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  • #20986
    Avatar photoPrice
    • Guardian Angel
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    fitz wrote:

    because most of them don’t seem to have the slightest idea about it. The level of ignorance is tragic and astounding!

    Wait a minute, I just gave you the answer.


    Avatar photoMeg
    • Topics: 3
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    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I believe doctors in general worldwide don’t have much knowledge about the wide spread consequences of Hep C and tend to focus on the liver only. My gynecologist in Brazil who monitored me for years since I was first diagnosed with Hep C in 2007 told me not to worry about it since my liver enzymes were within normal range with low fibrosis. She went on giving me other medications for extra hepatic issues. Only now – after being on DAAs and being monitored by a gastro – I learned I have Cryoglobulinemia. Not even the back pain specialist I consulted last year – was able to tell my back and joint pains were due Hep C.

    Blood transfusion in 1992 – Diagnosed in 2007
    Tx naive -G1b – F1
    VL 2.270.000
    ALT 40
    Start tx June 4th/2016 with DAAs – Sof/Led from India
    Bloods on two weeks of tx (June 18th)
    AST 17 – ALT 10 – GGT 19
    Virus UND
    Bloods on six weeks of tx (July 16th)
    AST 17 – ALT 8 – GGT 12
    Virus UND
    EOT on August 8th (did 9 weeks and 3 days)

    SVR 4 Virus UND (September 7th)
    AST 13 – ALT 5

    SVR 14 Virus UND (November 12th)

    Avatar photofitz
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    Price wrote:

    fitz wrote:

    because most of them don’t seem to have the slightest idea about it. The level of ignorance is tragic and astounding!

    Wait a minute, I just gave you the answer.


    So you did (just now) :P But you aren’t in any of the physicians offices I visit. Two of whom I specifically asked about the (what I now know is) HCV/Cryo related Petechiae on my ankles and feet. Their guesses were 1) “I don’t know what that is. Don’t worry about it”. And, 2) “Maybe it is tattooing from the ibuprofen you are taking for your severe joint pain. Take less.”

    Honestly – frigging clueless…. These are good people, but REALLY?

    My orthopedic surgeon, and neurosurgeon appeared to know nothing about it either. I asked them both about the possible source of the joint problems on multiple occasions. They did not know. These are learned people. Yet they don’t seem to have a clue.

    Price, I guess we just have to figure out how to clone you, and slip you in the side door of their practices so that someone actually has the answers.

    ETA: The purpura on my arms have faded, leaving only areas of normally pigmented skin which are slightly drier than the surrounding areas. The Petechiea on my feet are now completely gone with only a small, fading bit remaining just above each of my ankles.

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