult life. Until 2016!!!!
    Harvoni treatment, started 19 March 2016
    4 week results Bilirubin 12 down from 14 pre treatment,
    Gamma 25 down from 52, ALT 19 down from 63, AST 19 down from 47,
    VL <15 down from a lazy 6 million or so

    EOT Results
    Bilirubin 10, GGT 18, ALT 19, AST 21, VL UND

    12 Weeks post EOT
    Bilirubin 11, GGT 16, ALT 22, AST 20, VL UND
    Cured baby

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    Sven says:

    “Well…..I must say “you can” say that because big pharmaceutical is saying “fuck you” when you ask them for help curing your HCV. Then they’ll tell you, like they told me, “ok we’ll help” you can pay us $90,000.00 USD instead of the $110,000.000. “Fuck you” is appropriate. :)

    I couldn’t agree more. I certainly have no love for the greedy insurance companies (albeit they covered me without having to wrestle with them) however to me this is where the evil and greed really is ….with big pharma.

    I was one of the first patients in a trial for a DAA in 2010. I failed the treatment and ended up with a VERY resistant Ns5a mutation enhanced strictly from being in the trial.

    Years later when there was a viable treatment for me to try my Hepatologist and myself went to the drug company first to see if they would help with coverage. My Hepa told them “look this patient entered a trial and failed the treatment and ended up with resistance enhanced because of that and now she needs some help with a drug that may work. They said NOPE she is on her own.

    Then I went to my insurance co. and I must admit they fought with the drug company for months to try and get a discount from the ridiculous 75 grand they wanted and and all they reduced it was 10grand.

    Last I checked Gilead in their last quarter report has made >22 Billion off the HCV drugs alone (Thats with a b) and refused to help someone who was in a small way, by being in a trial for them was able to make that kind of money.

    Thats were I say the absolute greed lies. They have no soul!


    Diagnosed: 2001 GT1a , HCV since mid-70’s.
    Biopsy 2010 F1
    Fibroscan and Fibrosure 2018 F2

    Treated in trial 2010 with Dac/Peg/ Riba and Relapsed.

    Resistance test 2017. Have Ns5a Rav Q30r/H58d enhanced from doing Dac.

    Start Tx. Jan 18th/18 w/ Vosevi /Riba 12wks. plus 6 wks.Viekira Pak +Sof/Riba(From Dr Freeman @GP2U)

    VL start: 1.6mill.ALT 125 AST 88
    Wk. 4 Det @LLOQ <15.
    VL Wk.8 UND Alt &Ast 22
    Wk. 12 UND

    EOT+12 >>>UND (SVR12)! ALT11 AST13
    Nov6/18 SVR 24!

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Wow, what a story Stongbird, thank you for sharing it. I knew big pharma was disgusting greedy, but that’s just pure evil stuff :(

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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